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Bug Bomber< >Builderland: The Story Of Melba

Buggy Boy (Elite)

download the install packageBuggyBoy.lha
created at2022-04-19
size of install package56930 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker675
Hall Of Light236
Lemon Amiga204

Short:    HD-Installer for Buggy Boy V1.2
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com), ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.3
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Buggy Boy" (c) 1988 Elite - 1 disk.
This version supports: - Original version (Wolfgang Unger)
                       - Tenstar pack (Adrian Simpson and Carlo Pirri)

- Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
- Game requires 512kb chip mem (+0.4Mb other memory for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- Copy protection removed
- Loads and saves high scores
- All files can be compressed to save space (FImp, Propack etc)
- All operating system calls emulated (a mini OSEmu you might say!)
- Atari ST palette access fault removed (lea $ffff824c,a2)
- Keyboard handler added
- Instructions included
- Buttonwait tooltype added for title picture
- RomIcon, NewIcon and GlowIcon (all created by Frank!)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

Version 1.3 (13.04.2022) done by Codetapper:
- Added frame rate/speed control
- Added trainer

Version 1.2 done by Codetapper:
- Also supports the Tenstar pack version
- Added 2 Exotic icons (taken from http://exotica.fix.no)

Version 1.1:
- Colour bit fix in bplcon0 (x2)

Do not use the flag NOWRITECACHE with this game or it will lock up after
saving the high scores.

The copy protection and encryption in this game was quite interesting but
eventually it succumbed! If you think you're a legend at this game, try it
with caches enabled on a grunty Amiga :)

Greetings to Wolfgang, Adrian and Carlo for the original, Carlo and Frank for 
testing, all Action members and the WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (23-Nov-2001)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
BuggyBoy.slave - 13.04.2022 23:45:44 - 3488 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameBuggy Boy
info copy1988 Elite
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.3 (13-apr-2022 23:45:41)
Thanks to Wolfgang Unger, Adrian Simpson, Carlo Pirri
and Paul Vernon for the originals and Frank for the icons!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:B:Infinite Time
C2:L:Max Frame Rate:Default speed,25fps,17fps,13fps,10fps,8fps,7fps,6fps
C3:B:Enable CD32 joypad controller

Install Archive Content Listing
95361lh55987Amiga2001-11-22 13:24:52BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.enewicon
130931lh512612Amiga2001-11-22 13:25:26BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.exoticon
77651lh57147Amiga2001-03-25 21:51:46BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.glowicon
6401lh5340Amiga2001-03-26 20:55:36BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.highs
125281lh55597Amiga2001-11-23 01:20:26BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.inf
3041lh5238Amiga2001-11-23 01:20:56BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.islave
129821lh54687Amiga2001-11-23 00:09:44BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.newicon
34881lh52328Amiga2022-04-13 23:45:44BuggyBoyInstall/BuggyBoy.slave
55081lh51629Amiga2001-11-23 17:37:24BuggyBoyInstall/Install
7091lh5355Amiga2001-03-24 22:07:16BuggyBoyInstall/Install.info
26401lh5986Amiga2001-03-24 21:44:34BuggyBoyInstall/Instructions
20401lh51582Amiga2001-03-11 18:47:34BuggyBoyInstall/Instructions.info
23511lh51144Amiga2022-04-13 23:44:58BuggyBoyInstall/ReadMe
20401lh51581Amiga2001-03-11 18:47:34BuggyBoyInstall/ReadMe.info
211341lh56125Amiga2022-04-13 23:45:44BuggyBoyInstall/source/BuggyBoyHD.s
33911lh5993Amiga2022-04-13 23:45:44BuggyBoyInstall/source/BuggyBoy.islave.s
4181lh5269Amiga2022-04-10 19:09:40BuggyBoyInstall/source/Makefile_windows.mak
67301lh52135Amiga2022-04-13 23:45:44BuggyBoyInstall/source/ReadJoypad.s

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