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Alien III< >Alien Bash

Alien Bash 2 (Glen Cumming/Myles Jeffery)

download the install packageAlienBash2.lha
created at2007-06-08
size of install package27306 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal
Mantis BugTracker53
Hall Of Light5406
Lemon Amiga2499

Short : HD-Installer for Alien Bash 2 V1.2
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal

This patch applies to "Alien Bash 2" by Glen Cumming/Myles Jeffery (c) 1995 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+, install needs XFDDecrunch in path.
Game requires 0.73MB ChipRAM + 0.73MB any RAM (+ 1.1MB for PreLoad)

- Full load from HD
- Access faults fixed (3x)
- Highscores are saved
- Trainer option added (set CUSTOM1=1 tooltype)
- OS emulation module used
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)

V1.0 (27-Mar-2001) - first public release
V1.1 (22-May-2001) - game can use fast RAM now, added default quit key in slave
V1.2 (02-Jun-2007) - extra sounds enabled (memory requirements changed) -> no more access faults

 CUSTOM1=1 tooltype gives you 5 energy bars, it will save you some money and
game is more playable. CUSTOM2=1 turns on unlimited energy, but game becomes
boring slideshow after using this :)

      Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
AlienBash2.slave - 07.06.2007 10:06:10 - 548 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory704 KiB ($b0000)
required Expansion Memory704 KiB ($b0000)
info nameAlien Bash 2
info copy1995 Glen Cumming/Myles Jeffery
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal
V1.2 (02-Jun-2007)

Install Archive Content Listing
46470lh515212007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\AlienBash2.inf
84750lh534032007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\AlienBash2.newicon
10580lh56582007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\AlienBash2.readme
20400lh515802007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\AlienBash2.readme.info
5480lh54552007-06-07 10:06:10AlienBash2HD\AlienBash2.slave
12330lh55882007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD.info
31340lh510942007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\Install
7100lh53572007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\Install.info
279440lh5158602007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\OSEmu.400
29820lh512792007-06-07 10:04:16AlienBash2HD\source\AlienBash2.asm

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