RawDIC - Change Log RawDIC - 6.0 (Released 2022-06-07) [ View Issues ] ================================== - 0003968: [General] Defininig a tracklist with tracks in reversed order gives "No Disk in Drive" Error (Wepl) - closed. - 0004306: [General] use best part of saved path for file select (Wepl) - closed.
[2 issues]
RawDIC - 5.0 (Released 2017-11-08) [ View Issues ] ================================== - 0002924: [General] No disk in drive message reverts to installing disk 1 (Wepl) - closed. - 0002925: [General] File exceeds diskimage message (Wepl) - closed.
WHDLoad - 19.0 (Released 2024-09-15) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0006002: [General] Very long loading times with network connected (Wepl) - closed. - 0006261: [General] DOS-Error #63 (Wepl) - closed. - 0006398: [General] I/O error while using options SavePath=RAM: NoWriteCache and WHDload v18.7+ (Wepl) - closed.
[3 issues]
WHDLoad - 18.9 (Released 2023-05-05) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0005880: [General] Documentation issue with options 'ExecutePreDisk' and 'ExecutePostDisk' (Wepl) - closed. - 0006077: [General] resload_Listfiles doesn't work with PRELOAD (Wepl) - closed. - 0006078: [General] resload_SaveFileOffset causes file corruption if NOWRITECACHE used (Wepl) - closed. - 0006106: [General] Latest beta does not close correctly when using KGIconload (Wepl) - closed. - 0006138: [General] Quitkey info on the splash screen shows garbled text (Wepl) - closed.
[5 issues]
WHDLoad - 18.8 (Released 2022-05-30) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0005525: [General] Saving doesn't work on WHDLoad 18.7 (Wepl) - closed. - 0005536: [General] 7 games that give error message while trying to save a new character (Wepl) - closed. - 0005580: [General] Control splash screen with joystick / joypad (Wepl) - closed.
[3 issues]
WHDLoad - 18.7 (Released 2021-12-21) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0005171: [General] Return Code when user aborts loading with the 'Esc' key on splash window (Wepl) - closed. - 0005146: [General] Down-Arrow key is not working when WHDLoad is loaded from the CLI (Wepl) - closed. - 0005153: [General] PreloadSize tooltype issue (Wepl) - closed. - 0005263: [General] WRITECACHE override for slave icon tooltips (Wepl) - closed.
WHDLoad - 17.2 (Released 2013-12-02) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0002668: [General] MuFore hits when launching games (WHDLoad 17.2) (Wepl) - closed. - 0002564: [General] Problem with WHDLoad and SRAM (Wepl) - closed. - 0002671: [General] Moonstone broken in 17.2 (Wepl) - closed. - 0002633: [General] WHDLoadCD32 17.Exception messages. (Wepl) - closed.
[4 issues]
WHDLoad - 17.0 (Released 2011-09-05) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0002172: [General] Hi, When I load Out Run Europa I get this error. Exception "Illegal (Wepl) - closed. - 0002154: [General] DOS-Error #205 when starting the game (Wepl) - closed. - 0002115: [General] The Installer file shipped with WHDLoad 16.9 is not 68000 compatible. (Wepl) - closed.