That patch applies to Emerald Mine 2 (c) 1988 Kingsoft.
This install has the slave-version 0.91.
It needs WHDLoad16 or higher in the path (eg in c:).
Fixed: CPU dependend loops.
Interrupt acknowledge (fixing a hangup after title screen).
Due a programming fault, a few random instructions were overwritten
when completing a level, leading to strange effects in the game.
Level 73 diamond count corrected, it was previously unsolvable.
Either reinstall or copy the file 73 to data/pla/
Note: One version is supported (IPF1520). The version of the Emerald
Mines CD is the same (copy it from the "_OLD_EM/2/" directory
to a disk named "Emerald Mine II" if you want to install it).
To install this you need your game disk.
Please be patient while creating the highscore files, the installer
will flicker during this.
There will be a question at installation if you want to install
your playfield disk.
Random generator took values from the Kickrom, replaced and stone
pushing probability adapted to original generator. Please file
a bug report if a stone pushing level is still impossible, or
if another random dependend behaviour is weird.
There are still some time dependend loops in the editor,
but I have to look further how to fix this.
History: V0.9 - 2012-jun-23 Initial slave version.
V0.91 - 2012-jul-22 Stone pushing probability adapted to new
random generator.
V0.91b - 2012-nov-24 Level 73 corrected.
The install is tested on an 18 MB 68030 and on E-UAE.
It needs 896 kB Chipmem, 256 kB arbitrary memory and additionally 800 kB
for preload.
Disclaimer: Install is Freeware and sourcecode is included.
You use the install wholly on your own risk.
Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha
Other installs:
Report bugs with the bug report form on that page.
Have fun,
Harry. |