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Alien Breed< >Alien Drug Lords: The Chyropian Connection

Alien Breed Tower Assault (Team 17)

download the install packageAlienBreedTA.lha
created at2019-08-27
size of install package105301 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker530
Hall Of Light3240
Lemon Amiga58

Short : HD-Installer for Alien Breed Tower Assault
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Alien Breed Tower Assault" © 1994 Team 17
It supports floppy disks (v1.0 & v1.1) and CD32 version.

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 18+
 -   1 MB ChipMem for A1200 enhancements  (requires AGA chipset)
 - 512 KB ChipMem for the ECS/512 KB version
 - 512 KB OtherMem

Version 1.3 (14.08.2019) by Psygore:
 - Some levels contain an exit which doesn't exist then it jumps to level 0
   and your game is over (ie. level 44 Corridor 15). It's fixed now, using
   cheat/debug mode too.
 - End music is played correctly in ECS version (wrong pointer module) 
 - Cheat/debug mode can be enabled with CUSTOM3 (ABTA v1.1 only)
 - Manual, LevelsInfo and some codes added
 - Install script updated

Version 1.2 (17.12.2011) by Psygore:
 - Disks v1.0 weren't supported, fixed now
 - Added a newicon by Frank

Version 1.1 (08.12.2011) by Psygore:
 - Support version 1.1 (thanks to Dlfrsilver) and CD32 version
 - Access fault removed (when shooting with some weapons)
 - Fastmem requirements reduced
 - Resume game feature removed (P+ESC)
 - Infinite loop routine fixed when 2nd button is pressed in hiscore (v1.1/CD32)
 - BowIcons added
 - New install script

Version 1.0 (05.08.2001) by Psygore:
 - Nice Glow/NewIcons included
 - SSP/USP moved to fast memory
 - Caches enabled
 - Main prog relocated in fast memory
 - Decrunch ATN! files via WHDLoad
 - Load/Save hiscores from HD
 - Quit with F10

Set CUSTOM1=1 to force loading ecs version with the standard slave.
Set CUSTOM2=1-55 for choosing level (press anytime F1 to set level 1).
Set CUSTOM3=1 to enable cheat/debug mode (ABTA v1.1 only).

A special code "HGKCSLEASDCAAACA" jumps to level 54 but it does not exist
as it is the end part and crashes the game, you will get level 1 instead.

This slave does not support the intro and end sequence anim from the CD32
version. If you try the end sequence code, the slave will quit the game.

		   Cheat/debug mode-----"POIUYTREWQ654321"

 F1-5		= select weapons
 F6 		= increase p1 weapon
 F7 		= increase p2 weapon
 F9		= turn some collisions on/off
 HELP 		= level selection
 		  (need 2 digits after pressing this key.
		  To select 2nd level, enter: 02)
 L		= increase both players lives
 N/1 		= jump to exit 1
 2   		= jump to exit 2
 3  		= jump to exit 3
 Numpad enter	= next level
 Numpad 1 	= kill p1
 Numpad 2 	= kill p2

             Cheat mode (from SweetCheater by Keith Krellwitz):

                                (LEVEL CODES)

                    Security level 3----"FCDBMDEASDCAAADM"
                    Security level 3----"FCCELDAAHDCAAAEK"

                    Engineering level 1-"FKBDMDEAFDCAAAEB"

                    Science level 3-----"JGCJNDEAPDCAAACS"

                    Military level 3----"EPAEMDEBBDCAAAEA"
                    Military level 3----"IPCBSDADSDCAAACI"

                    Main tower level 2--"LAAPJDAISDCAAACM"
                    Main tower level 2--"LACJPDADSDCAAACS"
                    Main tower level 3--"HCAPJDADSDCAAADD"
                    Main tower level 4--"HCBPSLADSDCAAACB"

                    Stores level 3------"EJDCPDAASDCAAADG"

                    Civilian level 3----"EEHBNDAASDCAAADK"

                             Miscellaneous Codes

        Here is a code that give you extras cash, lives, and keys:
                "EBSSSCAAHAAAAACN"-7 lives and 255,000 credits.

Thanks to :
 - Eric Ehrhardt for the original game.
 - Codetapper for his Rob Northen PDos imager.

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 08.2019

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
AlienBreedTA_ECS.slave - 14.08.2019 14:52:24 - 1960 bytes
required WHDLoad version18
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory508 KiB ($7f000)
info nameAlien Breed Tower Assault
info copy1994 Team 17
info installECS/512 KB version
Installed by Psygore
Version 1.3 (14 Aug 2019)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC3:B:Cheat/Debug Mode (ABTA v1.1)
AlienBreedTA.slave - 14.08.2019 14:52:24 - 2612 bytes
required WHDLoad version18
flagsNoError Req68020 ReqAGA ClearMem
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
required Expansion Memory532 KiB ($85000)
info nameAlien Breed Tower Assault
info copy1994 Team 17
info installInstalled by Psygore
Version 1.3 (14 Aug 2019)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:B:Load ECS version
C3:B:Cheat/Debug Mode (ABTA v1.1)

Install Archive Content Listing
211331lh518384Amiga2011-12-08 22:15:40AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.colbox
258791lh521574Amiga2011-12-08 22:15:40AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.colbox2
151351lh59276Amiga2011-12-08 22:15:40AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.colicon
19601lh51477Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA_ECS.slave
5601lh5375Amiga2011-12-08 22:15:40AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.islave
186811lh511052Amiga2011-12-17 11:11:26AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.newfrank
99441lh53733Amiga2011-12-08 22:15:40AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.newicon
26121lh51915Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/AlienBreedTA.slave
16581lh5580Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Codes
19901lh51311Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Codes.info
39751lh51791Amiga2019-08-07 07:36:28AlienBreedTAHD.info
397581lh59924Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Install-AlienBreedTA
37151lh52579Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Install-AlienBreedTA.info
34551lh5713Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/LevelsInfo
19901lh51310Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/LevelsInfo.info
118571lh55307Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Manual
19901lh51312Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/Manual.info
45091lh51964Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/ReadMe
19901lh51311Amiga2019-08-14 14:52:24AlienBreedTAHD/ReadMe.info
81121lh08112Amiga2019-08-22 12:31:10AlienBreedTAHD/src/AlienBreedTAHD_src.lzx

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