| | 0001784 | | [Gunshoot] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-11-17 | 2009-04-10 | Gunshoot: Error message on attempting to load game reads:- Function | A1200 | 16.8 |
| | 0001767 | | [MortalKombat] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-10-13 | 2009-04-10 | Mortal Kombat: Next to the Access Fault which appears when you finish the game | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001740 | | [SuperStarDust] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2007-09-13 | 2009-04-10 | Super Stardust: Please also make support for the CD32 Version of Super | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001736 | | [Zool2] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-09-10 | 2009-04-10 | Zool 2: CD32 support, please! | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001712 | | [BabyJoInGoingHome] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-08-07 | 2009-04-10 | Baby Jo In Going Home: Hi, I've just installed Baby Jo, when I go to play it I | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001710 | | [Crackdown] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2007-08-03 | 2009-04-10 | Crackdown: Hi, I have gfx faults with this game on one 040 CPU. I have tried | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001702 | | [MortalKombat] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-07-27 | 2009-04-10 | Mortal Kombat: Are there any chances for the fix of the outro? When you finish | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001679 | | [SWOS] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2007-06-11 | 2009-04-10 | Sensible World of Soccer: Hi, I see that the new SWOS installer is 99 | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001678 | | [AllTerrainRacingXmas] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-06-10 | 2009-04-10 | All Terrain Racing Xmas: sorry for the bug report earlier but the issue came | A500 | 16.7 |
| | 0001676 | | [AllTerrainRacingXmas] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-06-10 | 2009-04-10 | All Terrain Racing Xmas: Hey there :) I tried to play the latest atr xmas patch | CD32 | 16.7 |
| | 0001654 | | [BartVsSpaceMutants] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2007-05-12 | 2009-04-10 | Bart vs. the Space Mutants: Hi the install works weel here but I'm unable to | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001629 | | [Mercenary2] General | assigned (Graham) | 2007-03-31 | 2009-04-10 | Mercenary 2 - Damocles: Thanks for doing this great install. However I have | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001625 | | [Striker] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2007-03-11 | 2009-04-10 | Striker: COPYFILES: Problem with source file/drawer "ram:AMIG7" in line 78. DOS | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001589 | | [TBL_Nugget] General | assigned (Musashi5150) | 2006-12-20 | 2009-04-10 | Nugget: have tried the aminet version of the demo? maybe it differs. stops | A4000 | 16.7 |
| | 0001584 | | [AbraCadabra] General | assigned (Agressor) | 2006-12-08 | 2009-04-10 | Abra Cadabra / Baba Yaga: Hi, The game not work on .040 CPU ( black screen).:( | A1200 | 16.7 |
| | 0001572 | | [TFF_Voyage] General | assigned (Bored Seal) | 2006-11-18 | 2009-04-10 | Voyage: hello there is a problem with the secon part of this demo. only musik, | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001548 | | [SuperStreetFighter2Turbo] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-10-22 | 2009-04-10 | Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: After loading, a black screen appears, followed | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001528 | | [SWOS] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2006-10-02 | 2009-04-10 | Sensible World of Soccer: I got SWOS 95/96. The game installs fine but is quite | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001522 | | [BartVsSpaceMutants] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-09-27 | 2009-04-10 | Bart vs. the Space Mutants: Hi, me again! Nothing major this time, just can't | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001516 | | [WildCupSoccer] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-09-25 | 2009-04-10 | Wild Cup Soccer: My version is for CD32 and the current installer don't support | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001478 | | [Walker] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-08-19 | 2009-04-10 | Walker: For Walker.slave: If I start the game and wait until the rendered | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001454 | | [BarbarianPalace] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-07-27 | 2009-04-10 | Barbarian (Palace): The game loads fine and plays the demonstration sequence | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001453 | | [Digital_LethalExit] General | assigned (Wepl) | 2006-07-26 | 2009-04-10 | Lethal Exit: When starting the demo, after the WHDLoad window disappears, I get | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001450 | | [PersianGulfInferno] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-07-23 | 2009-04-10 | Persian Gulf Inferno: Did you try to complete this game after installing it | A1200 | 16.4 |
| | 0001445 | | [Andromeda_SevenSeas] General | assigned (Wepl) | 2006-07-19 | 2009-04-10 | Seven Seas: When loading, after the WHDLoad window has closed, I get a black | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001443 | | [Scoopex_MentalHangover] General | assigned (Wepl) | 2006-07-18 | 2009-04-10 | Mental Hangover: After the WHDLoad window closes, I get a black screen for a | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001442 | | [Sanity_Arte] General | assigned (Wepl) | 2006-07-18 | 2009-04-10 | Arte: After the WHDLoad window has closed, I get a black screen for a brief | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001438 | | [Alien3] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2006-07-17 | 2009-04-10 | Alien III: Could weapon selection be added to JoyFire2? When single button | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001437 | | [NorthSeaInferno] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-07-17 | 2009-04-10 | North Sea Inferno: Would it be possible to use JoyFire2 to change weapons | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001434 | | [Lotus3] General | assigned (Bored Seal) | 2006-07-15 | 2009-04-10 | Lotus 3: Hi, Will there be support fot the Lotus III disk images on the Lotus | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001396 | | [TennisChamps] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-07-01 | 2009-04-10 | Tennis Champs: After choosing my player and court type there is a black screen | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001393 | | [SaintAndGreavsie] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-07-01 | 2009-04-10 | Saint & Greavsie: There are graphic errors on the right side of the screen, | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001365 | | [TieBreak] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-06-18 | 2009-04-10 | Tie-Break: hello! do you want the cdtv version of Tie Break? wolfgang | A500 | 16.6 |
| | 0001354 | | [CaliforniaGames] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-06-09 | 2009-04-10 | California Games: Hi! I bought Mega Sports (which includes Cal Games) recently. | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001332 | | [TinySkweeks] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-05-20 | 2009-04-10 | Tiny Skweeks: Hey Phil Any chance of some Joystick support for the options and | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001325 | | [Alien3] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2006-05-15 | 2009-04-10 | Alien III: Any chance of making Joy Button 2 change weapons instead of having | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001305 | | [Voyager] General | assigned (Graham) | 2006-04-25 | 2009-04-10 | Voyager: I own a Light Force version of this game and have encountered an | A1200 | 16.6 |
| | 0001300 | | [Zool2] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-04-22 | 2009-04-10 | Zool 2: After running the slave, the screen goes black for a second then it | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001297 | | [Anarchy_Madness] General | assigned (GalahadFLT) | 2006-04-17 | 2009-04-10 | Madness: I'm having a job installing, do we have to use Httpresume? it won't | A3000 | 16.5 |
| | 0001284 | | [Lotus3] General | assigned (Bored Seal) | 2006-04-09 | 2009-04-10 | Lotus 3: Would it be possible to add BUTTONWAIT option during loading the level | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001274 | | [Complex_PeeWee] General | assigned (Psygore) | 2006-03-29 | 2009-04-10 | Pee Wee: Everything goes OK until the moment of screen with some letters. It is | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001273 | | [Complex_Origin] General | assigned (Graham) | 2006-03-29 | 2009-04-10 | Origin: There are some corruptions of graphics at the very beginning. When | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001272 | | [Delight_Explorer] General | assigned (Graham) | 2006-03-29 | 2009-04-10 | Explorer: Only Intel Outside animation appears and then the screen goes black | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001253 | | [InsanityFight] General | assigned (Bored Seal) | 2006-03-14 | 2009-04-10 | Insanity Fight: The game loader reports No sector header and DIC has failed to | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001252 | | [BuggyBoy] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-03-14 | 2009-04-10 | Buggy Boy: The game reports:- Exception "Illegal instruction" ($10) at | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001249 | | [Shuttle] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-03-13 | 2009-04-10 | Shuttle: I think I reported a bug on this. It turns out the installer installed | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001229 | | [TeenageMutantHeroTurtles] General | assigned (Bored Seal) | 2006-02-25 | 2009-04-10 | Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Error "Sector missing on track 2" occurs when | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001222 | | [Shuttle] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-02-19 | 2009-04-10 | Shuttle: DOS-Error #205 (object not found) on reading "OSEmu.400" appears, but | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001189 | | [Stargoose] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-01-22 | 2009-04-10 | Stargoose: Please forget the previous report, I have now changed the tool type | A1200 | 16.5 |
| | 0001188 | | [Stargoose] General | assigned (Codetapper) | 2006-01-22 | 2009-04-10 | Stargoose: The install appears fine, but on loading the game, the picture jumps | A1200 | 16.5 |