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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006568CannonFodder[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-09-04 22:33
Assigned ToWeplProject InfoCannon Fodder (Sensible Software)
Summary0006568: I will paste what I already posted on eab. CannonFodder on A530 + WHDLOAD -
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,3 disks
SlaveVersion: CannonFodder.Slave - 17.06.2018 23:23:26

I will paste what I already posted on eab.
CannonFodder on A530 + WHDLOAD - performance is trash. Game is unplayable - super slow. Second mission will show you why.
CannonFodder on HD8+ WHDLOAD - stock a500 performance. Quick Loading.
CannonFodder on A530 on Gotek/FDD - perfect performance ingame. Zero lags. Steady framerate like on CD32 with TF328/fastram. Perfect.
So in this game combo WHDLOAD with A530 destroys performance. I wonder if it is fixable and what is the reason behind this. Or is this Chipmem issue. Clearly the game can take advantage of A530 but only from floppy. So it is possible.
CannonFodder on A530 + JST runs 100% better than on WHDLOAD on the same slave. It is playable... I would say the performance is close to stock A500 sometimes worse sometimes even better. There are slowdowns.
CF is one of the best games ever - at least for me. If it is possible to track down why this is happening - cool!!!
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM46 - Kick 3.1.4
Attached Files

has duplicate 0006567closedWepl CannonFodder on A530 


note ~0013897

Wepl (manager)

problem is probably that code is located in chip memory

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-04 22:21 administrator New Issue
2024-09-04 22:21 administrator Status new => assigned
2024-09-04 22:21 administrator Assigned To => Wepl
2024-09-04 22:25 Wepl Relationship added has duplicate 0006567
2024-09-04 22:33 Wepl Note Added: 0013897
+Issue History