2025-02-17 05:30 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006504Pitfighter[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-06-11 05:50
ReporterAlex C 
Assigned ToWeplProject InfoPitfighter (Domark/Teque)
Summary0006504: Hello. I hope you are fine. I’m writing hooping don’t disturb you. I’m making
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,2 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2000

Hello. I hope you are fine. I’m writing hooping don’t disturb you. I’m making my collection of Amiga Games with WHDLOAD and their source codes. I noted in yours there is no source code. In all the releases of my collection I have everything except Pit Fighter. Do you still have the source code maybe you missed when upload to Whdload? Or you ask donations for it? My email is field3d@hotmail.com
Thank you
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem256 KB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.2
KickROM47 - Kick 3.2
Attached Files
  • ? file icon Pitfighter.asm (2,090 bytes) 2024-05-29 21:40 -
    	INCDIR	"Include:"
    	INCLUDE	whdload.i
    _base		SLAVE_HEADER			;ws_Security + ws_ID
    		dc.w	7			;ws_Version
    		dc.w	WHDLF_NoError|WHDLF_EmulTrap		;ws_flags
    		dc.l	$80000			;ws_BaseMemSize
    		dc.l	$0			;ws_ExecInstall
    		dc.w	_Start-_base		;ws_GameLoader
    		dc.w	0			;ws_CurrentDir
    		dc.w	0			;ws_DontCache
    _keydebug	dc.b	0			;ws_keydebug
    _keyexit	dc.b	0			;ws_keyexit = F10
    		dc.b	'$VER: Pitfighter HD V1.1 by Bored Seal',0,0
    _Start		lea	(_resload,pc),a1
    		move.l	a0,(a1)			;save for later using
    		move.l	#$400,d0		;load boot and check version
    		move.l	#$1600,d1
    		clr.l	d2
    		bsr	Loader
    CheckVer	lea     $400,a0
    		move.l  #$1600,d0
    		move.l  (_resload,pc),a2
    		jsr     (resload_CRC16,a2)
    		lea	ver,a3
    		move.w	d0,(a3)
    		cmp.w   #$73FD,d0
    		beq	ChrisBoot
    		cmp.w   #$B4AC,d0
    		bne	Unsupported
    CondorBoot	move.l	#$400,d0
    		move.l	#1*$1600,d1
    		moveq	#$16,d2
    		bsr	Loader
    		bra	Patch
    ChrisBoot	move.l	#$400,d0
    		move.l	#1*$1600,d1
    		moveq	#$b,d2
    		bsr	Loader
    Patch		move.w	#$4ef9,$f76
    		pea	Loader
    		move.l	(sp)+,$f78
    		pea	Patch1
    		move.l	(sp)+,$1232
    		jmp	$400
    Patch1		move.w	#$4ef9,$3a2c
    		pea	Loader
    		move.l	(sp)+,$3a2e
    		pea	Patch2
    		move.l	(sp)+,$58ec
    		bra	Run2000
    Patch2		move.w	#$4ef9,$7ec90
    		pea	Patch3
    		move.l	(sp)+,$7ec92
    		jmp	$7ec78
    Patch3		move.w	#$4ef9,$2624
    		pea	Loader
    		move.l	(sp)+,$2626
    		move.l	a3,-(sp)
    		lea	ver,a3
    		cmp.w   #$73FD,(a3)
    		beq	ChrisProt
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$22ea		;crack RNC protection
    		pea	CondorCrack
    		move.l	(sp)+,$22ec
    		bra	Run2000
    ChrisProt	pea	ChrisCrack
    		move.l	(sp)+,$22ec
    Run2000		jmp	$2000
    CondorCrack	move.w	#$4e71,$e9c8		;fix snoop mode
    		jmp	$914c
    ChrisCrack	move.w	#$4e71,$e9ae		;fix clr.w $dff000
    		jmp	$9136
    Loader		MOVEM.L	D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP)
    		MOVEA.L	D0,A0
    		MOVE.L	D2,D0
    		MULU.W	#$200,D0
    		MOVEQ	#1,D2
    		cmp.l	#'GOD1',d3
    		bne	nodisk2
    		moveq	#2,d2
    nodisk2		MOVEA.L	(_resload,PC),A6
    		JSR	(resload_DiskLoad,A6)
    		MOVEM.L	(SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6
    		MOVEQ	#0,D0
    Unsupported	pea	TDREASON_WRONGVER
    		move.l	(_resload),-(a7)
    		add.l	#resload_Abort,(a7)
    _resload	dc.l	0			;address of resident loader
    ver		dc.w	0
    ? file icon Pitfighter.asm (2,090 bytes) 2024-05-29 21:40 +
  • jpeg file icon IMG_9644.jpeg (147,504 bytes) 2024-06-05 04:21 -
    jpeg file icon IMG_9644.jpeg (147,504 bytes) 2024-06-05 04:21 +
  • ? file icon MeanStreets.asm (4,641 bytes) 2024-06-10 23:23 -
    		INCDIR	"Include:"
    		INCLUDE	whdload.i
    _base		SLAVE_HEADER			;ws_Security + ws_ID
    		dc.w	10			;ws_Version
    		dc.w	WHDLF_NoError|WHDLF_ClearMem		;ws_flags
    		dc.l	$80000			;ws_BaseMemSize
    		dc.l	0			;ws_ExecInstall
    		dc.w	_Start-_base		;ws_GameLoader
    		dc.w	_dir-_base		;ws_CurrentDir
    		dc.w	0			;ws_DontCache
    _keydebug	dc.b	0			;ws_keydebug
    _keyexit	dc.b	$59			;ws_keyexit = F10
    _expmem		dc.l	0
    		dc.w	_name-_base		;ws_name
    		dc.w	_copy-_base		;ws_copy
    		dc.w	_info-_base		;ws_info
    _dir		dc.b	"data",0
    _name		dc.b	"Mean Streets",0
    _copy		dc.b	"1990 US Gold",0
    _info		dc.b	"installed & fixed by Bored Seal",10
    		dc.b	"V1.2 (17-Feb-2006)",0
    _Start		lea	(_resload,pc),a1
    		move.l	a0,(a1)			;save for later using
    		move.l	a0,a2
    		lea	filename,a0
    		lea	$200,a1
    		move.l	a1,-(sp)
    		jsr	(resload_LoadFile,a2)
    		move.l	(sp),a0
    		jsr	(resload_CRC16,a2)
    		move.l	(sp)+,a0
    		move.l	d0,-(sp)
    		suba.l	a1,a1
    		jsr	resload_Relocate(a2)
    		move.l	(sp)+,d0
    		lea	$100,a0			;snoop mode fix
    		move.l	#$fffffffe,(a0)
    		move.l	a0,$dff080
    		cmp.w	#$c82e,d0
    		beq	German
    		cmp.w	#$8a,d0
    		beq	French
    		cmp.w	#$1d99,d0
    		bne	Unsupported
    English		move.w	#$4e75,$63c8		;BFD access
    		move.w	#$4e75,$63e6
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5d8a
    		pea	LoadFile
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5d8c
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$61ca
    		pea	SaveGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$61cc
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$618c
    		pea	LoadGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$618e
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5d4c
    		pea	Relocate
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5d4e
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$678e		;fix keyboard
    		pea	KBDelay
    		move.l	(sp)+,$6790
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$59c0
    		pea	Patch_ENG
    		move.l	(sp)+,$59c2
    		jmp	$200
    German		move.w	#$4e75,$642a		;BFD access
    		move.w	#$4e75,$6448
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5dec
    		pea	LoadFile
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5dee
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$622c
    		pea	SaveGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$622e
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$61ee
    		pea	LoadGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$61f0
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5dae
    		pea	Relocate
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5db0
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$67f0		;fix keyboard
    		pea	KBDelay
    		move.l	(sp)+,$67f2
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$5a22
    		pea	Patch_GER
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5a24
    		jmp	$200
    French		move.w	#$4e75,$6418		;BFD access
    		move.w	#$4e75,$6436
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5dda
    		pea	LoadFile
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5ddc
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$621a
    		pea	SaveGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$621c
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$61dc
    		pea	LoadGame
    		move.l	(sp)+,$61de
    		move.w	#$4ef9,$5d9c
    		pea	Relocate
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5d9e
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$67de		;fix keyboard
    		pea	KBDelay
    		move.l	(sp)+,$67e0
    		move.w	#$4eb9,$5a10
    		pea	Patch_FRE
    		move.l	(sp)+,$5a12
    		jmp	$200
    Patch_GER	lea	$5a46,a0
    		cmp.l	#$61000102,$c93a	;FRONT.PRG
    		bne	go
    		move.w	#$6002,$c93a		;manual protection
    		jmp	(a6)
    Patch_FRE	lea	$5a34,a0
    		cmp.l	#$61000102,$ca0a	;FRONT.PRG
    		bne	go
    		move.w	#$6002,$ca0a		;manual protection
    		jmp	(a6)
    Patch_ENG	lea	$59e4,a0
    		cmp.l	#$61000102,$c8e6	;FRONT.PRG
    		bne	go
    		move.w	#$6002,$c8e6		;manual protection
    ;		move.w	#$4e75,$d1b8		;fix snoop bug - disable delays
    go		jmp	(a6)
    Relocate	LEA	($18,A0),A0
    		MOVE.L	(A0)+,D0
    		CMPI.W	#$3E9,D0
    		BNE.B	ccr1
    		MOVE.L	(A0)+,D0
    		LSL.L	#2,D0
    		LEA	(A0,D0.L),A1
    		MOVE.L	(A1)+,D0
    		CMPI.W	#$3EC,D0
    		BNE.B	ccr0
    		ADDQ.W	#8,A1
    		MOVE.L	A0,D1
    lab1		MOVE.L	(A1)+,D0
    		BEQ.B	ccr0
    		LEA	(A0,D0.L),A2
    		ADD.L	D1,(A2)
    		BRA.B	lab1
    ccr0		MOVE.W	#0,CCR
    ccr1		MOVE.W	#1,CCR
    KBDelay		moveq	#2,d1
    BM_1		move.w  d1,-(sp)
    		move.b	$dff006,d1	; VPOS
    BM_2		cmp.b	$dff006,d1
    		beq	BM_2
    		move.w	(sp)+,d1
    		dbf	d1,BM_1
    		clr.b	$bfec01
    LoadGame	lea	$700f8,a0		;correct adress
    		movem.l	d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp)
    		sub.l	#$6d5,d0		;substract offset
    		mulu.w	#$200,d0
    		move.l	#$200,d1		;size of savegame
    		moveq	#1,d2
    		move.l	(_resload,pc),a2
    		jsr	(resload_DiskLoad,a2)
    		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
    SaveGame	movem.l	d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp)
    		sub.l	#$6d5,d0		;substract offset
    		mulu.w	#$200,d0
    		move.l	d0,d1
    		move.l	#$200,d0
    		move.l	a0,a1
    		lea	savedisk,a0
    		move.l	(_resload,pc),a2
    		jsr	(resload_SaveFileOffset,a2)
    		movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
    LoadFile	movem.l d1/a0-a2,-(sp)
    		move.l	(a0)+,a1		;destination
    		bsr	FixName			;correct filename
    		move.l	(_resload,pc),a2
    		jsr	(resload_LoadFile,a2)
    		movem.l	(sp)+,d1/a0-a2		;result: d0=filesize
    FixName		cmp.w	#'A:',(a0)
    		bne	next
    		lea	3(a0),a0		;skip "A:\" path
    next		cmp.b	#$5c,(a0)
    		bne	fixpath
    		lea	1(a0),a0		;skip "\" path
    fixpath		move.l	a0,a2			;save filename adr
    replace		tst.b	(a2)			;end of filename string?
    		beq	done
    		cmp.b	#$5c,(a2)
    		bne	nextletter
    		move.b	#'/',(a2)		;insert correct "/" path
    nextletter	lea	1(a2),a2
    		bra	replace
    done		rts
    Unsupported	pea	TDREASON_WRONGVER
    		move.l	(_resload),-(a7)
    		add.l	#resload_Abort,(a7)
    _resload	dc.l	0
    filename	dc.b	"boot.prg",0
    savedisk	dc.b	"Disk.1",0
    ? file icon MeanStreets.asm (4,641 bytes) 2024-06-10 23:23 +



note ~0013729

Wepl (manager)

There are many installs without source.
I have all the sources from Bored Seal.
I can share this source if you have interest to improve it.
Please do not ask for sources just for collection reasons.

note ~0013730

Alex C (reporter)

Hello again. Yes in fact the sources like this one my purpose is I’m studying with help of others from eab forum how to improve.remove bugs, add more things. If you can send to check would be fine. I was an Amiga FAN before bankruptcy and I do developments, but now that I have time I’m returning to learn more and improve. For example now I’m removing bugs from creatures and ork, the sources in whdload have bugs and I’m removing them. If you can send would be fine. Thank you

note ~0013731

Alex C (reporter)

Another note. As I said I’m fixing some bugs in some sources. What is the procedure to upload a bug fixed source? Just to know. Just in case to have in my mind. Thank you

note ~0013733

Wepl (manager)

Source attached.
Prefered would be an updated install package which includes new Slave and updated ReadMe describing the changes made. Included source would be nice. Install package can be sent to release@whdload.de

note ~0013734

Alex C (reporter)

Ok. For now ORK and Creatures I fixed some bugs. I will try to test now in a physical CD32. The person who developed this, left the code as very old. with devpac in half and half modern but. I will try to finish that ones this week. Maybe are not impressive changes but they compile and some coding is updated. Thank you

note ~0013743

Alex C (reporter)

Hello again. I was exploring other release and it has bugs. Is the World Ciircuit. I want to check if I can fix. Added to the issue of NTSC it crash in AMIKIT and hundred of releases don’t crash. This one crash hard. Do you have source code for that one? Check photo of one example of crash. I think that can be integrated inside code to avoid issues. I see is from 2002 clearly needs updates.

I mean this source code:


I tried to upload a photo but it can’t as it says PHP size not allowed. Tthen I attach here in this server:


note ~0013744

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2024-06-02 22:42

View 2 revisions

Please ask Codetapper an eab for source code, he is still active.
The error picture from you is a WHDLoad problem and has nothing to do with the Slave. Probably you have NTSC option set and no NTSC monitor installed.

note ~0013755

Alex C (reporter)

Thank you for the tip. Yes I contacted him and woke he is amazing. Since 90’s he still active. Definitely is a master.

One more thing. I read that this one sadly the created passed and you made a memorial? That is sad really. When you hear news like this. I know it has a lot of time if is the same I speak but is sad.


Could you send the source for this one for last. I purchased the original and I will add more versions there.

THank you for all and the support

Thank you

note ~0013756

Alex C (reporter)

Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, my words about the memorial are valid. All my condolences.

However, I confused of Dick Tracy versions. What I have is the 3 disks versions is this one:


Sorry for the confusion. It marks me error also.

note ~0013757

Wepl (manager)

for "Dick Tracy - The Crime Solving Adventure" you may ask Cfou!
he is still active

note ~0013758

Alex C (reporter)

Ok. Thank you..

Do you know if for this one is active the user? Or do you have it?


Thank you

note ~0013759

Alex C (reporter)

Also I see you created the Aladdin. Do you have that one I have my original and I removed some things and would be good try.


Another thing. The shadow of the beast 2 has some errors:

error 2029 in "Beast2.s": branch destination out of range
> bsr.b Patcher

error 2029 in "Beast2.s": branch destination out of range
> bsr.b Swap2

error 2029 in "Beast2.s": branch destination out of range
> bsr.b Swap4

error 2029 in "Beast2.s": branch destination out of range
> bsr.b Swap6

error 2029 in line "Beast2.s": branch destination out of range
> bsr.b Swap8

The creators used ambiguos .b to call and is out of range due the distance required. Then I replaced that bsr.b to bsr.w and I’m fixing other things also. I just wanted to tell you. I’m fixing some things and in other slaves also.

note ~0013760

Alex C (reporter)

Oh the link of download is my error is this one sorry my bad:


note ~0013761

Wepl (manager)

You need to ask Psygore for source, I only have older sources.
For "shadow of the beast 2" just use the correct assembler options, there is no need to change anything there!

note ~0013762

Alex C (reporter)

Ok I will do. Other questions. I’m trying to make some installers but to compile I need the rawdic.i where can be found? And about Dojo Dan I tried to see is an old release but is not working the contact.

note ~0013763

Wepl (manager)

In the WHDLoad dev-package there is Extra/RawDIC61.lha
This contains the include file for RawDIC.
For DojoDan you may ask Abaddon on eab.

note ~0013767

Alex C (reporter)

I could download the RawDIC include. Thank you is very good. I’m now understanding the tracks and is amazing how you defined all of the if you want, skip if they have errors. etc.

I remember you have all Bored Seal. Do you have this one?


What I don’t luck how to contact is Psygore for Aladdin and CFOU for Dick Tracy Adventure. Any idea?

Thank you.

note ~0013768

Wepl (manager)

Psygore and Cfou are on eab too.

note ~0013770

Alex C (reporter)

Thank you. Yes I sent message to them I will wait answer.

Also for this one:


I tried to search Dark Angel and they site posted there and all is dead. Still exist that source in your backups?

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-29 09:33 administrator New Issue
2024-05-29 09:53 Wepl Note Added: 0013729
2024-05-29 09:53 Wepl Assigned To => Wepl
2024-05-29 09:53 Wepl Status new => closed
2024-05-29 09:53 Wepl Resolution open => no change required
2024-05-29 15:45 Alex C Status closed => feedback
2024-05-29 15:45 Alex C Resolution no change required => reopened
2024-05-29 15:45 Alex C Note Added: 0013730
2024-05-29 15:54 Alex C Note Added: 0013731
2024-05-29 15:54 Alex C Status feedback => assigned
2024-05-29 21:40 Wepl File Added: Pitfighter.asm
2024-05-29 21:43 Wepl Note Added: 0013733
2024-05-29 21:50 Alex C Note Added: 0013734
2024-06-02 22:32 Alex C Note Added: 0013743
2024-06-02 22:41 Wepl Note Added: 0013744
2024-06-02 22:42 Wepl Note Edited: 0013744 View Revisions
2024-06-05 03:59 Alex C Note Added: 0013755
2024-06-05 04:21 Alex C File Added: IMG_9644.jpeg
2024-06-05 04:21 Alex C Note Added: 0013756
2024-06-05 22:17 Wepl Note Added: 0013757
2024-06-07 03:09 Alex C Note Added: 0013758
2024-06-07 04:09 Alex C Note Added: 0013759
2024-06-07 04:11 Alex C Note Added: 0013760
2024-06-07 10:22 Wepl Note Added: 0013761
2024-06-07 17:06 Alex C Note Added: 0013762
2024-06-07 23:09 Wepl Note Added: 0013763
2024-06-10 17:29 Alex C Note Added: 0013767
2024-06-10 23:23 Wepl File Added: MeanStreets.asm
2024-06-10 23:23 Wepl Note Added: 0013768
2024-06-11 05:50 Alex C Note Added: 0013770
+Issue History