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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006400WHDLoad[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-12-03 09:45
Assigned ToWeplProject InfoHD-Installer for OS-Killer
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusclosedResolutionnot fixable 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006400: Request: a new WHDLoad Tooltype for execution speed regulation on expanded Amigas
DescriptionWith more Amigas running expanded configurations a lot of slaves run too fast or occasionally too slow on the faster Amiga CPU. Requesting a slave re-write isn't enjoyable and is time consuming for the reporter and slave coder.
(Win)UAE has an answer to this which is setting cycle-exact parameters on initialization. Running WHDLoad in (Win)UAE there is a setting that can effect the execution rate of the game -
ExecuteStartup=uae-configuration cpu_speed real cpu_multiplier=2 cycle_exact true cachesize 0
ExecuteCleanup=uae-configuration cycle_exact false cpu_speed max cachesize 8192

Is it possible for Wepl to create a new Tooltype that effects the same in WHDLoad?
Steps To ReproduceUAE
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem63 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0013588

Wepl (manager)

no technical solution known

note ~0013592

Snoopy1234 (reporter)

An example is the beta 0.2 slave for the Zenerdrive demo by paraj. It has a button selectable 0-9 speed rate accounting for stock to 060 cpu's. I thought it might be possible as a tooltype.

0.2 Zenerdrive slave attached.

note ~0013600

StingRay (developer)

This is not possible with a generic WHDLoad tool type. The speed regulation must be done per slave, as there are countless possibilities for the speed problems. WinUAE does not solve the problem with "cycle exact" either, but only ensures that the chipset runs at the same speed as on a real Amiga. Games/demos can still run much too fast with this setting.

note ~0013601

paraj (developer)

Obviously I agree with Wepl and StingRay here. FWIW it was possible to add a "generic" slowdown to Zener Drive because it has a single, critical function that is too fast on accelerated Amigas (doing a bunch of 3d calculations as fast as possible on 68000). Even then, a single numeric option is not good enough to match A500 speed anyway (each part would have to be calibrated for your specific machine), so for 1.0 I opted for a binary one (on/off) that's hopefully good enough. "Nobody" wants to try 10+ different options only to find none of them match true speed anyway.

note ~0013602

Snoopy1234 (reporter)

Ok, I see this is too non-specific and generally inappropriate as a solution for a diverse range of Amigas. Thank You Wepl, Sting and paraj for the input and explanation.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-04 13:47 Snoopy1234 New Issue
2024-02-12 21:17 Wepl Note Added: 0013588
2024-02-13 05:13 Snoopy1234 File Added: Copy_of_ZenerDrive0.2.slave
2024-02-13 05:16 Snoopy1234 Note Added: 0013592
2024-02-18 19:03 StingRay Note Added: 0013600
2024-02-20 18:36 paraj Note Added: 0013601
2024-02-20 22:24 Snoopy1234 Note Added: 0013602
2024-12-03 09:45 Wepl Assigned To => Wepl
2024-12-03 09:45 Wepl Status new => closed
2024-12-03 09:45 Wepl Resolution open => not fixable
+Issue History