2025-02-08 10:08 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006373SensibleSoccer[WHDLoad Installs Games] install scriptpublic2024-01-12 01:54
ReporterDavid XXX 
Assigned ToProject InfoSensible Soccer (Sensible Software)
Summary0006373: Current Installer 2.2 NOT WORK. Files and folders installed in incorrect paths and can't pick England Premiere League Teams.
DescriptionThe old installer 2.1 apparently works whitout any issue........

But recently i have tryed to install SWOS 96/97 from IPF files and i can complete the installation whitout any error but when try to run it's hangs and crash immediatelly.. it's say somethings similar:
DOS-ERROS #xxxx files SWOS2.REL can't read

I have tryed to look the installation folders and I noticed that the files are installed/copied in all the wrong paths for example:
- The files SWOS2.REL it's be copied inside 'DATA' Folder it's be need to stay on main folder
- After that also the files 'SWOS2' correct path it's main folder

So also if you look inside the 'DATA' folder you there's present another DATA double folder contain the teams.xxx files. This teams.xxx need correct folder it's not on double subfolder.
Also inside the 'DATA' folder it's be copyed the "Sound" and "Grafs" folder and this folder need to stay on main folder. So the current 2.2 installer it's completely messed up the correct needed path.

Anyway i have tryed to moved myself and manually all files to the correct path... I have successfully made this 2.2 works but at this point there's present another huge BUG.
If you try to select and ENGLAND Team whitout any errors you can see it's only ARSENAL can be selectable... i don't have idea because....

IT's fixable this games ?
Steps To ReproduceSimply try to install this whit current 2.2 installer.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0013500

David XXX (reporter)

Ops problably i have select the wrongs project... because i use this installer:

And not the normal Sensible soccer... apparently can't change.

note ~0013501

David XXX (reporter)

Some of bug it's alread reported here...... apparently no solution.


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-12 01:40 David XXX New Issue
2024-01-12 01:49 David XXX Note Added: 0013500
2024-01-12 01:54 David XXX Note Added: 0013501
+Issue History