2025-02-12 18:07 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006344Zool[WHDLoad Installs Games] OCSpublic2023-12-24 14:31
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoZool (Gremlin)
Summary0006344: Unable to shoot (OCS version with CD32 gamepad)
DescriptionHi !

When using the latest 2.0 slave with the OCS version, I can start a game by pushing the first gamepad button, the character can jump ("up" direction) but no button enables to shoot or spin.

I am using a CD32 gamepad. I do use the OCS version over the AGA one for its smoothness.

Cheers ! :-)
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem16 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.2
KickROM47 - Kick 3.2
Attached Files



note ~0013441

SCO (reporter)

If you're using emulation, especially RetroArch puae, try to change the emulated devices for the retropad in quick menu->controls->port 1 controls->device type from automatic to cd32 pad, then save a override (for the core, if you only are using a whdload set, or for the game if you prefer to limit the change).

If you're using a actual amiga 1200 ignore this post. I only posted this because far too many people don't understand what's happening with the retropad and puae and think they're automatically using a cd32 controller in cd32 whlosd games (hint: whdloads are supposed to always run on the amiga 1200)

note ~0013442

Velociraptor5 (reporter)

as you said "...whdloads are supposed to always run on the amiga 1200..."
No, you are totally mistaken...
WHDLoad games are supposed to run on every Amiga, namely A1000/A500/500+/600/1200/3000/4000...
In processor language, supposed to run on every processor, namely 68000/010/020/030/040/060...
and those games also work on those machines (of course, exactly the same is under emulation)
O course, AGA games really need Amiga with AGA chipset (A1200/A4000). And really only a few games need at least 020 processors without AGA chipset.
I think, that mainly you didn't understand what WHDLoad actually is...
Other note... absolute majority of people posting issues here, use real Amigas and WinUAE...

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-12-15 16:58 mahen New Issue
2023-12-17 10:28 StingRay Assigned To => JOTD
2023-12-17 10:28 StingRay Status new => assigned
2023-12-20 06:14 SCO Note Added: 0013441
2023-12-20 14:40 Velociraptor5 Note Added: 0013442
2023-12-24 14:31 JOTD Status assigned => confirmed
+Issue History