2025-02-07 18:29 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005929Puzznic[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-12-19 21:16
ReporterDimitris Athanasiou 
Assigned ToCodetapperProject InfoPuzznic (Ocean)
Summary0005929: Hello, my old install didn't work so I made a fresh one. It had some problems
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,1 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2000

Hello, my old install didn't work so I made a fresh one.
It had some problems due filenames.
This is the installed filenames:
Directory Games:P/Puzznic/DATA
FATY.DAT 1792 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
MUZ0 75033 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
PTS.DAT 3840 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
PUZNIC.COD 78572 ----RWED 23-Oct-90 09:23:46
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
PUZY 32066 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SCN0.PI1 32066 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SCN1.PI1 32066 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SCN2.PI1 32066 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT0 1760 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT1 1280 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT2 15104 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT3 7040 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT4 320 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:53, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT5 2080 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:54, last accessed 14.03.2013
SPT7.DAT 3840 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:54, last accessed 14.03.2013
TAITO 8686 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:54, last accessed 14.03.2013
ZCHR 2048 ----RWED 01-Jan-80 00:00:00
: created 14.03.2013 10:34:54, last accessed 14.03.2013
And I renamed them this way to play:
Directory Backup:test/Puzznic/data
FATY 1792 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
MUZ0 75033 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
PTS. 3840 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
puznic.cod 78572 ----RWED 23-Oct-90 09:23:45
PUZY 32066 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:12
scn0 32066 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
scn1 32066 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
scn2 32066 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT0 1760 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT1 1280 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT2 15104 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT3 7040 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT4 320 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT5 2080 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
SPT7 3840 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
tait 8686 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
ZCHR 2048 ----RWED 30-Jan-78 19:19:13
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files

has duplicate 0005621closedJOTD Cannot recognise file names. 


note ~0012115

DJ Mike (developer)

If you try with the old v1.1 slave does it work OK? Available here: https://www.whdload.de/whdload/old-games/Puzznic-20010621.lha

note ~0012118

Dimitris Athanasiou (reporter)

Sorry, I had no notification about your message. Just found out by revisiting this page.
I tried 2 ipf and 2 cracked versions, only one was recognized and gave my a message that my files are damaged aftr running it.
The newer install works but I have to rename the files in the data directory to 4 letters each except for the "puzznic.cod" to work as the example on my first post.


note ~0012120

DJ Mike (developer)

Yes, I got the same using v1.3. However when I tried the older patch v1.1 linked above, in WinUAE at least it doesn't have this issue. I wondered if you could do the same please?

note ~0012122

Retroplay (reporter)


If using an older version of WHDLoad, all is well and game runs after directly after installing.
For WHDLoad 18.x, rename of files is required for game to run.

You can grab the archive with corrected filenames from Turran FTP if you need to inspect files.

note ~0012153

Dimitris Athanasiou (reporter)

This is what I did at first, renamed everything and worked.
No prob to do that, just a report for the installer :-)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-11 18:12 administrator New Issue
2022-12-11 18:12 administrator Status new => assigned
2022-12-11 18:12 administrator Assigned To => Codetapper
2022-12-14 21:31 DJ Mike Note Added: 0012115
2022-12-15 23:19 Dimitris Athanasiou Note Added: 0012118
2022-12-16 08:57 DJ Mike Note Added: 0012120
2022-12-16 23:35 Retroplay Note Added: 0012122
2022-12-19 16:37 Dimitris Athanasiou Note Added: 0012153
2022-12-19 21:16 JOTD Status assigned => confirmed
2022-12-19 21:17 JOTD Relationship added has duplicate 0005621
+Issue History