2025-01-25 16:05 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005877DIC[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-11-22 23:50
Assigned ToWeplProject InfoDisk Image Creator
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Summary0005877: SKIPTRACK issue
DescriptionWorking on Dragon Lord package I had to use RawDIC instead of DIC.

Indeed, I think the latest version of DIC is buggy.

I've had the same problem twice with protection on track 158 (with Passing Shot too)

indeed SKIPTRACK=158 is not taken into account then SKIPTRACK= 1 or SKIPTRACK=100 works correctly.

DIC tries to read track 158 which causes read errors since in my case the protection is on this track :)
Could you look at the problem?
I didn't check but maybe the maximum track taken into account is 157 and not 159...

Best regard,

TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files
  • ? file icon DIC (4,668 bytes) 2022-11-22 22:53 -
    óé`T$VER: DIC 1.3 (22.11.2022)$Id: DIC.asm 0.24 2021/03/30 10:55:15 wepl Exp wepl $
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    Insert disk %ld into drive %s and press RETURN (^C to cancel) ...Retry/Skip/skip All/Try sectors/Quit (r/s/a/t/Q): Retry/Quit (r/Q): Disk.%ldInvalid SKIPTRACK/K specification
    read from %s: (%s %ld)
    (blksize=%ld heads=%ld blktrk=%ld lcyl=%ld hcyl=%ld) size=%ld
    save disk as %s 
    save file %s 
    Kreading track %ld left %ld
    limited reading of $%lx=%ld bytes
    Knot enough free storecan't create MessagePortcan't create IO-Requestdevice doesn't existcannot handle this devicespecified device must have trailing colon
    illegal argument for SIZE/K
    sector #%ld read argumentsinhibit filesystemalloc mem for diskread diskget dev infoopen devicedos.libraryutility.libraryDEVICE,NAME,SKIPTRACK/K,SIZE/K,FD=FIRSTDISK/K/N,LD=LASTDISK/K/N,PEDANTIC/SDIC 1.3 (22.11.2022) D22misk 1mI22mmage 1mCreator by Bert Jahn
    ? file icon DIC (4,668 bytes) 2022-11-22 22:53 +



note ~0012012

CFOU (developer)

i think track is skipped in "DISK.x" file
but DIC try to read track data even if it skip it.


no problem with DIC 1.1 (tested)

note ~0012028

Wepl (manager)

Yes, the last change broke SkipTrack option completely.
Attached version 1.3 should fix that.
Can you check?

note ~0012030

CFOU (developer)

V1.3 tested with several SKIPTRACK options.

it seems to be working fine now :)

Thanks a lot Bert

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-11-18 01:47 CFOU New Issue
2022-11-18 01:47 CFOU Assigned To => Wepl
2022-11-18 01:47 CFOU Status new => assigned
2022-11-19 13:35 CFOU Note Added: 0012012
2022-11-22 22:53 Wepl File Added: DIC
2022-11-22 22:55 Wepl Note Added: 0012028
2022-11-22 23:14 CFOU Note Added: 0012030
2022-11-22 23:33 Wepl Sticky Issue No => Yes
2022-11-22 23:33 Wepl Sticky Issue Yes => No
2022-11-22 23:50 Wepl Status assigned => resolved
2022-11-22 23:50 Wepl Resolution open => fixed
2022-11-22 23:50 Wepl Fixed in Version => 1.3
+Issue History