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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005867Resolution101[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-11-22 23:15
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoResolution 101 (Millennium)
Summary0005867: Resolution 101 (Millennium) (slave 2.0)
DescriptionWinUAE Quickstart A500+ 2M Chip (or any other 68000 config), right at the beginning this error shows up:

The data/disk-files are damaged
or it is an unsupported version.

Works fine with 68020+
Steps To ReproduceLoad the game using A500+ Quickstart config in WinUAE.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0011972

CFOU (developer)

i dont undestand .

no data disk for this game i think.

have you problem with savegame disk?

if yes which version?
- first supported version
- sps 221
- sps 2867

can you explain more please?

note ~0011977

chris70c (reporter)

Not sure, maybe its a WHDLoad standard message?
I'm using SPS 221, as soon as it loads there is a black screen and after that it goes back to the WB screen with that message, I've attached a screenshot.
I guess the "data disk" may be the save disk.
I don't think I'm allowed to upload the .hdf directly here, in case you need it let me know how I can send it to you.

note ~0011978

retrogamer (reporter)

Same thing happens to me. I'm usibg Retroplays preinstalled version.

note ~0011981

CFOU (developer)

have you try youself to install using 221 and install script to compare?

retroplays version is perhaps damaged?
i will upload in TheZone good installed version just installed

note ~0011982

CFOU (developer)

Link for the 3 supported version(installed)

note ~0011984

CFOU (developer)

Last edited: 2022-11-14 17:52

View 2 revisions

i am just re-tested installer with SPS 0221/

it's works fine.

i suppose retroplay's version are dammaged....

note ~0011985

chris70c (reporter)

I've tried with the version you uploaded, same thing, works fine with A1200 Quickstart + 4MB, same message with A500+ Quickstart + 2MB

note ~0011986

chris70c (reporter)

I've uploaded my .hdf to the zone:

If it helps I'm running it from startup-sequence with the following commands:

WHDLoad Resolution101.Slave Config=BW PreloadSize=2272696

and in my WHDLoad.prefs I have:


hope it helps and thanks...

note ~0011987

CFOU (developer)

works fine with my Winuae

note ~0011988

chris70c (reporter)

Don't know what to say, here the steps I do in WinUAE (4.9.1 2022-02-02 64-bit):

Open WinUAE, go to Quickstart, select A500+ with 2MB Chip RAM expanded configuration (click Set configuration), mount the hdf under CD & Hard Drives, click start, I'm not changing anything else (also tried with Best compatibility, with 2MB of Z2 Fast RAM but still the same).

If I do the same thing but I choose A1200 with 4MB Fast RAM expanded configuration it works just fine.

A second or two after the screen goes black I get the message reported above.

I've attached a couple of screenshots of WinUAE config screen.

note ~0011989

Retroplay (reporter)

Yes, it works on A1200 4mb fast UAE config but it fails with damaged files on A500+/A600 4mb config.

note ~0011990

chris70c (reporter)

I've tried all quickstart configurations in WinUAE, any configuration with a plain 68000 does not work for me, everything with 68010+ works just fine.

note ~0011991

CFOU (developer)


Stupid bug in Checksum test
lea $00000,a0
instead of $10000,a0

so checksum xas not on game god but on VBR base same on 68010+ because VBR are relocted in fast...

but on 68000 each config have different cksum because VBR are not relocated :(:(

thanks for bug report i fix it:)

note ~0011992

CFOU (developer)

fixed with 2.1

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-11-14 03:48 chris70c New Issue
2022-11-14 08:57 CFOU Assigned To => CFOU
2022-11-14 08:57 CFOU Status new => assigned
2022-11-14 09:01 CFOU Note Added: 0011972
2022-11-14 14:45 chris70c File Added: download.png
2022-11-14 14:45 chris70c Note Added: 0011977
2022-11-14 16:08 retrogamer Note Added: 0011978
2022-11-14 17:36 CFOU Note Added: 0011981
2022-11-14 17:47 CFOU Note Added: 0011982
2022-11-14 17:52 CFOU Note Added: 0011984
2022-11-14 17:52 CFOU Note Edited: 0011984 View Revisions
2022-11-14 18:26 chris70c Note Added: 0011985
2022-11-14 18:47 chris70c Note Added: 0011986
2022-11-14 19:49 CFOU Note Added: 0011987
2022-11-14 20:10 chris70c File Added: winuae.png
2022-11-14 20:10 chris70c Note Added: 0011988
2022-11-14 20:12 Retroplay Note Added: 0011989
2022-11-14 20:15 chris70c Note Added: 0011990
2022-11-14 20:34 CFOU Note Added: 0011991
2022-11-14 20:44 CFOU Status assigned => resolved
2022-11-14 20:44 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2022-11-14 20:44 CFOU Note Added: 0011992
2022-11-22 23:15 Wepl Project WHDLoad => Resolution101
+Issue History