2025-02-17 05:50 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005756Subwar2050[WHDLoad Installs Games] CD³²public2023-10-13 20:28
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoSubwar 2050 (Microprose)
Summary0005756: SubWar 2050 CD32 not saving pilots' data
DescriptionSlave 2017-04-09:

SubWar 2050 CD32 doesn't save pilots' data when modified.

Options data (language) are saved correctly.

Hard disk activity light shows write activity but nothing gets saved to disk.

Slave 2020-03-31:

Same save issues as 2017-04-09.

Modifying a pilot and editing them again right away causes an error Exception "illegal instruction" ($10) at $8 occurred.
Steps To ReproduceRun game as usual.

Select language if prompted.

Click on Pilot Roster.

Modify a pilot.

Run first mission.

Restart Amiga/emulator.

- Check Pilot Roster. Changes to the pilot(s) have not been saved.

Tagsnvram;saved data;non-volatile
CPU68020 + 68851
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem512 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files
  • ? file icon sw2050_old.whdl_log (15,997 bytes) 2022-08-04 00:55 -
    ******* 01-Jan-95 00:01:56 ******* Subwar2050.slave ******* 18.8.6478 *******
    [000] [Examine] buf=$5FEF8398  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=L
    [001] [Examine] buf=$5FEF8398  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [002] [Examine] buf=$5FEF84A0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=FONTS
    [003] [Examine] buf=$5FEF84A0  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [004] [Examine] buf=$5FF01EF0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=DEVS
    [005] [Examine] buf=$5FF01EF0  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [006] [Examine] buf=$5FF02028  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=LIBS
    [007] [Examine] buf=$5FF02178  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=S
    [008] [Examine] buf=$5FF02178  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [009] [Examine] buf=$5FF03CE0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=C
    [010] [Examine] buf=$5FF03CE0  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [011] [Examine] buf=$5FF03DE8  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [012] [Examine] buf=$5FF03F38  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [013] [Examine] buf=$5FF06FD0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=system-configuration
    [014] [Examine] buf=$5FF09E38  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [015] [Examine] buf=$5FF0B6B8  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [016] [Examine] buf=$5FF0B808  type= 1  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [017] [Examine] buf=$5FF0B9A0  type=-3  size=$388E8=231656  rc=0  name=Sub
    [018] [ReadOff] crc=6940  dest=$5FF0BE90  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=Sub  offset=$    0
    [019] [ReadOff] crc=EB23  dest=$5FF10C94  size=$3119C=201116  name=Sub  offset=$ 2710
    [020] [ReadOff] crc=507C  dest=$5FF0BE90  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=Sub  offset=$338AC
    [021] [ReadOff] crc=0DBD  dest=$5FF0BE90  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=Sub  offset=$35FBC
    [022] [ReadOff] crc=7EB0  dest=$5FF0BE90  size=$  21C=   540  name=Sub  offset=$386CC
    [023] [Examine] buf=$5FF0B9D0  type=-3  size=$ 1B08=  6920  rc=0  name=LIBS/lowlevel.library
    [024] [ReadOff] crc=1FE8  dest=$5FF49728  size=$ 1B08=  6920  name=LIBS/lowlevel.library  offset=$    0
    [025] [Examine] buf=$5FF0BCB8  type=-3  size=$  E04=  3588  rc=0  name=LIBS/nonvolatile.library
    [026] [ReadOff] crc=B1E3  dest=$5FF49728  size=$  E04=  3588  name=LIBS/nonvolatile.library  offset=$    0
    [027] [Examine] buf=$5FF0BDB0  type=-3  size=$    B=    11  rc=0  name=prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location
    [028] [ReadOff] crc=9962  dest=$5FF49728  size=$    B=    11  name=prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location  offset=$    0
    [029] [Examine] buf=$5FF0BD20  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave
    [030] [Examine] buf=$5FF0D980  type=-3  size=$ 3BEC= 15340  rc=0  name=LIBS/diskfont.library
    [031] [ReadOff] crc=5C4C  dest=$5FF49728  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=LIBS/diskfont.library  offset=$    0
    [032] [ReadOff] crc=A799  dest=$5FF49728  size=$ 14DC=  5340  name=LIBS/diskfont.library  offset=$ 2710
    [033] [Examine] buf=$5FF0DA68  type=-3  size=$  1E7=   487  rc=0  name=fileid
    [034] [ReadOff] crc=AB04  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$  1E7=   487  name=fileid  offset=$    0
    [035] [Examine] buf=$5FF0DA40  type=-3  size=$    B=    11  rc=0  name=prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location
    [036] [ReadOff] crc=9962  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$    B=    11  name=prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location  offset=$    0
    [037] [Examine] buf=$5FF0DA40  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave
    [038] [Examine] buf=$5FF4AB08  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [039] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B750  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=nvsave/SubWar/pilots
    [040] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B750  type=-3  size=$   F0=   240  rc=0  name=pilots
    [041] [ReadOff] crc=F272  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$   F0=   240  name=pilots  offset=$    0
    [042] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B750  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [043] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B858  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [044] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B750  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=options
    [045] [ReadOff] crc=9061  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$    A=    10  name=options  offset=$    0
    [046] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B7A0  type=-3  size=$  108=   264  rc=0  name=small.font
    [047] [ReadOff] crc=4B6B  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$  108=   264  name=small.font  offset=$    0
    [048] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B788  type=-3  size=$  5C0=  1472  rc=0  name=small/5t
    [049] [ReadOff] crc=8833  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$  5C0=  1472  name=small/5t  offset=$    0
    [050] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B7A8  type=-3  size=$  20C=   524  rc=0  name=large.font
    [051] [ReadOff] crc=AE9F  dest=$5FF502E8  size=$  20C=   524  name=large.font  offset=$    0
    [052] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B7A0  type=-3  size=$  D74=  3444  rc=0  name=large/8t
    [053] [ReadOff] crc=EC0B  dest=$5FF52F78  size=$  D74=  3444  name=large/8t  offset=$    0
    [054] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B7D8  type=-3  size=$  7CB=  1995  rc=0  name=strings._EN
    [055] [ReadOff] crc=A55F  dest=$5FF52F78  size=$  7CB=  1995  name=strings._EN  offset=$    0
    [056] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B8B8  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=LIBS/freeanim.library
    [057] [Examine] buf=$5FF4B8A8  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=freeanim.library
    [058] [Examine] buf=$5FF55DF8  type=-3  size=$  14A=   330  rc=0  name=cursors.spr
    [059] [ReadOff] crc=0648  dest=$5FF55EE8  size=$  14A=   330  name=cursors.spr  offset=$    0
    [060] [Examine] buf=$5FF55EA8  type=-3  size=$ 1443=  5187  rc=0  name=snd.bin
    [061] [ReadOff] crc=4403  dest=$5FF55F98  size=$ 1443=  5187  name=snd.bin  offset=$    0
    [062] [Examine] buf=$5FF55EB8  type=-3  size=$1837A= 99194  rc=0  name=chipsams.bin
    [063] [ReadOff] crc=2BE5  dest=$5FF55FA8  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=chipsams.bin  offset=$    0
    [064] [ReadOff] crc=FFB1  dest=$  35D9C  size=$15C6A= 89194  name=chipsams.bin  offset=$ 2710
    [065] [Examine] buf=$5FF55EB8  type=-3  size=$13D40= 81216  rc=0  name=subwars.mod
    [066] [ReadOff] crc=AB0C  dest=$5FF55FA8  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=subwars.mod  offset=$    0
    [067] [ReadOff] crc=3D8D  dest=$  51E74  size=$11630= 71216  name=subwars.mod  offset=$ 2710
    [068] [Examine] buf=$5FF572E0  type=-3  size=$   D0=   208  rc=0  name=black.lbm
    [069] [ReadOff] crc=A8A9  dest=$5FF573D0  size=$   D0=   208  name=black.lbm  offset=$    0
    [070] [Examine] buf=$5FF57320  type=-3  size=$F971E=1021726  rc=0  name=intro.anim
    [071] [ReadOff] crc=C2CF  dest=$5FF5AF40  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=intro.anim  offset=$    0
    [072] [ReadOff] crc=B2C2  dest=$  68394  size=$F700E=1011726  name=intro.anim  offset=$ 2710
    [073] [Examine] buf=$5FF572F0  type=-3  size=$  D2D=  3373  rc=0  name=flags.lbm
    [074] [ReadOff] crc=E511  dest=$5FF57490  size=$  D2D=  3373  name=flags.lbm  offset=$    0
    [075] [Examine] buf=$5FF57300  type=-3  size=$   4A=    74  rc=0  name=campaign._en
    [076] [ReadOff] crc=BE69  dest=$5FF57490  size=$   4A=    74  name=campaign._en  offset=$    0
    [077] [Examine] buf=$5FF57318  type=-3  size=$ C275= 49781  rc=0  name=start.lbm
    [078] [ReadOff] crc=F674  dest=$5FF57490  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=start.lbm  offset=$    0
    [079] [ReadOff] crc=FB1C  dest=$5FF5C304  size=$ 9B65= 39781  name=start.lbm  offset=$ 2710
    [080] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$  AA5=  2725  rc=0  name=training.cam
    [081] [ReadOff] crc=68BA  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  AA5=  2725  name=training.cam  offset=$    0
    [082] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$  6E8=  1768  rc=0  name=training._EN
    [083] [ReadOff] crc=6D3E  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  6E8=  1768  name=training._EN  offset=$    0
    [084] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$ 1318=  4888  rc=0  name=butts.spr
    [085] [ReadOff] crc=0BEB  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 1318=  4888  name=butts.spr  offset=$    0
    [086] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$ 3C4D= 15437  rc=0  name=roster.lbm
    [087] [ReadOff] crc=92B9  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=roster.lbm  offset=$    0
    [088] [ReadOff] crc=43B6  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 153D=  5437  name=roster.lbm  offset=$ 2710
    [089] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$ 47A7= 18343  rc=0  name=faces.spr
    [090] [ReadOff] crc=C371  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=faces.spr  offset=$    0
    [091] [ReadOff] crc=36A1  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 2097=  8343  name=faces.spr  offset=$ 2710
    [092] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type=-3  size=$  223=   547  rc=0  name=faces.bbm
    [093] [ReadOff] crc=BCB5  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  223=   547  name=faces.bbm  offset=$    0
    [094] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [095] [Examine] buf=$5FF59630  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [096] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [097] [Write]   crc=0000   src=$      0  size=$    0=     0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [098] [Examine] buf=$5FF59630  type=-3  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [099] [WritOff] crc=6C60   src=$5FF680B0  size=$    A=    10  name=nvsave/SubWar/options  offset=$    0
    [100] [Examine] buf=$5FF574A8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [101] [Examine] buf=$5FF595F8  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [102] [Examine] buf=$5FF595F8  type=-3  size=$5506A=348266  rc=0  name=launch.anim
    [103] [ReadOff] crc=9AD2  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=launch.anim  offset=$    0
    [104] [ReadOff] crc=DF42  dest=$5FF75914  size=$5295A=338266  name=launch.anim  offset=$ 2710
    [105] [Examine] buf=$5FF595F8  type=-3  size=$  142=   322  rc=0  name=mtorp1.SHA
    [106] [ReadOff] crc=5F41  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  142=   322  name=mtorp1.SHA  offset=$    0
    [107] [Examine] buf=$5FF595F8  type=-3  size=$   8A=   138  rc=0  name=antorp.SHA
    [108] [ReadOff] crc=FFEF  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$   8A=   138  name=antorp.SHA  offset=$    0
    [109] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  116=   278  rc=0  name=decoy2.SHA
    [110] [ReadOff] crc=5398  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  116=   278  name=decoy2.SHA  offset=$    0
    [111] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  1DC=   476  rc=0  name=mintorp.SHA
    [112] [ReadOff] crc=A0BD  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  1DC=   476  name=mintorp.SHA  offset=$    0
    [113] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  162=   354  rc=0  name=dcharge.SHA
    [114] [ReadOff] crc=94DD  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  162=   354  name=dcharge.SHA  offset=$    0
    [115] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  142=   322  rc=0  name=mine1.SHA
    [116] [ReadOff] crc=4ED6  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  142=   322  name=mine1.SHA  offset=$    0
    [117] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  10C=   268  rc=0  name=noise.SHA
    [118] [ReadOff] crc=AE6A  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  10C=   268  name=noise.SHA  offset=$    0
    [119] [Examine] buf=$5FF59910  type=-3  size=$  1F0=   496  rc=0  name=ejectp.SHA
    [120] [ReadOff] crc=F435  dest=$5FF680B0  size=$  1F0=   496  name=ejectp.SHA  offset=$    0
    [121] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$  1E8=   488  rc=0  name=engine0.SHA
    [122] [ReadOff] crc=97B3  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  1E8=   488  name=engine0.SHA  offset=$    0
    [123] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$  2BA=   698  rc=0  name=react.SHA
    [124] [ReadOff] crc=0667  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  2BA=   698  name=react.SHA  offset=$    0
    [125] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$  335=   821  rc=0  name=torptbs0.SHA
    [126] [ReadOff] crc=B771  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  335=   821  name=torptbs0.SHA  offset=$    0
    [127] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$   EE=   238  rc=0  name=lifes.SHA
    [128] [ReadOff] crc=1781  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$   EE=   238  name=lifes.SHA  offset=$    0
    [129] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$   F1=   241  rc=0  name=sensors.SHA
    [130] [ReadOff] crc=220E  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$   F1=   241  name=sensors.SHA  offset=$    0
    [131] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$  292=   658  rc=0  name=ballast.SHA
    [132] [ReadOff] crc=E26A  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  292=   658  name=ballast.SHA  offset=$    0
    [133] [Examine] buf=$5FF680C8  type=-3  size=$  26A=   618  rc=0  name=torn1.SHA
    [134] [ReadOff] crc=D55E  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  26A=   618  name=torn1.SHA  offset=$    0
    [135] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$  2F9=   761  rc=0  name=carry2.SHA
    [136] [ReadOff] crc=CBB3  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  2F9=   761  name=carry2.SHA  offset=$    0
    [137] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$  1F6=   502  rc=0  name=troop.SHA
    [138] [ReadOff] crc=DB4A  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  1F6=   502  name=troop.SHA  offset=$    0
    [139] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$  1BD=   445  rc=0  name=minecom.SHA
    [140] [ReadOff] crc=CB09  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  1BD=   445  name=minecom.SHA  offset=$    0
    [141] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$  D49=  3401  rc=0  name=anigsqid.SHA
    [142] [ReadOff] crc=0C04  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  D49=  3401  name=anigsqid.SHA  offset=$    0
    [143] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$ 11F6=  4598  rc=0  name=anisperm.SHA
    [144] [ReadOff] crc=70E8  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$ 11F6=  4598  name=anisperm.SHA  offset=$    0
    [145] [Examine] buf=$5FF69A40  type=-3  size=$  AF5=  2805  rc=0  name=anigobl.SHA
    [146] [ReadOff] crc=AACC  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  AF5=  2805  name=anigobl.SHA  offset=$    0
    [147] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5C0  type=-3  size=$  527=  1319  rc=0  name=anigulp.SHA
    [148] [ReadOff] crc=12C8  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  527=  1319  name=anigulp.SHA  offset=$    0
    [149] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5C0  type=-3  size=$  5D9=  1497  rc=0  name=anihali.SHA
    [150] [ReadOff] crc=CAA1  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  5D9=  1497  name=anihali.SHA  offset=$    0
    [151] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5C0  type=-3  size=$  A7F=  2687  rc=0  name=anihammr.SHA
    [152] [ReadOff] crc=ACF7  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  A7F=  2687  name=anihammr.SHA  offset=$    0
    [153] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5C0  type=-3  size=$  49F=  1183  rc=0  name=anirat.SHA
    [154] [ReadOff] crc=B53D  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  49F=  1183  name=anirat.SHA  offset=$    0
    [155] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5C0  type=-3  size=$  99B=  2459  rc=0  name=anishark.SHA
    [156] [ReadOff] crc=9EB0  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$  99B=  2459  name=anishark.SHA  offset=$    0
    [157] [Examine] buf=$5FF75E48  type=-3  size=$  B83=  2947  rc=0  name=hawblk.bin
    [158] [ReadOff] crc=0691  dest=$5FF968E8  size=$  B83=  2947  name=hawblk.bin  offset=$    0
    [159] [Examine] buf=$5FF9D828  type=-3  size=$ 16CD=  5837  rc=0  name=cockpit.spr
    [160] [ReadOff] crc=2244  dest=$5FF9E3B0  size=$ 16CD=  5837  name=cockpit.spr  offset=$    0
    [161] [Examine] buf=$5FF9D828  type=-3  size=$  7AF=  1967  rc=0  name=bmexp0.bin
    [162] [ReadOff] crc=081F  dest=$5FF9E3B0  size=$  7AF=  1967  name=bmexp0.bin  offset=$    0
    [163] [Examine] buf=$5FF9D828  type=-3  size=$  31C=   796  rc=0  name=loadpal4.bbm
    [164] [ReadOff] crc=DBD6  dest=$5FF9E3B0  size=$  31C=   796  name=loadpal4.bbm  offset=$    0
    [165] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5F8  type=-3  size=$ 5097= 20631  rc=0  name=navscr.lbm
    [166] [ReadOff] crc=90D9  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=navscr.lbm  offset=$    0
    [167] [ReadOff] crc=A1ED  dest=$5FF82BC4  size=$ 2987= 10631  name=navscr.lbm  offset=$ 2710
    [168] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A620  type=-3  size=$73ADA=473818  rc=0  name=drydock.anim
    [169] [ReadOff] crc=E2DD  dest=$5FF73DF8  size=$ 2710= 10000  name=drydock.anim  offset=$    0
    [170] [ReadOff] crc=763D  dest=$  83224  size=$713CA=463818  name=drydock.anim  offset=$ 2710
    [171] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5E8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [172] [Examine] buf=$5FF73E10  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [173] [WritOff] crc=6C60   src=$5FF87EF8  size=$    A=    10  name=nvsave/SubWar/options  offset=$    0
    [174] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5E8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [175] [Examine] buf=$5FF73E10  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [176] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5E8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [177] [Examine] buf=$5FF73E10  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    [178] [WritOff] crc=6C60   src=$5FF87EF8  size=$    A=    10  name=nvsave/SubWar/options  offset=$    0
    [179] [Examine] buf=$5FF6A5E8  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar
    [180] [Examine] buf=$5FF73E10  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=nvsave/SubWar/options
    ? file icon sw2050_old.whdl_log (15,997 bytes) 2022-08-04 00:55 +



note ~0013232

macce2 (reporter)

I have experienced the same problem when playing Subwar2050 CD32 WHD version
on a real Amiga 4000 (060).
When launching the game, there is message: "Save blocks available: 0" or something like that; even if I have plenty of free storage space available.
It's very annoying to play the game without save option;
you must re-complete all the training missions etc.
I personally prefer this CD32 version of Subwar to the Aga one;
because of the cool animations and the option to use real Cd32 pad controller.
I really wish this issue could be solved.

note ~0013233

macce2 (reporter)

Ok, tested with the modified slave;
now there seems to be (!?) enough Save blocks available
( = about 10000 ??!) and the modified game Options
are saved succesfully.
However, creating (=naming) a new pilot doesn't seem to be saved.
Should it be saved only after succesfully completing a mission..?!?

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-08-03 23:36 PoulpSquad New Issue
2022-08-03 23:39 PoulpSquad Tag Attached: nvram;saved data;non-volatile
2022-08-04 00:03 JOTD Assigned To => JOTD
2022-08-04 00:03 JOTD Status new => assigned
2022-08-04 00:55 PoulpSquad File Added: sw2050_old.whdl_log
2023-10-10 20:41 macce2 Note Added: 0013232
2023-10-13 20:28 macce2 Note Added: 0013233
+Issue History