2025-02-07 13:25 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005553SecondSamurai[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2022-04-09 17:48
Assigned ToStingRayProject InfoSecond Samurai (Psygnosis/Vivid Image)
StatusresolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0005553: Second Samurai AGA
DescriptionThe huge flying plane at the end of the game is invulnerable, and can't be beaten.

I'm stuck behind it it fires his engines on my face, and impossible to destroy it.

I watched the longplay on youtube, it should not happen like this.

Next point, i have graphic corruption on the score status panel.

Can you help please ?
Steps To ReproduceGo to huge flying plane with shark nose level, then try, you can't finish the level by destroying the plane.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.5
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0011078

StingRay (developer)

I need more detailed information: which (trainer) options did you use when playing? What kind of graphics corruption?

note ~0011079

Denis (reporter)

Hi Sting. I used all the trainer options, (but not the CD32 options).

I got white pixels corruption on the top of the score status panel.

note ~0011103

StingRay (developer)

I have now tried 3 times (with different trainer options enabled) and could always defeat the plane. Hence I will disregard this bug report for now as it is extremely time consuming trying to reproduce this and I suppose you either didn't destroy all individual parts of the plane or missed something else which is required to defeat it.
As for the status panel, can't reproduce this either (and no one else reported such problem yet), my guess is broken disks.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-04-04 19:26 Denis New Issue
2022-04-04 22:55 JOTD Assigned To => StingRay
2022-04-04 22:55 JOTD Status new => assigned
2022-04-04 23:49 StingRay Note Added: 0011078
2022-04-05 08:09 Denis Note Added: 0011079
2022-04-09 17:48 StingRay Note Added: 0011103
2022-04-09 17:48 StingRay Status assigned => resolved
2022-04-09 17:48 StingRay Resolution open => unable to reproduce
+Issue History