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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005406Winzer[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-03-14 07:37
Assigned ToStingRayProject InfoWinzer (Starbyte)
StatusresolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0005406: Hi Stingray, I am looking for the 1.1e (English) version of Winzer. I download
DescriptionGameVersion: Rerelease
SlaveVersion: 1.1

Hi Stingray, I am looking for the 1.1e (English) version of Winzer. I download the files Winzer.lha but it seems to be only German. I cannot pass the name input on the first screen. I enter my name but the game does not accept it. Maybe keyboard layout? Anyway, this game looks like fun and I would like to play it. My email is netman63129@yahoo.com if you can help :-)
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem1 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files

related to 0005386closedStingRay Winzer - Player name input not accepted. Cannot pass this screen 


note ~0011009

StingRay (developer)

Last edited: 2022-03-13 22:32

View 2 revisions

Unfortunately, I can't help you with the download of the English version, I have no idea where I got it from and I don't have a disk image of this version anymore. You may try asking on EAB (English Amiga Board), maybe someone there can provide you with the English version.

As for entering the name, the game is system-friendly so there shouldn't be any problems, my guess is that you pressed "Enter" instead of "Return", I can't check right now but it's possible that the game only accepts the "Return" key for entering the name.

As there's nothing to do for me here, I'll close this. :)

note ~0011010

StingRay (developer)

I had a look regarding entering the name, V1.0 requires you to type either HERR or or Frau in the first name field, otherwise it will reject the name entry!

note ~0011012

netman63129 (reporter)

Hi Stingray, I did locate the English version but the problem still exists. I tried every key on the English keyboard and nothing works.
FYI -The Return key and the Enter key is the same on the English keyboard.

note ~0011013

netman63129 (reporter)

Also, I tired HERR and FRAU and this still does not work.

note ~0011014

StingRay (developer)

For the English version you have to type SIR. (with the dot.) or MISS in the first name field. If you don't do this, the name entry will be rejected.

note ~0011015

netman63129 (reporter)

That worked! Thank you. Maybe a note about that in the Readme? The field says "You" so I have been trying to type in my name lol, sorry. FYI I did notice that the game only runs on my 2.1 setup and not my AGA configuration.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-10-18 09:13 administrator New Issue
2021-10-18 09:13 administrator Status new => assigned
2021-10-18 09:13 administrator Assigned To => StingRay
2022-03-13 22:31 StingRay Note Added: 0011009
2022-03-13 22:31 StingRay Status assigned => resolved
2022-03-13 22:31 StingRay Resolution open => no change required
2022-03-13 22:32 StingRay Note Edited: 0011009 View Revisions
2022-03-13 23:06 StingRay Note Added: 0011010
2022-03-13 23:36 netman63129 Note Added: 0011012
2022-03-13 23:41 netman63129 Note Added: 0011013
2022-03-13 23:57 StingRay Note Added: 0011014
2022-03-14 01:45 netman63129 Note Added: 0011015
2022-03-14 07:37 StingRay Relationship added related to 0005386
+Issue History