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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004997SpindizzyWorlds[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2021-06-03 09:51
Assigned ToProject InfoSpindizzy Worlds (Paul Shirley)
Summary0004997: Spindizzy Worlds : Really time to upgrade?
DescriptionWhoooo, this slave is the original release from 1999!!! It's even not listed in the game project in Mantis Bug Tracker :-)

Spindizzy Worlds is IMO one of the best 16bits computer games, one of those gems that are already playable nowadays thanks to a perfect gameplay, smart level-design and smooth animation, offering generous features.

What should need to be updated :
- Adapt it for the last versions of WHDLoad
- Unlimited time cheat
- Unlimited energy cheat
- Possibility to load old save games stored on floppy disk
- Manual "No cache" tooltype seems to be necessary on some configurations to avoid corrupted GFX
- Quikey (68000 compatible)
- Blitter patches for fast configurations (impossible to access game menu correctly in example)
- CD32 controls:
  * Red = Boost (fire1)
  * Blue = Brake (spacebar)
  * Yellow = Map (M)
  * Green = Just before choosing a world on the selected cluster, activate the world editor (better than typing "Edit", even if then keyboard is of course required)
  * Pause = Pause game
  * Forward = Rotate screen clockwise (R)
  * Reverse = Rotate screen anticlockwise (T)

The editor seems to be a beta version, maybe the tool used by Paul Shirley himself. The fact it is hide is a clue to say that it's not really safe for players. Maybe Activision was afraid that unexperimented users destroy their original disc. Nevertheless, I think this editor is interesting for really determined players and as part of the history of this game.

Save game option and world editor require a data disk that have to be created on main menu of the game. I suppose it will need some patches to be able to save game progression and personnal worlds created with the editor on HDD.
Steps To ReproduceJust launch and smell the sweet perfume of the past ;-D
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0009507

StingRay (developer)

"It's even not listed in the game project in Mantis Bug Tracker"

That's because there never was any bug report for the game, you need to navigate to the WHDLoad site of the demo/game in question and use the "Author/Contact (use it to report problems with that install)" link to report the problems, a Mantis ticket will then be created automatically.

note ~0009508

ixien (reporter)

Thanks you for the information. So do I let this ticket open or it's better to close it and send an email like you told me?

note ~0009510

StingRay (developer)

This ticket can stay open, @Wepl will need to move it to the correct game entry.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-02 21:29 ixien New Issue
2021-02-02 22:15 StingRay Note Added: 0009507
2021-02-03 00:09 ixien Note Added: 0009508
2021-02-03 08:59 StingRay Note Added: 0009510
2021-02-03 09:34 Wepl Project WHDLoad Installs Games => SpindizzyWorlds
2021-02-26 00:53 CFOU Assigned To => CFOU
2021-02-26 00:53 CFOU Status new => assigned
2021-06-03 09:51 CFOU Assigned To CFOU =>
+Issue History