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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004223SoccerKid[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-10-13 17:36
Reporterchristoph gleisberg 
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoSoccer Kid (Krisalis)
Summary0004223: After playing a while the Game crashes with the following message: "Exception
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,2 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2000

After playing a while the Game crashes with the following message:
"Exception "Access fault" ($7008)
PC = $D2B40 (Task 'Initial CLI')
Word Read from $C001A474"
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem16 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0007076

CFOU (developer)

this crash is it on ECS, AGA or CD32 version?

note ~0007077

CFOU (developer)

can you attach file ".whdl_register" (and why not full dump files)?


note ~0007086

christoph gleisberg (reporter)

It's the AGA Version. I've attached the file.
If you want I can send you the whole installed game.

note ~0007087

CFOU (developer)



Is it random crashes ? Special actions or levels to reproduct it?

note ~0007088

CFOU (developer)

Can you post installed version and full dump files?

note ~0007089

CFOU (developer)

is not the good .whdl_register file (file for TempleOFDoom....)

note ~0007093

christoph gleisberg (reporter)

I'm not very professionel in WHD Load, so please excuse.
The .whdl_register file was in the whdload directory. Where can I find the right one?

With dump files you mean I should make a image of my discs with rawdic?

Yes the game crashes on different levels or places. It's not always the same place.

note ~0007095

CFOU (developer)

you can choise dump folder and DebugKey using s:whdload.prefs options


note ~0007096

christoph gleisberg (reporter)

Wow, that's much to read.
I have made an lha archive of my installation of soccer kid, would that may help you? I can mail it to you if you tell me the adress.

note ~0007098

CFOU (developer)


1) Can you send to me already made dump files lha archive?

2 Can you try with the last beta slave and send the dump files if crash too?
see: joined lha file

 version 1.15 Beta (xx.10.2019) done by CFou!:
 - Cheated savegame maker source code fixed (0003226) for AGA only now
 - rewritten to use last Kick32CD32.s source code (AGA/CD32)
   (thanks WEPL & JOTD for that)
 - random temporary player freezes fixed (CD32)
 - novolalite.library emulation use last WEPL's code
    =>save game named 'NVRAM' for CD32 (cheat save not supported)
 - CUSTOM2=1 Tooltype used to skip intro (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Trainer on WHDLOAD startup splash windows added (ECS/AGA/CD32)
   CUSTOM1: To activate trainer options:
     CUSTOM1=1 : Unlimited lives
     CUSTOM1=2 : Unlimited energy
     CUSTOM1=4 : Unlimited time
     CUSTOM1=8 : Unlimited invicibility
     CUSTOM1=16: To activate in game trainer keys

         'L' : To toggle unlimited lives
         'E' : To toggle unlimited energy
         'T' : To refresh full time
         'I' : To toggle invincibility
         'C' : To give all level cards
        'Tab': To skip level
 To do:
 ** CD32 PAD Support (AGA/ECS)
 ** Nantis issue to fixe (0004223) (AGA)
 **- load/save High-Score redirected on HD (ECS/AGA/CD32)

note ~0007100

christoph gleisberg (reporter)

Sended lha-archive on mail :)

note ~0007101

CFOU (developer)

Other beta version.

It seems more stable on 68040 (Winuae)

 version 1.16 Beta (xx.10.2019) done by CFou!:
 - Cheated savegame maker source code fixed (0003226) for AGA only now
 - rewritten to use last Kick32CD32.s source code (AGA/CD32)
   (thanks WEPL & JOTD for that)
 - random temporary player freezes fixed (CD32)
 - Decrunch code relocated in fast memory (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Less expansion memory needed
 - novolalite.library emulation use last WEPL's code
    =>save game named 'NVRAM' for CD32 (cheat save not supported)
 - CUSTOM2=1 Tooltype used to skip intro (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Trainer on WHDLOAD startup splash windows added (ECS/AGA/CD32)
   CUSTOM1: To activate trainer options:
     CUSTOM1=1 : Unlimited lives
     CUSTOM1=2 : Unlimited energy
     CUSTOM1=4 : Unlimited time
     CUSTOM1=8 : Unlimited invicibility
     CUSTOM1=16: To activate in game trainer keys

         'L' : To toggle unlimited lives
         'E' : To toggle unlimited energy
         'T' : To refresh full time
         'I' : To toggle invincibility
         'C' : To give all level cards
        'Tab': To skip level
 To do:
 ** CD32 PAD Support (AGA/ECS)
 ** Nantis issue to fixe (0004223) (AGA)
 **- load/save High-Score redirected on HD (ECS/AGA/CD32)

note ~0007103

CFOU (developer)

here 1.17 beta

just Load/Save High Score on hd for all game version

note ~0007105

christoph gleisberg (reporter)

Just tried the 1.17 Beta but it also crashes after a few minutes of playing.
I will try to make the dumps, so may we can find the problem. Hope I get it done at the weekend.

note ~0007109

CFOU (developer)

Second button +CD32 pad support:
reverse button: to return to main menu
Bleu button: or second button to jump
play button: to pause (but must be reworked)

version 1.18 Beta (xx.10.2019) done by CFou!:
 - Cheated savegame maker source code fixed (0003226) for AGA only now
 - rewritten to use last Kick32CD32.s source code (AGA/CD32)
   (thanks WEPL & JOTD for that)
 - random temporary player freezes fixed (CD32)
 - Decrunch code relocated in fast memory (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Less expansion memory needed (AGA/CD32)
 - novolalile.library emulation use last WEPL's code (CD32)
    =>save game named 'NVRAM' for CD32 (cheat save not supported)
 - Load/Save HighScore on HD in file named 'Highs' (ECS/AGA/CD32)
  (Warning: 'save game' & 'Highs' files are'nt written with a trainer option)
 - CUSTOM2=1 Tooltype used to skip intro (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - CUSTOM3=1 used to force CD32 PAD & second fire button support (ECS/AGA)
    - BLUE button : to jump
    - PLAY button : to pause game
    - REVERSE button: to return to main menu
 - Trainer on WHDLOAD startup splash windows added (ECS/AGA/CD32)
   CUSTOM1: To activate trainer options:
     CUSTOM1=1 : Unlimited lives
     CUSTOM1=2 : Unlimited energy
     CUSTOM1=4 : Unlimited time
     CUSTOM1=8 : Unlimited invicibility
     CUSTOM1=16: To activate in game trainer keys

         'L' : To toggle unlimited lives
         'E' : To toggle unlimited energy
         'T' : To refresh full time
         'I' : To toggle invincibility
         'C' : To give all level cards
        'Tab': To skip level
 (known bug:don't skip level in bonus level, if not level 1 is all time loaded)
 - New CD32 Control: Joypad/Joy supported with 2 fire buttons (CD32)
    PAUSE : PLay or 'P'
    RETURN MENU: Reverse+Forward or 'Esc' key
    YEllow : Yellow or Second fire button or 'space' key
 To do:
 ** Nantis issue to fixe (0004223) (AGA)

note ~0007113

CFOU (developer)

Last edited: 2019-10-10 21:09

View 2 revisions

Thanks for dump files.

i fix 2 access faults.

it was a known problem of ECS version (many access faults)

I think coders of AGA version have fixed all, but it seems some fix are missing ;)

Can you tested with last attached version?
perhaps another access faults can be presents...


note ~0007116

CFOU (developer)

Can you test to verify there are not missing access faults?

many access fault fixed (AGA/CD32)

Second buttons with simple joystick works fine now

 version 1.19c Beta (xx.10.2019) done by CFou!:
 - 27 access faults fixed (0004223) (AGA)
    =>caused little gfx bugs behind enemies when they appeared
          or random crashes
 - 7 access faults fixed (CD32)
 - Cheated savegame maker source code fixed (0003226) for AGA only now
 - rewritten to use last Kick32CD32.s source code (AGA/CD32)
   (thanks WEPL & JOTD for that)
 - random temporary player freezes fixed (CD32)
 - Decrunch code relocated in fast memory (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Less expansion memory needed (AGA/CD32)
 - novolalile.library emulation use last WEPL's code (CD32)
    =>save game named 'NVRAM' for CD32 (cheat save not supported)
 - Load/Save HighScore on HD in file named 'Highs' (ECS/AGA/CD32)
  (Warning: 'save game' & 'Highs' files are'nt written with a trainer option)
 - CUSTOM2=1 Tooltype used to skip intro (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - CUSTOM3=1 used to force CD32 PAD & second fire button support (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    - BLUE button or second button : to jump
    - RED button or first button : to shoot
    - PLAY button or F10 : to pause game
    - REVERSE+FORWARD buttons or ESC : to return to main menu
 - Trainer on WHDLOAD startup splash windows added (ECS/AGA/CD32)
   CUSTOM1: To activate trainer options:
     CUSTOM1=1 : Unlimited lives
     CUSTOM1=2 : Unlimited energy
     CUSTOM1=4 : Unlimited time
     CUSTOM1=8 : Unlimited invicibility
     CUSTOM1=16: To activate in game trainer keys

         'L' : To toggle unlimited lives
         'E' : To toggle unlimited energy
         'T' : To refresh full time
         'I' : To toggle invincibility
         'C' : To give all level cards
        'Tab': To skip level
 (known bug:don't skip level in bonus level, if not level 1 is all time loaded)

note ~0007122

CFOU (developer)

fixed with slave 2.0

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-10-01 11:11 administrator New Issue
2019-10-01 11:11 administrator Status new => assigned
2019-10-01 11:11 administrator Assigned To => CFOU
2019-10-01 21:21 CFOU Note Added: 0007076
2019-10-01 21:33 CFOU Note Added: 0007077
2019-10-03 04:10 christoph gleisberg File Added: .whdl_register
2019-10-03 04:10 christoph gleisberg File Added: -2.whdl_register
2019-10-03 04:10 christoph gleisberg Note Added: 0007086
2019-10-03 09:29 CFOU Note Added: 0007087
2019-10-03 09:30 CFOU Note Added: 0007088
2019-10-03 09:33 CFOU Note Added: 0007089
2019-10-03 09:33 CFOU File Deleted: -2.whdl_register
2019-10-06 06:53 christoph gleisberg Note Added: 0007093
2019-10-06 23:41 CFOU Note Added: 0007095
2019-10-07 17:20 christoph gleisberg Note Added: 0007096
2019-10-07 20:40 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidECS_AGA_CD32_BETA.lha
2019-10-07 20:40 CFOU Note Added: 0007098
2019-10-07 21:38 CFOU File Deleted: .whdl_register
2019-10-07 21:40 christoph gleisberg Note Added: 0007100
2019-10-07 22:22 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidAGA_CD32_116Beta.lha
2019-10-07 22:22 CFOU Note Added: 0007101
2019-10-09 00:06 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidECS-AGA-CD32-117Beta.lha
2019-10-09 00:06 CFOU Note Added: 0007103
2019-10-09 05:25 christoph gleisberg Note Added: 0007105
2019-10-10 00:45 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidECS-AGA-CD32-118Beta.lha
2019-10-10 00:45 CFOU Note Added: 0007109
2019-10-10 20:54 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidAGA-119Beta.lha
2019-10-10 20:54 CFOU Note Added: 0007113
2019-10-10 21:09 CFOU Note Edited: 0007113 View Revisions
2019-10-10 21:10 CFOU File Deleted: SoccerKidECS_AGA_CD32_BETA.lha
2019-10-10 21:10 CFOU File Deleted: SoccerKidAGA_CD32_116Beta.lha
2019-10-10 21:10 CFOU File Deleted: SoccerKidECS-AGA-CD32-117Beta.lha
2019-10-11 19:18 CFOU File Added: SoccerKidECS-AGA-CD32-119c-beta.lha
2019-10-11 19:18 CFOU Note Added: 0007116
2019-10-13 17:36 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2019-10-13 17:36 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2019-10-13 17:36 CFOU Note Added: 0007122
+Issue History