2025-02-17 06:09 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003985SkyHighStuntman[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-05-26 11:32
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoSky High Stuntman (Code Masters)
Summary0003985: This is one of my favorite games. On my 040/32 Apolllo card, the pixels on the
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,1 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 26.12.1999
1.1 from 09.04.2000

This is one of my favorite games. On my 040/32 Apolllo card, the pixels on the right side of the screen are visible when you load the game.
I tested two v1.0 and v1.1 loaders. The problem is the same all the time.
Version 1.0 is unofficial, cracked by Crystal and or AGA fixed by Crux!
Version 1.1 is official
I used NoCaches in tooltype, and nothing helps. I am asking for help, if possible, thank you in advance.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0006443

Retroplay (reporter)

Support for SPS 2091 would be nice too.

note ~0006490

Irek (reporter)

Well, I always thought that the game works without any problems on my Blizzard card. Unfortunately, it's not like that
Although I have no gfx errors in the game, it is much worse. The game freezes on my Amiga on going out to Workbench or it crashes with this error:
Program failed (error # 8000 000A) Wait for disk activity for finish.
I tried it on 3 hard drives and the errors are the same. With this I can rule out a hardware error. It always happened on OS3.9 under OS3.1 the game seems to be running.

note ~0006491

Irek (reporter)

I tried the game with snoopocs and chkbltwait. The game crashes right after the start with this error message:

************************* 10-Nov-18 18:27:26 ************************18.3.5863***
Slave='SkyHighStuntman.slave' (1204 bytes)
ShadowMem 54544158 - 545AE158 ( 434176) AbsolutMem 6A000 - 80000 ( 90112)
Resload 5BF6A000 - 5BF71C8C ( 31884) at 5BF6A000 GL=$5BF73000
Slave 5BFFE000 - 5BFFE490 ( 1168) at 5BFFE000 BaseMemSize=$80000
attn=7F(40,82) fc=-1 kn=10371 cs=A7CE rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0

Exception "Access Fault" ($7008) PC = $7073C Word Write to $DFF000

$000706fe bsr.w $7467a
$00070702 moveq #1,d0
$00070704 jmp ($5bffe424)
$0007070a clr.w ($ea).w
$0007070e move.w #$100,($ee).w
$00070714 clr.w ($ca).w
$00070718 move.l ($8c).w,a0
$0007071c move.l (a0),a0 ;$00000348
$0007071e move.l (a0),a0 ;$00000348
$00070720 move.l a0,($f0).w
$00070724 bsr.w $73e78
$00070728 move.l #$1000000,($40,a6) ;$00dff040
$00070730 move.l #$60,($54,a6) ;$00dff054
$00070738 move.w #$4e70,(a6) ;$00dff000
$0007073c move.w #$42,($58,a6) ;$00dff058
$00070742 rts
$00070744 lea ($c70).w,a0
$00070748 moveq #$b,d7
$0007074a moveq #0,d2
$0007074c tst.w (a0) ;$00000348
$0007074e bmi.b $70772
$00070750 tst.w (8,a0) ;$00000350
$00070754 beq.b $7075c
$00070756 subq.w #1,(8,a0) ;$00000350
$0007075a bra.b $70772
$0007075c move.w ($a,a0),d0 ;$00000352
$00070760 subq.w #1,d0
$00070762 move.w d0,($a,a0) ;$00000352
$00070766 bgt.b $70772

exception stackframe:
$0007FFBC 21000007 073C7008 0007FFC4 04C50045 00C50005 00DFF000 00DFF000 00004E70
$0007FFDC 00DFF000 00004E70 0000037C 0006EC26 00DFF000 00074116 00070728
regular stack:
$0007FFF8 0007036C 00000000

  ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
Dx 6F3BA 184 FFFF 0 0 64 FFFF 2C010140
Ax 348 348 31D0 6F966 348 73E58 DFF000

                 TTSM III XNZVC
PC= 7073C SR %0010000100000000 USP=7FC00 ISP=7FFBC MSP=7F800
VBR=5BF74000 SFC=5 DFC=5 CACR=80008000 MMUSR=0
TC=8000 URP=5BF68000 SRP=5BF68000 DTT0=0 DTT1=0 ITT0=0 ITT1=0

intena=%0100000000111000 dmacon=%0010011111110000 adkcon=$1100
bltddat..0000 vposr....A300 vhposr...0E62 joy0dat..0A0C joy1dat..0000
clxdat...8001 pot0dat..DF39 pot1dat..8282 potinp...5500 serdatr..3BFF
dskbytr..8000 vposw....A300 bltcon0..0100 bltcon1..0000 bltafwm..FFFF
bltalwm..FFFF bltdpt...0000 bltdptl..0060 cop1lc...0000 cop1lcl..35F0
cop2lc...3233 cop2lcl..3431 diwstrt..2C81 diwstop..2CC1 ddfstrt..0038
ddfstop..00D0 aud0vol..0000 aud1vol..0000 aud2vol..0000 aud3vol..0000
bpl1pt...0000 bpl1ptl..8CA0 bpl2pt...0000 bpl2ptl..8F4C bpl3pt...0000
bpl3ptl..8F76 bpl4pt...0000 bpl4ptl..8FA0 bplcon0..1200 bplcon1..0000
bplcon2..0024 bpl1mod..0000 bpl2mod..0000 spr0pt...0006 spr0ptl..E622
spr1pt...0006 spr1ptl..E7A2 spr2pt...0006 spr2ptl..E922 spr3pt...0006
spr3ptl..EAA2 spr4pt...0006 spr4ptl..F22A spr5pt...0006 spr5ptl..F28E
spr6pt...0006 spr6ptl..F2F2 spr7pt...0006 spr7ptl..F356 spr0ctl..0000
spr0data.0000 spr0datb.0000 spr1ctl..0000 spr1data.0000 spr1datb.0000
spr2ctl..0000 spr2data.0000 spr2datb.0000 spr3ctl..0000 spr3data.0000
spr3datb.0000 spr4ctl..0000 spr4data.0000 spr4datb.0000 spr5ctl..0000
spr5data.0000 spr5datb.0000 spr6ctl..0000 spr6data.0000 spr6datb.0000
spr7ctl..0000 spr7data.0000 spr7datb.0000 color00..0000 color01..0333
color02..0000 color03..0000 color04..0000 color05..0000 color06..0000
color07..0000 color08..0000 color09..0000 color10..0000 color11..0000
color12..0000 color13..0000 color14..0000 color15..0000 color16..0000
color17..0000 color18..0000 color19..0000 color20..0000 color21..0000
color22..0000 color23..0000 color24..0000 color25..0FFF color26..0EE6
color27..0840 color28..0000 color29..0FFF color30..0EE6 color31..0840

   ciaa: PI ROPS ciab: PI ROPS
    cra=00000000 ta= 1< 1 cra=00000000 ta=FFFF<FFFF
    crb=00000000 tb=21FF<21FF crb=00000000 tb=FFFF<FFFF
        10RTWCLO parallel DRCCDSOY M3210HDS
    pra=11111110 prb=11111111 pra=11111111 prb=11111111
       ddra=00000011 ddrb=00000000 ddra=11000000 ddrb=11111111
       event=000138 icr=00 sdr=00 event=017D6C icr=00 sdr=00
       alarm=FFFFFF icm=88 alarm=0AD303 icm=00

note ~0010025

Irek (reporter)

Any chances for a new update? The game has a really serious problem working on 040 CPU.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-10-15 13:15 administrator New Issue
2018-10-15 13:15 administrator Status new => assigned
2018-10-15 13:15 administrator Assigned To => Codetapper
2018-10-16 20:15 Retroplay Note Added: 0006443
2018-11-10 19:03 Irek Note Added: 0006490
2018-11-11 14:54 Irek Note Added: 0006491
2021-04-19 14:20 Irek Note Added: 0010025
2021-05-26 11:32 CFOU Assigned To Codetapper => CFOU
+Issue History