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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003898CapitalPunishment[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-11-13 20:45
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoCapital Punishment (ClickBoom)
Summary0003898: Request: make Quit from main menu actually exit the WHDLoad installer.
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal
SlaveVersion: 1.1a (17.02.13)

Request: make Quit from main menu actually exit the WHDLoad installer.
TagsNo tags attached.
GFXCardPicasso IV
ChipMem2 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0007292

CFOU (developer)

fixed with beta version
soon released

note ~0007297

CFOU (developer)

CAn you test last beta pacth
 - Trainer tooltype reworked and enhanced:
   CUSTOM1=1 : to select german language (if not english)
   CUSTOM1=2 : to enable parental lock
   CUSTOM1=4 : all fighters rescued except aliens (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM1=8 : win all fights (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM1=16 : unlimited 'plain' energy for PL1 (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM2=1-10 : select start level
   CUSTOM3=x (1-6): to play all the time will a selected warrior
                    CUSTOM3=1 : Corben
                    CUSTOM3=2 : Sarmon
                    CUSTOM3=3 : Wakatanka
                    CUSTOM3=4 : Demona
                    CUSTOM3=5 : Ninja
                    CUSTOM3=6 : first alien
                    CUSTOM3=7 : second alien
   CUSTOM4=1-4 : fill of NRJ gauge for PL1 (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM5=1-4 : fill of NRJ gauge for PL2 (Epic mode)
   Same will unlimited energy, game is hard!!
    So it is best to use the ADANCED following options:
    - RESCUE: no
    - TRAPS : no
    - ENERGY: plain

note ~0007298

CFOU (developer)

more over last slave fix secret level

note ~0007352

CFOU (developer)

Hi, can you test

I tested full epic mode +outro and 10 levels on winua A4000+040+MMU without access fault

Normaly, it'll works real amiga!

 version 1.1e beta (xx.11.19) done by CFou!:
 - Aga and 68020+ limitation added
 - AMOS manual protection screen removed
 - forgotten cache modification removed
 - many access fault in each level fixed, it's caused random crashes (0000475)
   (original bug: A6 register not initialised in interruption code->at $64)
 - Exit whdload leaving game in main menu
   (original ColdReboot replaced | 0003898)
 - Trainer tooltype reworked and enhanced:
   CUSTOM1=1 : to select german language (if not english)
   CUSTOM1=2 : to enable parental lock
   CUSTOM1=4 : all fighters rescued except aliens (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM1=8 : win all fights (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM1=16 : unlimited 'plain' energy for PL1 (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM1=32 : to skip intro
   CUSTOM2=1-10 : select start level
   CUSTOM3=x (1-6): to play all the time will a selected warrior
                    CUSTOM3=1 : Corben
                    CUSTOM3=2 : Sarmon
                    CUSTOM3=3 : Wakatanka
                    CUSTOM3=4 : Demona
                    CUSTOM3=5 : Ninja
                    CUSTOM3=6 : first alien
                    CUSTOM3=7 : second alien
   CUSTOM4=1-4 : fill of NRJ gauge for PL1 (Epic mode)
   CUSTOM5=1-4 : fill of NRJ gauge for PL2 (Epic mode)

note ~0007353

Hexaae (reporter)

Sometimes (also with previous slaves before your fixes) I still have Game Over corrupt screen: https://i.ibb.co/cr9jJnx/Desktop-Screenshot-2019-11-11-18-30-47-82.png

What I did was: skipped intro pressing FIRE, started game with Corben Wedge, lost, quitted with ESC during replay of my death.
Then I restared a new game with Wedge and lost again. At this point I saw the corrupt Game Over screen...

note ~0007365

CFOU (developer)

bad version(removed).

I will upload good version for test this evening

but for information yesterday, JOTD has test last version on real 040 and now it's works...

moreover whdload's report files was bugged (beta version fix it you can download it here: http://whdload.de/whdload/whd186.lha)

note ~0007366

CFOU (developer)

here i hope final beta!!

In fact, a previous first version did not have this bug !!

While working on the patch I mistakenly removed a good patch.

When I wanted to restore the fix, I used an old bad fix ...

Despite the time lost for nothing, it allowed to correct a bug present for years in whdload !!

note ~0007383

CFOU (developer)

v1.2 will fix it (soon released)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-06-25 15:14 administrator New Issue
2018-06-25 15:14 administrator Status new => assigned
2018-06-25 15:14 administrator Assigned To => CFOU
2019-11-05 22:03 CFOU Note Added: 0007292
2019-11-06 21:20 CFOU File Added: CapitalPunishment.Slave
2019-11-06 21:20 CFOU Note Added: 0007297
2019-11-06 22:57 CFOU File Deleted: CapitalPunishment.Slave
2019-11-06 22:57 CFOU File Added: CapitalPunishment.Slave
2019-11-06 22:57 CFOU Note Added: 0007298
2019-11-11 18:00 CFOU File Added: CapitalPunishment-2.Slave
2019-11-11 18:00 CFOU Note Added: 0007352
2019-11-11 18:34 Hexaae Note Added: 0007353
2019-11-12 14:45 CFOU File Deleted: CapitalPunishment.Slave
2019-11-12 14:45 CFOU File Deleted: CapitalPunishment-2.Slave
2019-11-12 14:46 CFOU Note Added: 0007365
2019-11-12 18:08 CFOU File Added: CapitalPunishment.Slave
2019-11-12 18:08 CFOU Note Added: 0007366
2019-11-13 20:45 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2019-11-13 20:45 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2019-11-13 20:45 CFOU Note Added: 0007383
+Issue History