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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003848SWOS[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-05-19 20:09
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoSensible World of Soccer (Sensible Software)
Summary0003848: SWOS Crashing

When playing WHDload games after 20-30mins of play the game crashes and I’m returned to the Workbench screen along with a dialogue box with the following error code…

Exception “Line 1111 Emulator” ($2C) at $18EA54 occurred.

The last valve ($18EA54) however changes each time it crashes.

Amiga 1200 (motherboard Rev 1D1) re-capped
IDE to SD card adapter with 8GB Samsung class 10 card
DH0 (500 MB) Classic Workbench Full V28
DH1 (3.50 GB) WHDLoad Games
DH2 (3.50 GB) Spare

I have tried formatting the card with SFS and FFS with the following MaxTransfer and Mask parameters:
MaxTransfer = 0x0FE00 / 0x001FE00
Mask = 0x0FFFFFC

I have tried enabling the following settings in WHDload.prefs:


I’m still consistantly getting this error…

The game I have been testing all the above after initial expirencing the error codes on many WHDload games is Sensible World of Soccer 96-97.

Appriate any help

TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
Attached Files



note ~0010215

JOTD (developer)

there are several versions of this game. Maybe you can share your installation?

note ~0010229

Superman (reporter)

Same issue for me on my A600 with furia. I was playing the 2021 latest updated version.

note ~0010232

JOTD (developer)

please share whdload coredump and installed game

note ~0010233

Superman (reporter)

I just tried SWOS 2021 again on my A600 to try and replicate the crash but I was able to play for about 30 minutes and no crash message this time. I did get lots of graphics corruption after 30 mins though which did result in my computer having a guru meditation. Video of corruption here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPNT3gRIUX0

note ~0010234

CCRider (reporter)

Tried to replicate this issue on my A600 (2 MB Chip, 4 MB Fast, 3.1 ROM). Played for about 40 minutes, with no problems at all.

note ~0010236

JOTD (developer)

that's probably because it happens on some versions and not on others. Please share whdload coredump / installed game.

note ~0010249

Superman (reporter)

Just tried SWOS 2.1 slave on my A600 and it crashed after the team selection with and Address error ($B00c) at $97C3FA (Expmem $863FA) occured. I tried to attach the core dump but its 2 large to upload. (2mb uncompressed or 393kb rared!)

note ~0010250

Superman (reporter)

SensibleWorldOfSoccer_v2.1_0840 is the archive I used from retroplays eab folder

note ~0010254

JOTD (developer)

Last edited: 2021-05-13 11:24

View 2 revisions

one version has this issue, this is SPS840, but it also fails with the old version of the slave (2001)

note ~0013701

JOTD (developer)

can someone test with last 2.3 and tell me if it still happens?

note ~0013702

retrogamer (reporter)

Game manual attatched please include if the slave are going to be updated again.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-09 11:26 d3cka2d3pwood New Issue
2018-04-09 11:30 d3cka2d3pwood File Added: IMG_7297.JPG
2018-04-09 11:30 d3cka2d3pwood File Added: IMG_7170.JPG
2018-04-09 11:30 d3cka2d3pwood File Added: IMG_7275.JPG
2021-05-06 23:03 JOTD Note Added: 0010215
2021-05-08 19:39 Superman Note Added: 0010229
2021-05-08 21:20 JOTD Note Added: 0010232
2021-05-08 22:13 Superman Note Added: 0010233
2021-05-08 23:40 CCRider Note Added: 0010234
2021-05-08 23:46 JOTD Note Added: 0010236
2021-05-09 21:23 JOTD Assigned To => JOTD
2021-05-09 21:23 JOTD Status new => feedback
2021-05-11 16:14 Superman Note Added: 0010249
2021-05-11 16:17 Superman Note Added: 0010250
2021-05-13 10:35 JOTD Status feedback => confirmed
2021-05-13 10:35 JOTD Note Added: 0010254
2021-05-13 11:24 JOTD Note Edited: 0010254 View Revisions
2024-05-19 19:11 JOTD Note Added: 0013701
2024-05-19 19:11 JOTD Status confirmed => feedback
2024-05-19 20:08 retrogamer File Added: Manual.zip
2024-05-19 20:09 retrogamer Note Added: 0013702
+Issue History