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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003397Quik[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-11-27 22:03
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoQuik (Stywos/Titus)
Summary0003397: Keyboard problems on 68000 machines. Quitkey works only if you press it
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,2 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2013

Keyboard problems on 68000 machines. Quitkey works only if you press it directly after the whdload splash screen.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.05
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0007438

CFOU (developer)

Hi can you test new beta version for ECS /AGA /CD32?

 version 1.3 beta (xx.11.19)
 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library emulation used instead of library file (CD32)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)

To do
 - test with all config (already tested 68000 (ECS) 68030&68040 (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - try to add optional slave with fast (warning trainer use absolute adresses)

note ~0007447

retrogamer (reporter)

Quitkey works fine now thanks.

note ~0007486

CFOU (developer)

here last beta for test:
added: Skip level/wait button/CD32Pad support for ECS/AGA

to do :
- fix ECS version (level 2 cactus)
- fix instability on 68000-68020 (ECS)

 version 1.2g (26.11.19)
 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - CD32Pad support (ECS/AGA)
 - skip intro possible using CUSTOM3=8
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library removed (not needed)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)
 - fix gfx bug in scrolling: Addq.w replaced by Addq.l (CD32)
   (when bitmap base go from $7xxxx to $8xxxx)
 - WaitButton support added (at inter level screens)

note ~0007498

CFOU (developer)

Last edited: 2019-11-26 22:21

View 2 revisions


Fixe CD32 control (ECS/AGA):
- now you can jump, roll and tell at the same time
- now you can use UP in main menu

note ~0007509

CFOU (developer)

Beta 6
I hope final.

Can you test many option possibilities and all versions before final release?

    CUSTOM3=8 : Enhanced CD32Pad support
        PLay: Pause/Unpause game
        Forward+Reverse: leave current game
 - skip intro using CUSTOM3=16 (ECS/AGA)

 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - CD32Pad support (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM3=4 : CD32Pad support
        Red Button for FIRE / Blue Button for JUMP
                                     + LCTRL/LALT for JUMP
    CUSTOM3=8 : Enhanced CD32Pad support
        PLay: Pause/Unpause game
        Forward+Reverse: leave current game

 - skip intro using CUSTOM3=16 (ECS/AGA)
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library removed (not needed)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)
 - fix gfx bug in scrolling: Addq.w replaced by Addq.l (CD32)
   (when bitmap base go from $7xxxx to $8xxxx)
 - Gfx bug on Quik when it passed behind object fixed (ECS)
 - WaitButton support added (inter level screens)

note ~0007524

CFOU (developer)

fixed with v1.3

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-04 18:17 administrator New Issue
2016-03-04 18:17 administrator Status new => assigned
2016-03-04 18:17 administrator Assigned To => CFOU
2019-11-22 21:37 CFOU File Added: Quik-beta2.lha
2019-11-22 21:37 CFOU Note Added: 0007438
2019-11-23 14:45 retrogamer Note Added: 0007447
2019-11-26 14:25 CFOU Note Added: 0007486
2019-11-26 14:26 CFOU File Added: quik-Beta3.lha
2019-11-26 22:20 CFOU File Added: Quik-beta5.lha
2019-11-26 22:20 CFOU Note Added: 0007498
2019-11-26 22:21 CFOU Note Edited: 0007498 View Revisions
2019-11-27 01:24 CFOU File Added: quik-beta6.lha
2019-11-27 01:24 CFOU Note Added: 0007509
2019-11-27 22:03 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2019-11-27 22:03 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2019-11-27 22:03 CFOU Note Added: 0007524
+Issue History