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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002889TheSettlers[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-12-01 23:36
Assigned ToStingRayProject InfoThe Settlers / Die Siedler (Blue Byte)
Summary0002889: gives access fault at start, works using NoCache, maybe missing flush
DescriptionGameVersion: de, fr and en version
SlaveVersion: 1.6

gives access fault at start, works using NoCache, maybe missing flush cache?
TagsNo tags attached.
GFXCardCyberVision 64/3D
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem144 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files
  • ? file icon .whdl_register (3,683 bytes) 2013-12-09 21:42 -
    ************************* 09-Dez-13 21:41:49 ************************17.2.5386***
    Slave='TheSettlers.Slave' (5096 bytes)
    ShadowMem  8D8ACA8 -  8DB7CA8 ( 184320) AbsolutMem    2D000 -   200000 (1912832)
    Resload    F866000 -  F86E1BC (  33212) at F866000  GL=$FD01000
    Slave      FD0A000 -  FD0B3C4 (   5060) at FD0A000  BaseMemSize=$100000
    ExpMem     F870000 -  FCB0000 (4456448) at F870000
    attn=FF(60,82) fc=-1 kn=1000 cs=2AA2 rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
    Exception "Access Fault" ($4008) PC = $F8B9D62 (Task 'Initial CLI', ExpMem
    $49D62) Long Read from $5B00F8B
    $0f8b9d38 moveq        #-1,d2
    $0f8b9d3a movem.l      (a7)+,d0-d4/d6-d7/a0-a3/a5     ;$0f8bf73c
    $0f8b9d3e rts
    $0f8b9d40 movem.l      d2/a0-a3,-(a7)                 ;$0f8bf73c
    $0f8b9d44 addq.l       #7,d1
    $0f8b9d46 andi.b       #$f8,d1
    $0f8b9d4a move.l       a0,d2
    $0f8b9d4c bne.b        $f8b9d62
    $0f8b9d4e move.l       (0,a6),a0                      ;$0f8b97c6
    $0f8b9d52 cmp.l        (8,a0),d0                      ;$05b00f93
    $0f8b9d56 bpl.b        $f8b9d5e
    $0f8b9d58 cmp.l        (4,a0),d0                      ;$05b00f8f
    $0f8b9d5c bpl.b        $f8b9d62
    $0f8b9d5e move.l       (4,a6),a0                      ;$0f8b97ca
    ›1m$0f8b9d62 move.l       (0,a0),d2                      ;$05b00f8b
    ›22m$0f8b9d66 beq.w        $f8b9e2c
    $0f8b9d6a move.l       d2,a2
    $0f8b9d6c move.l       d2,a1
    $0f8b9d6e cmp.l        a1,d0
    $0f8b9d70 bmi.b        $f8b9d98
    $0f8b9d72 move.l       a1,a2
    $0f8b9d74 move.l       (a1),d2                        ;$0f8bda80
    $0f8b9d76 bne.b        $f8b9d6c
    $0f8b9d78 add.l        d1,($c,a0)                     ;$05b00f97
    $0f8b9d7c suba.l       a1,a1
    $0f8b9d7e move.l       a2,d2
    $0f8b9d80 add.l        (4,a2),d2                      ;$0f8be6d4
    $0f8b9d84 cmp.l        d2,d0
    $0f8b9d86 beq.b        $f8b9dd8
    exception stackframe:
    $0FCAFFE8 00000F8B 9D624008 05B00F8B 01010800
    regular stack:
    $0F8BF73C 00000000 00000000 0F8BDA80 0F8BE6D0 0F8B960E 0F8B98D8 00000000 000003FB
    $0F8BF75C 00001C00 00000000 0FD0B1FE 00000000 0F8BDA80 0F8BE6D0 0F8BE680 0F8B968A
    $0F8BF77C 0F8B9184 00000000 000672F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $0F8BF79C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $0F8BF7BC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
    Dx       B0   F8BDA90         0        B0   F8BDA90   F8BDAA8  494E4954   F8B9603
    Ax  5B00F8B   F8BDA80   F8BE6D0   F8B960E   F8BE680   F8BBEB8   F8B97C6
                     TTSM III   XNZVC
    PC= F8B9D62›22m  SR %0000000000000000›1m  USP=F8BF73C  SSP=FCAFFE8
    VBR=FD02000  SFC=5  DFC=1  CACR=A0808000  PCR=04300123  BUSCR=00000000
    TC=8000  URP=0FD26000  SRP=0FD26000
    DTT0=00000000  DTT1=00000000  ITT0=00000000  ITT1=00000000
    intena=%0110000001101100›22m dmacon=%›1m0000001111110000 adkcon=$1100
    vposr....A300  vhposr...0160  joy0dat..0202  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8023  
    pot0dat..0000  pot1dat..006D  potinp...4500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..A000  
    deniseid.FCF8  hhposr...FC7E  
       ciaa:     PI ROPS		   ciab:     PI ROPS
    	cra=00000000›22m  ta=21FF<21FF	   cra=›1m00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
    	    AII ROPS			    AII ROPS
    	crb=00001000›22m  tb=C881<FFFF	   crb=›1m10000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
    	    10RTWCLO	  parallel	    DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
    	pra=11111110›22m  prb=›1m11111111›22m      pra=›1m11111111›22m  prb=›1m11111111
           ddra=00000011›22m ddrb=›1m00000000›22m     ddra=›1m11000000›22m ddrb=›1m11111111
           event=000041  icr=00  sdr=00    event=000139  icr=04  sdr=00
    ? file icon .whdl_register (3,683 bytes) 2013-12-09 21:42 +

has duplicate 0002905closedStingRay If I don`t skip (Custom1) the intro of SiedlerDE I get an access fault at 


note ~0003560

StingRay (developer)

This only happens during the intro, I know about it as some people already reported it on EAB (works with full cache on my A4060 though). I have already fixed this some months ago but didn't get around to updating the install package yet, will be done soon.

note ~0006492

Stellan (reporter)

I know this issue isn't important but I would like to give this oldie a reminder. :-)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-12-09 21:39 administrator New Issue
2013-12-09 21:39 administrator Status new => assigned
2013-12-09 21:39 administrator Assigned To => StingRay
2013-12-09 21:42 Wepl File Added: .whdl_register
2013-12-11 16:54 StingRay Note Added: 0003560
2013-12-11 16:55 StingRay Status assigned => confirmed
2014-01-03 11:30 StingRay Relationship added has duplicate 0002905
2018-11-14 15:10 Stellan Note Added: 0006492
2022-12-01 23:36 JOTD Status confirmed => closed
2022-12-01 23:36 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History