Notes |
I don't actually know what the correct return code should be from an AmigaDOS perspective. I just tried some commands and aborted them and they abort with 20. Others abort with 5, and I read somewhere an 8 I don't know. :-D |
2021-05-03 01:33
Currently WHDLoad will always return 10 if the Slave didn't got called because of any problems.
I could maybe return 5 if preload has been cancelled.
For what do you want this to know? |
I use custom scripts to manage WHDLoad (non WB environment), and I need to know whether preload was Escaped/cancelled (no actual error as such) or whether there was a real error due to incorrect tooltypes for example. The 5 (WARN) sounds perfect to me and it seems quite correct in the Amiga scheme of things I believe. With a 5 (WARN) I would know that Escape had been pressed, and tooltypes or anything else wouldn't need to be checked.
So yes, please make it return 5 if at all possible for when Preload is cancelled via the Escape key. This is a useful feature all round, games launcher programs would benefit too if they know about it. It's useful for them too to know whether a game has failed in launching as opposed to just a cancelled preload. |
2021-05-16 17:12
WHDLoad now returns a return code = 5 if the preload process has been canceled pressing the Esc key in the splash window. |
Thank you very much, it's working brill :-) |