Notes |
2021-03-10 13:36
WARNING, I have changed default QuitKey
You need use '*' instead of F10 (because F10 already used by game) see readme file...
I test on 68000 and i can exit game pressing * key (from numpad)
You can also change Quikey using tooltype by example:
for F1 |
I have allready tried but it still refuse to work on my A600 config in Winuee. |
2021-03-10 15:37
i will verify this evening.
i have perhaps include beta slave version by errro in whdload's package |
2021-03-10 15:41
(Last edited: 2021-03-10 15:42) |
and source code seems correct:
;V1 & V3
PL_PS $9ca8,_Keyboard
PL_PS $9ca8+dec3,_Keyboard
move.b $bfec01,d0
movem.l d0,-(sp)
not.b d0
ror.b #1,d0
cmp.b _keyexit(pc),D0
beq _exit
cmp.b #$58,d0
bne pas_f9
move.w #$f0,$dff180
movem.l (sp)+,d0
2021-03-10 20:45
ok i found the problem.
It was keyboard interupt initialisaiotn problem.
I can not see it because, if i enter one time in HRTmon, HRTMon fixed it!!
now it's working with v2.2 soon released
thanks for bug report |