WHDLoad MantisBT - BamigaSectorOne_GrandPrixC
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0004769BamigaSectorOne_GrandPrixC[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-07-17 17:122024-08-14 01:02
Assigned ToWepl 
PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0004769: [BamigaSectorOne/GrandPrixCircuit Cracktro] Slave crashes while loading on various accelerators; Typhoon 030 + ACA 1233n
Description[Opening ticket as there was not an option for doing so on the Whdload pages using the contact form, sorry for any extra hassle.]

While attempting to load the slave for this cracktro, the demo immediately bombs out with -

"Exception "Address Error" ($B00C) at $3C1E occured." (sp)

This occurs consistently on a Typhoon 030/40Mhz/64Mb and an ACA 1233n/030/42Mhz/128Mb.

Attaching core dump, .whdl_register, in case that proves useful in debugging. Can obviously do more testing or provide additional info if needed.
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has duplicate 0004768closed Wepl [BamigaSectorOne/GrandPrixCircuit Cracktro] Slave crashes while loading on various accelerators; Typhoon 030 + ACA 1233n 
Attached Files? whdl_register (41,406) 2020-07-17 17:12

2024-08-14 01:02   
has been fixed, new package available

Issue History
2020-07-17 17:12Drag0nFlyNew Issue
2020-07-17 17:12Drag0nFlyFile Added: whdl_register
2020-07-27 11:22WeplProjectWHDLoad => BamigaSectorOne_GrandPrixC
2021-08-04 08:58WeplRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004768
2024-08-07 09:36WeplAssigned To => Wepl
2024-08-07 09:36WeplStatusnew => assigned
2024-08-14 01:02WeplStatusassigned => resolved
2024-08-14 01:02WeplResolutionopen => fixed
2024-08-14 01:02WeplNote Added: 0013834