WHDLoad MantisBT - NorthAndSouth
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0003206NorthAndSouth[WHDLoad Installs Games] OCSpublic2015-03-05 16:542019-01-28 23:24
Assigned ToJOTD 
PlatformOSOS Version
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0003206: Problem CD32-Joypad in game
DescriptionWhen using a CD32 joypad and CUSTOM1=1 is set, red button and left mouse button (moving units only possible by right mouse button, no chance via joypad) don't work on the main screen anynore. No problem in battle / running screens.
Steps To ReproduceCUSTOM1=1 is set.
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2015-05-12 09:41   
have you sure you are read that:
 - Second button support to select unit & CD32 PAD for player 1&2
   CUSTOM1=1:To use second button (PL1&PL2) to select unit and CD32Pad for PL1
   (if mouse connected PL2 can use LMB to fire and RMB to select unit+cursors)
   CUSTOM1=2:To force JOYSTICK or CD32 PAD for PL2 (mouse port)
   CUSTOM1=3:To use second button to select unit and two CD32 Pads for PL1&PL2
2015-07-27 11:30   
Hi !

Maybe the original reporter just missed some information. I have a major problem with the CUSTOM1=1 and CUSTOM1=3 options, as well :

when I'm back on the map screen after a battle, I cannot select a unit anymore (fire button doesn't work although it's still possible to move the mouse).

It doesn't occur when not using the option specified above. Please note everything works as intended until a battle is over. (that is to say : 2nd joystick button enables to select an unit)

Tested with :
- whdload 18.1
- north&south slave 1.6
- os 3.1

Exact steps I follow ; 100% reproducible:

- I select the CUSTOM1=1 or 3 options
- I select the French language
- I choose the 3 random events then start a game
- I move the 2 blue soldiers to catch the top left station and the harbour
- I start and win a battle
--> impossible to select an unit anymore on the map screen

Hardware configuration : tested with both a MiST (AGA core 1.0, newcpu mode) and FS-UAE (A1200 mode). Basic WB 3.1 installation.

Thanks a lot !!!

PS : BTW, is it normal the units cannot mode diagonally ? I guess it is but just checking.

Issue History
2015-03-05 16:54analogkidNew Issue
2015-05-12 09:41CFOUNote Added: 0004570
2015-07-27 11:30mahenNote Added: 0004652
2016-07-15 11:58JOTDAssigned To => JOTD
2016-07-15 11:58JOTDStatusnew => assigned
2019-01-26 22:51JOTDStatusassigned => acknowledged
2019-01-28 23:24JOTDStatusacknowledged => closed
2019-01-28 23:24JOTDResolutionopen => fixed