WHDLoad MantisBT - Katakis
View Issue Details
0001830Katakis[All Projects] Generalpublic2008-01-30 23:332021-03-25 00:01
ReporterMikael Arling 
Assigned ToCFOU 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0001830: Katakis: The installer works fine, so no problems here. But the game quits with
DescriptionInstall: Katakis (Factor 5) http://whdload.de/games/Katakis.html
GameVersion: english,2 disks, (Don't know if it is a PAL or NTSC version)
SlaveVersion: 1.2 from 02.06.06

The installer works fine, so no problems here. But the game quits with a requester thats says: "Exception "Access Fault" ($7008). PC = $F9FB0A86. Word Read from $13FD5824 (Resload $7824)." This happens directly after I start the game in the game-menu (If I can call it that). Please note: At the moment my only "working Amiga" is WinUAE. Please also note: I AM using the ORIGINAL disks in form of IPF files. I can send you MY version of this game so you can see it for yourself.
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2009-04-22 18:19   
ipf file image needed for test...

2009-04-25 21:10   
confirmed on winuae with 060 configuration (not on 030 as my real amiga)

i think is stack problem (stack is to short and is overflowed on 060)

to fix

2009-06-22 23:25   
Katakis (4.6.2006):

The installer works fine, so no problems here. But the game quits with a requester thats says:

>> "Exception "Access Fault" ($7008).
       PC = $F9FB0A86.
       Word Read from $13FD5824 (Resload $7824)."

This happens directly after I start the game in the game-menu (If I can call it that).

Please note: At the moment my only “Working Amiga” is WinUAE due to an IDE-Fix Controller that suddenly stopped working, so I have no way of knowing if it works on a real Amiga 1200.

Please also note: I AM using ORIGINAL disks in form of IPF-files.

I am always using the latest version of both WinUAE and WHDLoad.

MY Amiga 1200 consists of:

Standart Amiga 1200 from 1993.
Blizzard 1260 with 64 MB of RAM (Not overclocked).
Elbox Mediator 1200LT4 (Drivers not installed anymore).
IDE-Fix Controller (Not working anymore).

Mikael Arling

Please note on your part of the WHDLoad Support Page that you got this version of this game from me.
2009-06-22 23:25   
@CFOU: I got images from Mikael, if you need them please let me know
Mikael Arling   
2010-01-16 15:57   
The version I have reported is SPS 0347
2012-01-08 18:52   
@Mikael: can please try if the problem persists with the latest whdload beta http://whdload.de/whdload/whd171.lha
Mikael Arling   
2012-01-09 22:30   

Now the game startup without problems.

The first time I run the game there is a picture of a disk with the rolling text: "Please Insert Katakis Data Disk In Drive 0" that would not go away no matter what key I pressed.

After a reboot, the loading part worked fine, but when I pushed the fire-button from the main-screen - to start the game - the game now quits with a requester that says:

>> Exception "Illegal Instruction" ($10)
   at $20CBA occured. <<

These two issues now seems to occur randomly.

And only Once it all worked fine.
2021-03-25 00:01   
normaly fixed with v2.0 (SMC)

Issue History
2009-04-10 01:19administratorNew Issue
2009-04-10 01:19administratorStatusnew => assigned
2009-04-10 01:19administratorAssigned To => CFOU
2009-04-10 01:19administratorMachine => A1200
2009-04-10 01:19administratorCPU => 68060
2009-04-10 01:19administratorCPUSpeed => 50
2009-04-10 01:19administratorChipSet => AGA
2009-04-10 01:19administratorGFXCard => None
2009-04-10 01:19administratorChipMem => 2 MB
2009-04-10 01:19administratorFastMem => 64 MB
2009-04-10 01:19administratorWorkbench => OS 3.9
2009-04-10 01:19administratorKickROM => 40 - Kick 3.1
2009-04-10 01:19administratorKickSoft => None
2009-04-10 01:19administratorWHDLoad => 16.9beta
2009-04-10 01:19administratorimported => yes
2009-04-22 18:19CFOUNote Added: 0000366
2009-04-22 18:19CFOUStatusassigned => feedback
2009-04-25 21:10CFOUNote Added: 0000724
2009-04-25 21:10CFOUStatusfeedback => confirmed
2009-04-25 21:10CFOUNote Edited: 0000724
2009-06-22 23:25WeplNote Added: 0001260
2009-06-22 23:25WeplNote Added: 0001261
2010-01-16 15:57Mikael ArlingNote Added: 0001634
2012-01-08 18:52WeplNote Added: 0002572
2012-01-09 22:30Mikael ArlingNote Added: 0002573
2021-03-25 00:01CFOUStatusconfirmed => closed
2021-03-25 00:01CFOUResolutionopen => fixed
2021-03-25 00:01CFOUNote Added: 0009767