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Vindicators< >Virocop

Violator (Code Masters)

download the install packageViolator.lha
created at2024-09-16
size of install package36659 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & DJ Mike
Mantis BugTracker1759
Hall Of Light1574
Lemon Amiga2500

Short:    HD Installer for Violator
Author:   Bored Seal & DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com)
Uploader: DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com)
Version:  2.1
Type:     game/patch
Requires: WHDLoad 19, RawDIC, 512k chip mem

This patch applies to "Violator" © 1990 Codemasters.


- Original release (SPS #2658)
- Quattro Power Machines compilation disk 2 (SPS #2145)
- Cracked versions may work, but I offer no guarantees


- Original disk or compatible disk image
- RawDIC for the imager
- Slave requires WHDLoad V19+
- Game requires 512k chip mem
  (+ approx 300-800k other memory for preload option)


- Game loads entirely from HD
- Uses real files, extracted with RawDIC imager
- Original version files can be packed with XPK/ProPack/etc. to save space
  (Quattro release is already compressed)
- Quit game at any time (default key F10), including on 68000 machines
- High scores loaded and saved on disk (unless you cheat)
- Rob Northen Copylock protection removed
- Keyboard interrupt access fault fixed (crashed during Level 1)
- Color bit setting in bplcon0 fixed (x4)
- Missing blitter waits fixed
- CPU-dependent loop (empty DBF) fixed
- Stack pointer and decruncher moved to fast memory if available
- Use BUTTONWAIT tooltype to wait for fire button on title picture
- Trainer options added - set CUSTOM1 with any of the following:
  + 1 to enable cheat keys:
    * F2 toggles Infinite Lives
    * F3 toggles Infinite Smartbombs
    * F4 toggles Infinite Power-up Ammo
    * F5 toggles Invulnerability to bullets
    * F6 toggles Invulnerability to other aircraft
  + 2 for infinite lives
  + 4 for infinite smartbombs
  + 8 for infinite power-up ammo
  + 16 for invulnerability to bullets
  + 32 for invulnerability to other aircraft
- Set CUSTOM2=1 to enable CD32 controls:
  * Blue/2nd button - use smartbomb
  * Play+Forward+Reverse - quit game
- ROM/NewIcons by Midwik, JHZ and DJ Mike
- Manual included
- Source code included

Version 2.1 (14-Sep-2024) by DJ Mike
- Startup error fixed with Quattro Power version (Mantis issue #6232)
- Supported 2nd button to trigger smartbombs (Mantis issue #6492)
- CD32 quit option (Play+Forward+Reverse)
- Infinite smartbombs trainer added
- Trainer options can now be turned on from CUSTOM1 tooltype
- In-game trainer keys moved to F2+ (as F1 toggles music/sfx)
- Splash screen options added
- Manual added
- Source code now included

Version 2.0 (30-Jul-2006) by DJ Mike
- Fixed access fault in keyboard routine which crashed game during level 1
- Completely reworked install - also uses modern WHDL functions
- Now uses real files extracted via custom RawDIC imager
- High scores now loaded and saved on disk
- Quit key fixed to work on 68000 machines
- Improved blitter bug scanning code
- Empty code loop fixed
- Added three new trainer options (infinite ammo, invulnerable to bullets,
  invulnerable to other ships)
- Now supports both Original and Quattro Power Machines releases

Version 1.1 (27-Nov-2000) by Bored Seal
- All blitter bugs fixed, trainer changed

Version 1.0 (01-Jul-1999) by Bored Seal
- First public release


Thanks to Skreen for disk image.


This game is far too hard without the trainer switched on!! Still, it was an
interesting one to poke around in and add some new features to! :-)

Special thanks to Bored Seal for letting me update this one!

Greetings to Codetapper, Wepl, and all WHDLoad supporters!

-- DJ Mike (30th July 2006)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Violator.slave - 16.09.2024 09:10:12 - 2848 bytes
required WHDLoad version19
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
optional Expansion Memory4 KiB ($fffffffffffff000)
info nameViolator
info copy1991 Codemasters
info installInstalled by Bored Seal & DJ Mike
Version 2.1 (14-Sep-2024)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Cheat Keys:0
C1:X:Infinite Lives:1
C1:X:Infinite Bombs:2
C1:X:Infinite Power-up Ammo:3
C1:X:Invulnerable to Bullets:4
C1:X:Invulnerable to Aircraft:5
C2:B:CD32 Controls

Install Archive Content Listing
9481lh5494Amiga2024-09-16 09:22:26ViolatorHD.info
217661lh55638Amiga2006-07-30 16:51:52ViolatorHD/Install
7091lh5348Amiga2024-09-13 20:59:34ViolatorHD/Install.info
12151lh5637Amiga2024-09-13 21:01:18ViolatorHD/Manual
20401lh51584Amiga2024-09-13 20:59:34ViolatorHD/Manual.info
36231lh51764Amiga2024-09-15 14:50:30ViolatorHD/ReadMe
20401lh51585Amiga2024-09-13 20:59:34ViolatorHD/ReadMe.info
206491lh57607Amiga2024-09-16 09:20:22ViolatorHD/src/Violator.asm
33511lh51237Amiga2024-09-13 21:10:16ViolatorHD/src/Violator.islave.asm
801lh080Amiga2006-07-30 15:44:04ViolatorHD/Violator.highs
6161lh5376Amiga2006-07-30 23:37:20ViolatorHD/Violator.islave
137241lh54845Amiga2006-07-30 15:43:26ViolatorHD/Violator.newjhz
167101lh54583Amiga2006-07-30 16:34:50ViolatorHD/Violator.newmike
91291lh53054Amiga2006-07-30 15:43:32ViolatorHD/Violator.romicon
28481lh51958Amiga2024-09-16 09:10:12ViolatorHD/Violator.slave

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last change : 2024-09-16
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