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Steel Empire< >Steg the Slug

Steel (Hewson)

download the install packageSteel.lha
created at2022-12-26
size of install package120050 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker1439
Hall Of Light2115
Lemon Amiga2278

Short : HD-Installer for Steel V1.2
Type : game/patch, StingRay
Author : Bored Seal

This patch applies to "Steel" by Hewson (c) 1989 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Game requires 0.5MB ChipRAM (+ 0.5MB for PreLoad)

V1 = original release (supported by Helmut Motzkau)
V2 = Turbo Pack compilation (supported by Irek Kloska)

- Full loading from HD
- RNC disk protection removed (version #1)
- Old RNC copylock decoded by unknown cracker (version #1, decoded file included)
- Self-modifying code patched (2x)
- RNC decruncher relocated to FastRAM (version #2)
- Beam delays inserted
- Trainer option added (set CUSTOM1=1 for unlimited energy)
- OS emulation module used
- NI/ROM/OS 3.5 icons
- Quit option (your default key)

Thanks to Adrian Simpson for cracked version and decoded file.

V1.0 (20-Mar-2000) - first public release
V1.1 (02-Jul-2008) - another version supported (thanks Irek), SMC fixed, trainer added, icons and docs added (thanks Irek)
V1.2 (26-Dec-2022) - out ouf bounds blits fixed
(StingRay)	   - access faults fixed (issue #5611)
      Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Steel.slave - 26.12.2022 23:27:20 - 788 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameSteel
info copy1989 Hewson
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal & StingRay
V1.2 (26-Dec-2022)

Install Archive Content Listing
27471lh51331Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Docs
19901lh51310Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Docs.info
12331lh5588Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD.info
290781lh57447Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Install
7051lh5352Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Install.info
208801lh512029Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/OSEmu.400
12271lh5728Amiga2022-12-26 23:33:34SteelHD/ReadMe
20401lh51580Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/ReadMe.info
50521lh51969Amiga2022-12-26 23:30:28SteelHD/src/Steel.asm
207601lh520459Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel
226471lh519948Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.boxicon
220911lh518902Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.boxicon2
136751lh510738Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.colicon
141011lh512317Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.colicon2
91801lh53397Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.inf
135771lh55455Amiga2008-07-17 10:35:04SteelHD/Steel.newicon
7881lh5609Amiga2022-12-26 23:27:20SteelHD/Steel.slave

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