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Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon< >Sixiang

Sink or Swim (Zeppelin Games/Odysseus Software)

download the install packageSinkOrSwim.lha
created at2022-12-31
size of install package33795 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & Wepl & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker370
Hall Of Light1952
Lemon Amiga968
download images for that installwww.whdload.de

Short : HD-Installer for Sink Or Swim V1.1
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal (bored@whdload.de)

This patch applies to "Sink Or Swim" by Zeppelin/Odysseus Software (c) 1993 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+, install requires RawDIC.
Game requires 1.0 MB Chip Mem (+ 1.6 other memory for preload option)

- Full loading from HD
- Copy protection removed
- Highscores are saved
- ButtonWait tooltype added for title, game over and extra mem screens.
- CPU dependant loops fixed
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (default key is '*' on keypad)

Install package contains two slaves - 512kb and 1MB version. 1MB configuration
uses special sound effects.

Thanks to Martin Noren for original.

Bored Seal

version 1.1 done by Wepl (25.06.2006)
- fixed comptibility with WHDLoad v16.6 (resload_Control)
- new install script, always installs the 1MB Slave, if you want use 512K Slave
  you have to copy it manually
- os35 icon and codes table added
- source included

version 1.2 done by StingRay (31.12.2022)
- patch rewritten, real files used
- Bplcon0 color bit fixes
- interrupts fixed
- default quitkey changed to F10

      Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
SinkOrSwim512k.slave - 31.12.2022 15:22:54 - 1092 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameSink or Swim
info copy1993 Zeppelin
info installinstalled by StingRay/[S]carab^Scoopex
Version 1.2 (31.12.2022)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
SinkOrSwim.slave - 31.12.2022 15:23:04 - 1104 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameSink or Swim
info copy1993 Zeppelin
info installinstalled by StingRay/[S]carab^Scoopex
Version 1.2 (31.12.2022)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000

Install Archive Content Listing
8131lh5548Amiga2003-12-08 13:42:20SinkOrSwim_Install/Codes
14061lh5900Amiga2022-12-31 15:38:20SinkOrSwim_Install/Codes.info
15841lh51048Amiga2006-06-25 13:36:42SinkOrSwim_Install.info
217631lh55615Amiga2022-12-31 15:27:44SinkOrSwim_Install/Install
7131lh5362Amiga2022-12-31 15:38:20SinkOrSwim_Install/Install.info
12631lh5757Amiga2022-12-31 15:45:26SinkOrSwim_Install/ReadMe
14061lh5899Amiga2022-12-31 15:38:20SinkOrSwim_Install/ReadMe.info
10921lh5846Amiga2022-12-31 15:22:54SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim512k.slave
113311lh59423Amiga2002-12-21 12:19:44SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim.colicon
46501lh52544Amiga2000-07-20 13:51:20SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim.inf
4041lh5289Amiga2022-12-31 15:36:44SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim.islave
70101lh54512Amiga2000-07-20 13:51:20SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim.newicon
11041lh5853Amiga2022-12-31 15:23:04SinkOrSwim_Install/SinkOrSwim.slave
16781lh5764Amiga2022-12-31 15:36:34SinkOrSwim_Install/Source/SinkOrSwim.islave.asm
103871lh53423Amiga2022-12-31 15:24:28SinkOrSwim_Install/Source/SinkOrSwim_WHD.s

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