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Shinobi< >Shootout

Shock Wave (Lightsource Productions/Digital Magic)

download the install packageShockWave.lha
created at2003-04-22
size of install package40182 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light1911
Lemon Amiga2277

Short : HD-Installer for Shockwave - (c) 1991 Digital Magic
Type  : game/patch
Author: Galahad / Fairlight (gldflt@blueyonder.co.uk)

 This install applies to "Shockwave" © 1991 Digital Magic
 Slave requires WHDLoad V15+.
 Game needs 0.5 MB Of Chipmem & 1.0MB of Fastmem (for preload option)

 - Original PAL release


 - Full Loading from HD (Real Files)
 - Lame-o-Protect removed (3x Copylock/MFM)
 - Blittwaits inserted (x lots!)
 - Music DMA fixed (for those that want to play with caches on)
 - Weapons Reload bug fixed (caused a WHDLoad Access Fault)
 - Depacker relocated to Fast RAM
 - Manual included.
 - Installer and nice Icons by Frank!
 - Quit Option (F10 key)
Thanks to Adrian Simpson for the image.


 Digital Magic were always quite technically competant when it came to
 game engines, Shockwave is like Marmite/Vegemite..... you either love
 it or you hate it!
 Simple enough WHDLoad install to do, the MFM protection system was the
 usual Digital Magic system (i.e. not very hard to circumvent!), and a nice
 touch with trying to catch crackers out with a track read inside the game
 instead of an expected file read!
 3 Copylocks, the first to encrypt the boot loader, the second to set a 
 longword for the depacker routine, and the 3rd was to generate the table
 for the enemy movements.  
 Try with caches enabled..... the game really flies! 

You MUST be registered to play this install.

Kindest Regards, Galahad & Frank & Adrian

NEXT: Sensible Soccer..... I think this one has waited long enough........



Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Shockwave.slave - 22.04.2003 21:13:44 - 2796 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsDisk NoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info name--< S H O C K W A V E >--
info copy1991 Digital Magic
info install----------------------
Installed and fixed by
Galahad of Fairlight
Version 1.0 (18.04.2003)
Thanks to Adrian Simpson for the image
Thanks to Frank for the icons
and installer

Install Archive Content Listing
33650lh521562003-04-22 21:14:16ShockWaveHD.info
96190lh526772003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\Install
26850lh516692003-04-22 21:14:16ShockWaveHD\Install.info
103220lh544312003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\Manual
43140lh527452003-04-22 21:14:16ShockWaveHD\Manual.info
16690lh59522003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\Readme
43140lh527492003-04-22 21:14:16ShockWaveHD\ReadMe.info
142210lh5134532003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\ShockWave.coloricon
3840lh53082003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\Shockwave.islave
217890lh576462003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\ShockWave.newicon
27960lh58752003-04-22 21:13:44ShockWaveHD\Shockwave.slave

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