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Outlands< >Out Run

Out Run Europa (U.S.Gold/Probe)

download the install packageOutrunEurope.lha
created at2020-03-15
size of install package25697 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker459
Hall Of Light2330
Lemon Amiga806

Short : HD-Installer for Outrun Europa V1.3
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal (bored@whdload.de), StingRay

This patch applies to "Outrun Europa" by US Gold/Probe (c) 1991 - 2 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Game requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem (+ 1.8 other memory for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- Disk protection removed
- Access fault in music routine fixed
- Beam delays inserted
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)

FEATURES V1.2 (StingRay):
- 2 versions supported
- Blitter wait added
- Access fault in sample player code fixed (V2)
- Read from POTGO fixed
- Memory requirements reduced to 512K chip memory
- Name changed to the correct Outrun Europa
- Source code included

FEATURES V1.3 (StingRay):
- Trainer options added (unlimited time, built-in cheat)
- Interrupts fixed
- Timing  fixed (can be disabled with CUSTOM2)
- 68000 quitkey support
- New install script

V1.0 (01-Dec-1998) - first public release
V1.1 (21-Jul-2001) - optimized images, new icons, beam delays added
V1.2 (14-Mar-2020) - support for another version added
(StingRay)	   - read from POTGO fixed
		   - memory requirements reduced to 512K chip memory
		   - source code included
v1.3 (15-Mar-2020) - trainer options added
                   - interrupts fixed
                   - timing fixed
                   - 68000 quitkey support
                   - new install script

CHEAT (taken from Sweet Cheater):
 Pause the game with CTRL and type 'ORINJ'. Now you can skip levels with
Help and raise time with cursor up.

Thanks to Chris Vella for disk images.

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
OutrunEuropa.slave - 15.03.2020 08:50:32 - 932 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameOutrun Europa
info copy1991 US Gold
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal & StingRay
V1.3 (15-Mar-2020)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Unlimited Time:0
C1:X:Enable Built-In Cheat:1
C2:B:Disable Timing Fix:2

Install Archive Content Listing
12331lh5589Amiga2001-07-22 09:18:02OutrunEuropaHD.info
379051lh59290Amiga2020-03-15 08:59:12OutrunEuropaHD/Install
7151lh5361Amiga2020-03-14 18:21:32OutrunEuropaHD/Install.info
91031lh54326Amiga2001-07-22 09:18:04OutrunEuropaHD/OutrunEuropa.inf
136601lh55301Amiga2001-07-22 09:18:04OutrunEuropaHD/OutrunEuropa.newicon
9321lh5697Amiga2020-03-15 08:50:32OutrunEuropaHD/OutrunEuropa.slave
17211lh5869Amiga2020-03-15 09:08:46OutrunEuropaHD/Readme
20401lh51581Amiga2020-03-15 08:52:26OutrunEuropaHD/Readme.info
52341lh52123Amiga2020-03-15 08:48:54OutrunEuropaHD/Source/OutrunEuropa.asm

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