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Morph< >Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat II (Acclaim)

download the install packageMortalKombat2.lha
created at2022-05-22
size of install package121503 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Codetapper & Wepl & JOTD
Mantis BugTracker60
Hall Of Light2516
Lemon Amiga762

This patch applies to "Mortal Kombat 2" (c) 1994 Acclaim - 3/4 disks.
Thanks to Carlo Pirri and Mad-Matt for the 3 disk version and Chris
Vella for the 4 disk US version!

- Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
- 1MB chip slave requires 1Mb chip mem/1.5Mb fast mem (+2.9Mb other memory for preload option)
- 512k chip slave requires 512k chip mem/2Mb fast mem (+2.9Mb other memory for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- 2 versions supported
- RNC copylock removed (x2)
- Decruncher relocated to fast memory
- Slaves included for both 512k and 1Mb chip machines (more speech/effects)
- Snoop bug removed (move.b #0,$bfd200)
- Colour bit fix
- Instructions included (including summary of all moves)
- RomIcon, NewIcon and GlowIcon (created by me!)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

- Taken from Sweet Cheater by Keith Krellwitz and Codetapper!
- On the screen where you can select between {START} and {OPTIONS},
  type "FIONA".  The screen will flash green.  This turns off the
  blood.  To reactivate the blood type it again and the screen will
  flash red.
- Select options from that same screen and type "ZEDWEB".  A new
  option (DIAGNOSTICS) should appear at the bottom of the screen.
  Select this option and you will be given a list of cheat options.
  Note that the above code assumes a French keymap is used, for
  most English speaking countries type in "WEDZEB" to activate the
  cheat. For German keyboards, type "YEDWEB".

Previous memory configuration info:

If you have 2Mb of chip memory you should run the AGA version of the game
(it doesn't require the AGA chipset but all AGA machines have 2Mb chip so I
named it that!) as you will get a lot more speech and effects in most parts
of the game.  If you do not have enough memory to preload all images and
play the AGA version, simply use the normal slave to save some memory.


The game really detects 512k chip or 1MB chip. The rest of the memory can be
fast memory, it doesn't matter. For some reason, the memory needs to be
aligned on 0.5mb boundary which explains that it requires more fastmem than
it should.
It also used to detect 32 bit memory and act weird, where there's no reason
for that, so I disabled that test.

- Mr Larmer for his assistance on the nasty copylock (and for the 
  magnificent copylock decoder)
- Mick for his JST source
- Jean-François Fabre for patching the original from the Prestige crack
  all those years ago
- Bert Jahn for constantly updating WHDLoad 
- Galahad/Fairlight for constant assistance :)
- The rest of the WHDLoad team (Bored Seal, Harry, Psygore)
- Frank for the French lessons, testing and superb icons
- And my great original suppliers Carlo, Chris and Mad-Matt!

Enjoy this superb game on HD and put those floppies away for good!

Codetapper/Action (01-Apr-2001)


Version 1.4 (21.05.2022) done by JOTD:
- Fixed access fault in 512k chip slave (unpacker issue)

Version 1.3 (29.04.2022) done by JOTD:
- Fixed crash in NTSC mode (issue #0005618)

Version 1.2 (23.04.2022) done by JOTD:
- New memory configurations for slaves: 512k chip or 1MB chip (issue #0005489)
  (removed 2MB chip configuration as the 1MB extra memory can be fast)
- New memory config probably fixes long loading times with 1MB chip only (issue #0002986)
- Able to use 32 bit fastmem for expansion (game limited to 24-bit)
- Trainer
- Ability to enable trainer diagnostics original screen (ZEDWEB cheat)
- Ability to enable bloodless mode (FIONA cheat)
- CUSTOM2=1 enables 2-button joystick option (no need to set it in options)
- fixed 2-button joystick issue (issue #0004133)

Version 1.1.1 (2012-09-02) by Wepl, PiterG
- docs updated concerning fatality of Shan Tsung Kintaro, thanks Piter

Version 1.1 (2012-08-23) by Wepl
- stack moved to fastmem to avoid crashes because low stack

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Note: if you skip title screen, music isn't going to play in options menu (non-issue #0005638)

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
MortalKombat2_512k_chip.slave - 21.05.2022 18:46:06 - 6300 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory2052 KiB ($201000)
info nameMortal Kombat 2
info copy1994 Acclaim
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action! & JOTD
Version 1.4 (21-may-2022 18:46:03)
Greetings to Mr Larmer, Mick, Jean-François Fabre,
and to Carlo Pirri, Chris Vella and Mad-Matt
for supplying the originals!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:infinite energy P2:0
C1:X:infinite energy P1:1
C1:X:one hit kills P2:2
C1:X:one hit kills P1:3
C1:X:infinite time:4
C1:X:in game cheat menu:5
C1:X:bloodless mode:6
C2:X:2 button control by default:0
MortalKombat2.slave - 21.05.2022 18:46:06 - 6240 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
required Expansion Memory1540 KiB ($181000)
info nameMortal Kombat 2 (1Mb chip)
info copy1994 Acclaim
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action! & JOTD
Version 1.4 (21-may-2022 18:46:03)
Greetings to Mr Larmer, Mick, Jean-François Fabre,
and to Carlo Pirri, Chris Vella and Mad-Matt
for supplying the originals!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:infinite energy P2:0
C1:X:infinite energy P1:1
C1:X:one hit kills P2:2
C1:X:one hit kills P1:3
C1:X:infinite time:4
C1:X:in game cheat menu:5
C1:X:bloodless mode:6
C2:X:2 button control by default:0

Install Archive Content Listing
362931lh59052Amiga2022-04-23 00:30:36MortalKombat2Install/Install
7141lh5356Amiga2012-08-23 22:39:26MortalKombat2Install/Install.info
192891lh56978Amiga2001-04-01 18:11:40MortalKombat2Install/Instructions
19901lh51312Amiga2012-08-23 22:39:26MortalKombat2Install/Instructions.info
63001lh55548Amiga2022-05-21 18:46:06MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2_512k_chip.slave
194661lh514013Amiga2001-03-30 15:20:52MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.colicon
182321lh513311Amiga2001-03-30 15:22:42MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.colicon2
124931lh56646Amiga2001-03-31 00:53:04MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.inf
5081lh5373Amiga2001-03-30 22:58:42MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.islave
216641lh511217Amiga2001-03-31 00:56:10MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.newicon
186101lh511134Amiga2001-03-31 00:59:24MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.newicon2
62401lh55506Amiga2022-05-21 18:46:06MortalKombat2Install/MortalKombat2.slave
66841lh51641Amiga2012-09-02 21:26:18MortalKombat2Install/Moves
19901lh51310Amiga2012-08-23 22:39:26MortalKombat2Install/Moves.info
84591lh53194Amiga2012-09-02 21:26:20MortalKombat2Install/Moves&Notes
19901lh51309Amiga2012-08-23 22:39:26MortalKombat2Install/Moves&Notes.info
45871lh52173Amiga2022-05-21 18:44:22MortalKombat2Install/ReadMe
27641lh51802Amiga2012-08-23 22:39:26MortalKombat2Install/ReadMe.info
5941lh5299Amiga2022-04-23 00:11:42MortalKombat2Install/source/Makefile_windows.mak
282061lh511355Amiga2022-05-21 18:46:06MortalKombat2Install/source/MortalKombat2HD.s
44821lh51532Amiga2022-05-21 18:46:06MortalKombat2Install/source/MortalKombat2.islave.s
221981lh58449Amiga2003-11-26 15:09:12MortalKombat2Install/Strategy Guide
19901lh51313Amiga2012-09-02 21:31:00MortalKombat2Install/Strategy Guide.info

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