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Jet Set Willy II< >Jetstrike

Jetsons (PAL Developments/Hi-Tec)

download the install packageJetsons.lha
created at2004-02-29
size of install package53614 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker623
Hall Of Light792
Lemon Amiga1229

Short:    HD-Installer for Jetsons V1.0
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com), ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.0
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Jetsons" (c) 1992 PAL Developments/Hi-Tec - 1 disk.
Thanks to Tony Aksnes for sending the original!

- Slave requires WHDLoad V10+ and RawDIC
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+810k other memory for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- MFM disk image converted to files
- Blitter waits added (x58)
- Empty DBF loops fixed (x8)
- Trainer keys added (thanks to Ice/Anthrox!)
- Trainer added (set CUSTOM1=1 for infinite lives, energy, time and money)
- Added small delay on pre-level loading pictures (hit fire to skip)
- ButtonWait tooltype added for pre-level loading pictures
- Built in PAL/NTSC toggle key (F10) fixed (did not work on AGA machines)
- All files can be compressed to save space (FImp, Propack etc)
- RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by me!) and a nice boxicon
  (created by Captain^HIT!)
- Quit option (default key is 'PrtSc')

- Soon to be added to Sweet Cheater!
- During the game, press 'P' to pause and type "STIGMATA" and the screen
  will flash red.  You will now have infinite energy.
- Alternatively, type "NO REST" during the game and the screen will flash
  red.  You will now have infinite energy and time.

    M - Toggle music/sound effects
    P - Pause
    R - Resume (when paused)
  F10 - Toggle PAL/NTSC mode during the game (doesn't work on title screen)

  Del - Toggle infinite cash, energy, lives and time
   F9 - Restore cash, energy, lives and time
 Help - Skip level

This game uses the same sneaky disk format as Alien World, Blazing Thunder,
Future Bike Simulator, Hi-Tec Hanna Barbera collection, and Scooby Doo and
Scrappy Doo.  It has a table of 16 sync words which are scrambled based on
a key found on track 1.  It also depacks files using a simple run length
encoding and has to depack across sector boundaries.  The included RawDIC
imager is the most efficient one I have seen for this format as it only
requires an extra 256k of memory on top of the disk image size to rip the
entire disk back to files.  The directory is read from the image and all
files in the list are read one sector at a time and depacked into the
buffer and saved.

Thanks to John Girvin for his Hi-Tec imager source - it has some very nice
tricks in it but required a bit too much memory! :)

You can compress all the data files which will reduce memory requirements 
to only 380k!

Just for curiosity I checked out the Crystal crack of this game and found
that it has a corrupt "boxes.sp" file.  It appears that the cracker (IBM)
put his name at the top of the loading routine when ripping files and has
accidentally saved the file 4 bytes too early.  This means that 23 16x16
graphic tiles in the game are corrupt and are drawn 2 pixels below where
they should be!

Greetings to Tony, Wepl for WHDLoad, all Action members and the entire
WHDLoad team!

This install is dedicated to Mr Larmer/Wanted Team. I recently found out
that he was killed in a car accident. RIP Czeslaw.

Codetapper/Action (01-Mar-2004)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Jetsons.slave - 01.03.2004 08:02:34 - 1172 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameJetsons
info copy1992 PAL Developments/Hi-Tec
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.0 (01.03.2004)
Keys: Del - Toggle cheat Help - Skip level
M - Music on/off F10 - Toggle PAL/NTSC
F9 - Restore lives, energy, time and money
Thanks to Tony Aksnes for sending the original!

Install Archive Content Listing
39750lh517982003-09-06 13:42:36JetsonsHD.info
102010lh528362004-01-20 18:59:24JetsonsHD\Install
37100lh525692004-01-20 18:22:50JetsonsHD\Install.info
72640lh563852004-01-20 18:51:14JetsonsHD\Jetsons.colicon
248060lh5203612004-01-17 10:15:42JetsonsHD\Jetsons.holicon
29320lh515382004-02-19 21:19:02JetsonsHD\Jetsons.islave
163220lh570592004-01-20 18:51:40JetsonsHD\Jetsons.newicon
124870lh557692004-01-18 16:12:38JetsonsHD\Jetsons.romicon
11720lh58702004-03-01 08:02:34JetsonsHD\Jetsons.slave
38750lh518962004-03-01 08:03:30JetsonsHD\ReadMe
57200lh520312003-08-14 10:45:46JetsonsHD\ReadMe.info

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