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Enchanted Land< >Enemy 2: Missing in Action

Encounter (Novagen)

download the install packageEncounter.lha
created at2008-01-09
size of install package17619 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Harry & JOTD
Mantis BugTracker844
Hall Of Light3262
Lemon Amiga376

That patch applies to Encounter (c) 1991 Novagen.

You will have to install it with that install to run it from hd.
That install needs WHDLoad and The Patcher 1.05 in the path (eg in c:).

Default quitkey is numerical *. Change it with the QUITKEY-tooltype.

Note:   The program has still a bug, but i cant find the source since
          it occurs so rarely. If the colors are all white, pressing
          numerical ] (quitkey-2) fixes this.

 Version 1.2 (10.01.08) done by JOTD
 - No more need for NOVBRMOVE (division by zero avoided)
 - BUTTONWAIT allows to see intro screen (was not disableable)
 - source code included

 Version 1.1 (13.02.03) done by Harry
 - Protection prevented the program from running on 68020+. Removed.
 - Program saves the highscores.

The install is tested with 2 MB on an A1200, and on an 18 MB 68030, in on WinUAE

Disclaimer: Although i try to make my installs as reliable as possible, you 
          use them wholly on your own risk.

Full whdload package:	aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha
Other installs:		http://www.whdload.de
Report bugs with the bug report form on that page.

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
encounter.slave - 09.01.2008 19:10:50 - 672 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsDisk NoError EmulTrap EmulDivZero
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameEncounter
info copy1991 Novagen
info installadapted & fixed by Harry & JOTD
Version 1.2 (07-jan-08 22:52:49)

Install Archive Content Listing
13360lh58702003-02-13 20:49:58EncounterHD\encounter.imager
61390lh533472008-01-09 19:18:36EncounterHD\Encounter.inf
6720lh55402008-01-09 19:10:50EncounterHD\encounter.slave
29200lh510272003-02-13 20:49:58EncounterHD\Install
61600lh536412008-01-09 19:10:38EncounterHD\Install.info
11250lh56792008-01-09 19:19:26EncounterHD\Readme
19900lh513102002-02-16 17:44:44EncounterHD\Readme.info
50290lh520442008-01-09 19:10:50EncounterHD\source\EncounterHD.asm
91870lh535572008-01-09 19:10:50EncounterHD\source\encounterimager05.asm
1410lh5982008-01-09 19:10:50EncounterHD\source\Makefile

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