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Doodlebug< >Doofus

Doody (W.G.S.S.)

download the install packageDoody.lha
created at2024-09-03
size of install package42029 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
DJ Mike
Hall Of Light5407
Lemon Amiga3484
download images for that installandynoble.co.uk

Short : HD Installer for Doody
Author: DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com)
Version: 1.1
Type: game/patch
Requires: WHDLoad 18, 512k chip mem

This patch applies to "Doody" © 1991 W.G.S.S.

You can download a disk image with the game from Andy Noble's website:

Alternatively download the archive from Aminet and extract somewhere first:
If you use the Aminet version, you must have XPK installed, available here:


- Compatible file (110,360 bytes original, or 102,060 bytes Aminet version)
  (Cracks have not been tested and are not supported)
- Slave requires WHDLoad 18+
- Game requires 512k chip memory
  (+ approx 110k other memory for preload option)


- Game loads fully from HD
- Quit game at any time (default key F10), including on 68000 machines
- OS calls removed (no Kickstart ROM required)
- Highscores loaded and saved to disk
- Decruncher and stack pointer moved to fast memory if available
- Game bug fixed: Missing or glitching sound effects
- Game bug fixed: Access fault when player dies
- Blitter nasty setting removed
- Missing blitter waits fixed x10
- CPU-dependent (empty DBF) loops fixed x6
- Trainer/other options added - set CUSTOM1 with any of the following:
  + 1 for infinite lives
  + 2 for infinite time
  + 4 for in-game cheat keys (screen flashes blue for on, red for off):
    * HELP to skip level
    * L to toggle infinite lives
    * I to toggle invulnerability
- Set CUSTOM2=1-32 to select starting level
- Color/New/Rom Icons included
- Source code included


Version 1.1 (2024-09-03)
- Startup crash fixed on certain setups (e.g. TF1260) due to caching.
  Thanks funK and CCRider on EAB forums for reporting and testing.

Version 1.0 (2024-09-02)
- Initial release


I started this patch on a whim after seeing the game mentioned in the video
"Lies of the Robots" from Modern Vintage Gamer (greetings to Dimitris!).
It's a shameless rip off of the NES Mario Bros but it's really fun to play,
and nicely presented.

The game works well for the most part but there were a couple of bugs that
needed addressing. A misread of a data value resulted in the game accessing
chip memory higher than 512k when it shouldn't. There is also a bug where
sound effects either go missing, or noise will play instead.

It turns out that the game carefully sets up the audio DMA channel it wants
to play, but then instead of switching on that one channel, it accidentally
switches on all of them, due to the register used for tracking the DMA
channel being corrupted by a loop. Easily solved, and quite understandable
how it got missed.

Added the usual extras like trainers and saved highscores.

Enjoy! :-)

Greetings and thanks to DanyPPC at EAB for testing, and to the WHDLoad team.

--- DJ Mike (2nd September 2024)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Doody.slave - 03.09.2024 16:34:58 - 1672 bytes
required WHDLoad version18
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
optional Expansion Memory4 KiB ($fffffffffffff000)
info nameDoody
info copy1991 W.G.S.S.
info installInstalled and patched by DJ Mike
Version 1.1 (03-Sep-2024)
Cheat Keys (if enabled):
HELP - Skip Level
I - Toggle Invulnerability
L - Toggle Infinite Lives
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Infinite Lives:0
C1:X:In-game Cheat Keys:2
C2:L:Start Level:Default,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32

Install Archive Content Listing
67771lh55353Amiga2024-09-01 23:46:32DoodyHD/Doody.colicon
75211lh54718Amiga2024-09-01 23:29:18DoodyHD/Doody.colicon2
190841lh55576Amiga2024-09-01 23:47:30DoodyHD/Doody.newicon
199581lh54650Amiga2024-09-01 23:42:24DoodyHD/Doody.romicon
16721lh51200Amiga2024-09-03 16:34:58DoodyHD/Doody.slave
11931lh5663Amiga2024-08-10 20:09:36DoodyHD.info
406731lh510196Amiga2024-09-01 22:59:14DoodyHD/Install
7061lh5349Amiga2024-09-01 23:01:04DoodyHD/Install.info
30371lh51657Amiga2024-09-03 16:39:34DoodyHD/ReadMe
20041lh51547Amiga2002-09-03 13:11:20DoodyHD/ReadMe.info
137731lh55537Amiga2024-09-03 16:45:28DoodyHD/src/Doody.asm

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last change : 2024-09-03
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