That patch applies to Deflektor (c) 1988 Gremlin.
This install has the imager-version 1.00 and the slave-version 1.11.
It needs WHDLoad10+ and the Patcher1.02+ in the path (eg in c:).
To install from a different drive than df0: select Expert as
installation mode. There is also a slave for WHDLoad0.608 in the
package. Sourcecode is included.
To update an existing install, copy readme and slave to the
existing game-directory.
Fixed: Stackframe error.
Diskprotection removed.
With keyboard control, the firebutton is now the right
shift-key (On my A1200 return+cursor_left was simply
If you tried to turn a mirror in both directions at the same
time, the program crashed spectacularly (it was possible
with keyboard control).
Default quitkey is numerical *. Change it with the QUITKEY-tooltype.
Enhanced: Saves highscores now.
Controls added: Up and down turn a mirror by only one step.
F10 pauses the game (its a feature that that works in the title
screen too).
The install is tested on a 2 MB A1200, and on an 18 MB 68030.
Comment: Initially, a fast nonstandard one with 5 h fixing/installing time.
History: V1.0 14-jul-1997 Initial release.
V1.11 09-nov-2000 Highscoresaving added, controls changed,
crash fixed.
Disclaimer: Although i try to make my installs as reliable as possible, you
use them wholly on your own risk.
Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha
Other installs:
Report bugs with the bug report form on that page.
Harry in july 1997/october-november 2000. |