Short : HD-Installer for Campaign 2 V1.1
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal
This patch applies to "Campaign 2" by Empire (c) 1994 - 2 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V15+ and ROM files installed in DEVS: for KickEmu.
Game requires 0.5MB ChipRAM + 0.5MB RAM.
Installation needs XFDDecrunch in path to decrunch files 'Intro' and 'Master'.
- version 1, intro size 831508, (supported by Ricardo Alvez)
- version 2, intro size 831440, bug-free intro (supported by Seppo Typpo)
- Full load from HD
- Kick 1.3 interface used
- Two versions supported
- Manual protection removed
- Intro exit routine fixed
- Savegames redirected to HD
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)
- Language menu is displayed only if file "CAMPAIGN.INF" is deleted.
- SPS version with ID #2180 is actually Campaign 1 with intro from Campaign2, that's why it's not supported. :)
V1.0 (16-Mar-2002) - first release
V1.1 (21-Oct-2002) - another version supported (thanks Seppo)
V1.2 (02-Aug-2008) - recompiled with latest KickEmu, FlushCache added, version detection improved
Special WHDLoad functions allow to load ROM image in Fast RAM and they patch
it, so installed game has no problems with bad emulation of OS calls.
To be able to use KickEmu slaves, you have to copy files 'kick34005.A500' and
'kick34005.A500.RTB' in your 'DEVS:Kickstarts/' directory. KickEmu slave requires
extra 512kb for storing ROM image.
Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: |