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Blastar< >Blazing Thunder

Blasteroids (Tengen/Image Works)

download the install packageBlasteroids.lha
created at2013-09-14
size of install package91136 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker1106
Hall Of Light142
Lemon Amiga170

Short : HD-Installer for Blasteroids
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Blasteroids" © 1987 Tengen/Image Works

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 14+ and DIC
 - 512 Kb ChipMem (+880 Kb OtherMem for preload option)

Version 1.3 (14.09.2013) by Psygore:
 - Set CUSTOM1=1 to have unlimited credits
 - QuitKey works on 68000 now
 - New install script
 - BoxIcons added
 - Manual included

Version 1.2 (01.07.2002) by Psygore:
 - Supports Kixx Software Classix version (all files can be depacked)

Version 1.1 (23.06.2002) by Psygore:
 - Supports another version (thanks Chris Vella!)

Version 1.0 (07.06.2002) by Psygore:
 - Nice Color/NewIcon and CoverIcon included
 - Disk protection removed
 - Blitwaits inserted
 - Hiscores are saved on HD
 - Quit with F10

Thanks to:
- Christian Sauer for the original disk and his CoverIcon
- Sebastian Zielinski for the Kixx Software Classix version

The Kixx Software Classix is a debugged version, which runs on all cpu,
has blitter waits, files are packed with RNC and the disk protection
is removed.

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whdload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 09.2013

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Blasteroids.slave - 14.09.2013 14:38:28 - 1468 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info nameBlasteroids
info copy1987 Tengen/Image Works
info installInstalled & fixed by Psygore
Version 1.3 (14 Sep 2013)
Thanks to Christian Sauer
and Chris Vella
for the original disk!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:B:Unlimited credits

Install Archive Content Listing
254741lh521708Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.colbox
254441lh521592Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.colbox2
130421lh512722Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.colcsauer
85901lh57952Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.colicon
184421lh57735Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.newicon
14681lh51096Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Blasteroids.slave
39751lh51798Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD.info
349291lh58723Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Install-Blasteroids
37141lh52575Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Install-Blasteroids.info
20461lh5945Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Manual
19901lh51313Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/Manual.info
16701lh5841Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/ReadMe
19901lh51312Amiga2013-09-14 14:38:28BlasteroidsHD/ReadMe.info

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