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Ufonix< >Unbelievable

Ultimate Gameboy Simulator (Symbiosis)

download the install packageSymbiosis_UltimateGameboy.lha
created at2002-08-20
size of install package25806 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
download images for that installwww.aminet.net

Short:    HD-Installer for The Ultimate Gameboy Simulator
Author:   Galahad of Fairlight (gldflt@blueyonder.co.uk)
Version:  1.0
Type:     demo/patch

This patch applies to The Ultimate Gameboy Simulator, ©1992 Symbiosis

- Slave requires WHDLOAD V14+.
- Demo requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem (+ 0.5 MB other memory for preload option)

- Full load from Hard drive
- Protracker Replayer replaced
- 4x Interrupt routines rewritten
- End Scroller rewritten to use CPU
- Installer and Icons by Frank!
- Quit option is 'Del'

Thanks to Mad Matt for remembering this cool old game :)


This cool old Nintendo Gameboy Tetris emulator is a nice attempt to
recreate the cool 8bit game.

Some may not have realised that if you quit the actual game with the
Right Mouse Button, it takes you to a credits scroller.

All graphics and music are good, and deserved to be installed :)
Demo can be found here: 

De-archive the file to RAM:, the installer will handle the rest.

Only this file at this HTTP site is supported!!

Signed Galahad & Frank

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
UltimateGameBoySim.slave - 18.08.2002 15:14:04 - 1356 bytes
required WHDLoad version14
flagsDisk NoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameUltimate Gameboy Simulator
info copy1992 Symbiosis
info install--------------------------
Installed and fixed by
Galahad of Fairlight
Version 1.0 (16.08.2002)
Installer and Icons by:

Install Archive Content Listing
33650lh521562002-08-16 05:34:24SYMBIOSIS-UGBS.info
43830lh515792002-08-18 14:10:24SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\Install
26940lh516802002-08-16 05:34:26SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\Install.info
43120lh523592002-08-16 05:34:26SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\proreplay.bin
13250lh57342002-08-18 15:13:46SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\ReadMe
43140lh527452002-08-16 05:34:26SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\ReadMe.info
87530lh565832002-08-16 05:34:26SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\UltimateGameBoySim.coloricon
199440lh566592002-08-16 05:34:26SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\UltimateGameBoySim.newicon
13560lh58282002-08-18 15:14:04SYMBIOSIS-UGBS\UltimateGameBoySim.slave

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