2025-02-15 10:45 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006459RawDIC[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-04-03 21:42
Assigned ToProject InfoRaw Data Disk Image Creator
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006459: Provide disk image size in structures or when calling dsk_DiskCode
DescriptionI would like to get the size of the disk image when dsk_DiskCode is called, either in a register, by reading a field from a structure or calling a rawdic function.

Use case: I have updated the Turbo Outrun imager to support 2 different versions (1 disk US version, 2 disk SPS 1064 version). As I had to use a DOS track to get the checksum for determining the game version but didn't want to add it to the saved disk image, I used the FL_NOFILES flag and save the disk image data in my own dsk_DiskCode custom routine. I found no way to retrieve the size of the disk image, so I had to calculate it manually by using the tracklist as input. Worked well, but is rather inconvenient.

Is there any possibility to get the size of the resulting disk image when dsk_DiskCode is called? I didn't find anything but I may have missed something.

Additional InformationI have attached the imager source which may help to understand the problem better.
TagsNo tags attached.
GFXCardPicasso IV
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem96 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files
  • ? file icon TurboOutrun_ImagerSlave.s (5,452 bytes) 2024-04-03 21:42 -
    *             /                                                           *
    *       _____.__ _                                         .___.          *
    *      /    /_____________.  _________.__________.________ |   |________  *
    *  ___/____      /    ____|_/         |         /|        \|   ._      /  *
    *  \     \/      \    \     \    /    |    :___/¯|    \    \   |/     /   *
    *   \_____________\___/_____/___/_____|____|     |____|\_____________/    *
    *     -========================/===========|______\================-      *
    *                                                                         *
    *   .---.----(*(       TURBO OUTRUN IMAGER SLAVE            )*)---.---.   *
    *   `-./                                                           \.-'   *
    *                                                                         *
    *                         (c)oded by StingRay                             *
    *                         --------------------                            *
    *                             March 2024                                  *
    *                                                                         *
    *                                                                         *
    ** History			***
    ; 02-Apr-2024	- disk image size optimised, unformatted tracks are not
    ;		  saved anymore
    ;		- support for the 2 disk version (SPS 1064) added
    ; 01-Apr-2024	- imager for 1-disk US version is finished 
    ; 31-Mar-2024	- work started, adapted from my Afterburner imager
    	dc.b	1		; Slave version
    	dc.b	0		; Slave flags
    	dc.l	.disk1		; Pointer to the first disk structure
    	dc.l	.text		; Pointer to the text displayed in the imager window
    	dc.b	"$VER: "
    .text	dc.b	"Turbo Outrun imager V1.1",10
    	dc.b	"by StingRay/[S]carab^Scoopex "
    	dc.b	"(02.04.2024)",0
    	CNOP	0,4
    .disk1	dc.l	0		; Pointer to next disk structure
    	dc.w	1		; Disk structure version
    	dc.w	DFLG_SWAPSIDES	; Disk flags
    	dc.l	.Tracks_US_Version		; List of tracks which contain data
    	dc.l	0		; UNUSED, ALWAYS SET TO 0!
    	dc.l	FL_NOFILES	; List of files to be saved
    	dc.l	.CRC		; Table of certain tracks with CRC values
    	dc.l	Two_Disk_Version	; Alternative disk structure, if CRC failed
    	dc.l	0		; Called before a disk is read
    	dc.l	.Save_Image	; Called after a disk has been read
    .CRC	CRCENTRY	001,$2084
    	TLENTRY	001,001,512*11,SYNC_STD,DMFM_STD
    	; boot code (encrypted)
    	TLENTRY 002,003,6000,$A245,.decode1
    	; main game data
    	TLENTRY 004,029,6200,$4854,.decode2
    	; unformatted
    	;TLENTRY 030,039,6200,$0000,DMFM_NULL
    	; level data
    	TLENTRY 040,0158,6200,$A245,.decode2
    	move.l	#512*11,d0	; skip track 0 (only used to determine version)
    	move.l	#(3-2+1)*6000+(29-4+1)*6200+(158-40+1)*6200,d1
    	bra.w	Save_Disk_Image
    	move.w	#6000/4-1,d7
    	bra.b	DecodeTrack
    	move.w	#6200/4-1,d7
    ; d0.w: track number
    ; d7.w: track size (long words, adapted for dbf)
    ; a0.l: ptr to mfm buffer
    ; a1.l: ptr to destination buffer
    	move.l	#$55555555,d3
    	move.w	d0,d5
    	cmp.w	#4,d0		; tracks 2-3: no checksum
    	blt.b	.skip
    	move.l	a0,a4
    ; calculate checksum
    	move.w	#$c1d,d1
    	moveq	#0,d0
    .calc	sub.l	(a4)+,d0
    	dbf	d1,.calc
    	move.l	(a4)+,d1
    	move.l	(a4)+,d2
    	and.l	d3,d1
    	and.l	d3,d2
    	add.l	d1,d1
    	or.l	d1,d2
    	cmp.l	d0,d2
    	bne.b	.checksumerror
    	addq.w	#8,a0
    	cmp.w	#4,d5
    	bge.b	.no
    	addq.w	#8,a0			; skip checksum
    .loop	move.l	(a0)+,d0
    	move.l	(a0)+,d1
    	and.l	d3,d0
    	and.l	d3,d1
    	add.l	d0,d0
    	or.l	d1,d0
    	move.l	d0,(a1)+
    	dbf	d7,.loop
    	moveq	#IERR_OK,d0
    .ok	rts
    	moveq	#IERR_CHECKSUM,d0
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	dc.l	.disk2		; Pointer to next disk structure
    	dc.w	1		; Disk structure version
    	dc.l	.tracks		; List of tracks which contain data
    	dc.l	0		; UNUSED, ALWAYS SET TO 0!
    	dc.l	FL_NOFILES
    	dc.l	0		; Table of certain tracks with CRC values
    	dc.l	0		; Alternative disk structure, if CRC failed
    	dc.l	0		; Called before a disk is read
    	dc.l	.Save_Disk1_Data; Called after a disk has been read
    .disk2	dc.l	0		; Pointer to next disk structure
    	dc.w	1		; Disk structure version
    	dc.l	.tracks2	; List of tracks which contain data
    	dc.l	0		; UNUSED, ALWAYS SET TO 0!
    	dc.l	FL_NOFILES
    	dc.l	0		; Table of certain tracks with CRC values
    	dc.l	0		; Alternative disk structure, if CRC failed
    	dc.l	0		; Called before a disk is read
    	dc.l	.Save_Disk2_Data; Called after a disk has been read
    .tracks	TLENTRY 000,000,$1600,SYNC_STD,DMFM_STD
    	TLENTRY 002,016,$1600,$4891,DMFM_STD
    	TLENTRY 018,018,$1600,$4891,DMFM_NULL
    	TLENTRY 020,094,$1600,$4891,DMFM_STD
    	TLENTRY 000,158,$1600,$4891,DMFM_STD
    	TLENTRY 001,101,$1600,$4891,DMFM_STD
    	moveq	#0,d0
    	move.l	#270336,d1
    	bra.b	Save_Disk_Image
    	moveq	#0,d0
    	move.l	#737792,d1
    	bra.b	Append_Disk_Image
    	lea	Disk_Image_Name(pc),a0
    	jmp	rawdic_SaveDiskFile(a5)
    	lea	Disk_Image_Name(pc),a0
    	jmp	rawdic_AppendDiskFile(a5)
    	dc.b	"Disk.1",0
    ? file icon TurboOutrun_ImagerSlave.s (5,452 bytes) 2024-04-03 21:42 +


There are no notes attached to this issue.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-03 21:42 StingRay New Issue
2024-04-03 21:42 StingRay File Added: TurboOutrun_ImagerSlave.s
+Issue History