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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006218NibbyNibble[All Projects] Generalpublic2023-10-13 20:58
ReporterMatthew Warr 
Assigned ToAsmanProject InfoNibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato)
Summary0006218: Hi. There is a strange bug in this game that only occurs on a Amiga 500 plus.
DescriptionGameVersion: PD version
SlaveVersion: 1.0 and 1.1

There is a strange bug in this game that only occurs on a Amiga 500 plus. It happens everytime without exception with both the floppy disk PD version, and WHDload installed game.
The bug does not occur on a standard Amiga 500 and it doesn't occur on a Amiga 1200 either. It does happen with both a 68000 cpu and a 68010 cpu in the 500plus.
The issue happens no matter what ROM is used as far as I can tell.
On a Amiga500 plus, if you perform the move left, down, left, up in quick succession then it causes you to loose a life, even though you haven't hit yourself. The game freezes for a moment and you loose a life, but it does not show a collision. This happens if you use the keys or a joystick.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.2
KickROM47 - Kick 3.2
Attached Files



note ~0013105

Asman (developer)

Last edited: 2023-08-06 20:37

View 2 revisions

When I back from holidays (about 8 august) then I am going to check this issue.

note ~0013113

Asman (developer)

I tried to reproduce this issue but without luck. I need more information.
I attached new test slave with empty level, please check if issue also happen with this slave and back to me. Thanks a lot.

note ~0013147

Matthew Warr (reporter)


I'll definitely give it a test when I get chance. It might take me a little time to get round to it though.


note ~0013205

Matthew Warr (reporter)

Hi. I've finally got round to it. No issue on the 500plus using that slave. Works perfectly.

note ~0013206

Asman (developer)


Thanks for report. Deleted previously attached slave and attached new one (the same name). Please check if issue happen with this slave and back to me. Thanks a lot.

note ~0013213

Matthew Warr (reporter)

Hi. Yes the issue does happen in the second slave, however only after carrots are eaten. If I'm careful to avoid the carrots then the issue doesn't happen.

note ~0013215

Asman (developer)


Thanks for testing. There is a bug when EXTER int is set in VERTB int I think. Attached another slave (the same name). Please check if issue still happen and back to me. Thanks a lot


note ~0013220

Matthew Warr (reporter)

Hi. The issue is still present even with the latest slave

note ~0013227

Asman (developer)

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for feedback. Its seems that my fixes were wrong. I cannot reproduce this issue, so I am affraid it will take some time. So I replaced slave with another one 1.1c internal. Please check and back to me with information. Thanks a lot.


note ~0013234

Matthew Warr (reporter)

Hi Asman

Yes the bug is still present



-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-01 21:45 administrator New Issue
2023-08-01 21:45 administrator Status new => assigned
2023-08-01 21:45 administrator Assigned To => Asman
2023-08-06 20:36 Asman Note Added: 0013105
2023-08-06 20:37 Asman Note Edited: 0013105 View Revisions
2023-08-10 09:35 Asman File Added: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-08-10 09:35 Asman Note Added: 0013113
2023-08-10 09:35 Asman Assigned To Asman =>
2023-08-10 11:30 Asman Assigned To => Asman
2023-08-10 11:30 Asman Status assigned => feedback
2023-08-21 22:58 Matthew Warr Note Added: 0013147
2023-08-21 22:58 Matthew Warr Status feedback => assigned
2023-09-30 23:40 Matthew Warr Note Added: 0013205
2023-10-03 16:19 Asman File Deleted: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-03 16:20 Asman File Added: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-03 16:22 Asman Note Added: 0013206
2023-10-06 19:32 Matthew Warr Note Added: 0013213
2023-10-07 11:41 Asman File Deleted: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-07 11:41 Asman File Added: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-07 11:44 Asman Note Added: 0013215
2023-10-08 00:19 Matthew Warr Note Added: 0013220
2023-10-09 14:43 Asman File Deleted: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-09 14:43 Asman File Added: NibbyNibble.slave
2023-10-09 14:46 Asman Note Added: 0013227
2023-10-13 20:58 Matthew Warr Note Added: 0013234
+Issue History