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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000574Silents_Ice[All Projects] Generalpublic2009-04-10 00:28
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoIce (Silents)
Summary0000574: Ice: Ugh, with WHDload 16.1 this slave stoped working! =:-O There are problems
DescriptionInstall: Ice (Silents) http://whdload.de/demos/Silents_Ice.html
GameVersion: orginal one disk
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 20.05.2000

Ugh, with WHDload 16.1 this slave stoped working! =:-O There are problems before, but now the intro running very slow (beginning with the scroller "presents") and when one click to get later, then it crash completely... The slave definitively need to be updated...
TagsNo tags attached.
CPU68060 + PPC
GFXCardCyberVision 64/3D
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files


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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator New Issue
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator Status new => assigned
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator Assigned To => Psygore
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator Machine => A4000
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator CPU => 68060 + PPC
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator CPUSpeed => 50
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator ChipSet => AGA
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator GFXCard => CyberVision 64/3D
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator ChipMem => 2 MB
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator FastMem => 128 MB
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator Workbench => OS 3.9
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator KickROM => 40 - Kick 3.1
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator KickSoft => None
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator WHDLoad => 16.1
2009-04-10 00:28 administrator imported => yes
+Issue History