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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002070Walker[All Projects] Generalpublic2011-09-09 14:05
Assigned ToCodetapperProject InfoWalker (DMA Design/Psygnosis)
Summary0002070: Walker: Both versions (crunched & decrunched) crash as soon as I start the
DescriptionInstall: Walker (DMA Design/Psygnosis) http://whdload.de/games/Walker.html
GameVersion: english,pal,3 disks
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 19.06.2002

Both versions (crunched & decrunched) crash as soon as I start the game. A requester appears, telling me this:
Exception "Illegal Instruction" ($10)
at $64 occured.
Tried different settings (with & without speech, more stack etc.), but it's allways the same. The intro loads properly, but I'm unable to start the game. Any clue?
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
Attached Files



note ~0001062

Mailman (reporter)

I noticed this also but I could not find any particular rule what causes this. Once I loaded the game it quitted, next time I managed to reach the third level where I died.

note ~0002475

Patrick (reporter)

Last edited: 2011-09-10 04:07

View 3 revisions

Apparently, the problem doesn't occur any more with WHDLoad 17.0. Thanx for the support anyway.

Edit: I was wrong! I just noticed that my Oxypatcher was deactivated (for some other testing purposes) and THAT solved the problem. Thus Oxypatcher causes the crash. I really don't know how this can be possible since WHDLoad freezes the whole system including all the patches in background, but finally after more than 2 years I recognized the reason for the issue... yay! \o/


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator New Issue
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator Status new => assigned
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator Assigned To => Codetapper
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator Machine => A1200
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator CPU => 68060
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator CPUSpeed => 50
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator ChipSet => AGA
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator GFXCard => None
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator ChipMem => 2 MB
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator FastMem => 128 MB
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator Workbench => OS 3.9
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator KickROM => Other
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator KickSoft => None
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator WHDLoad => 16.9
2009-05-17 23:02 administrator imported => yes
2009-05-18 18:24 Mailman Note Added: 0001062
2011-09-09 14:05 Patrick Note Added: 0002475
2011-09-10 04:07 Patrick Note Edited: 0002475 View Revisions
2011-09-10 04:07 Patrick Note Edited: 0002475 View Revisions
+Issue History