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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004598Gods[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-05-08 11:06
ReporterPascal De Maeseneire 
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoGods (Bitmap Brothers)
Summary0004598: Hi, With the lastest slave 3.0 and only on my A500 ECS PAL (8372A) with my
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal,2 SPS IPF 666 Files disks
SlaveVersion: version 3.0 (01.05.2020)

With the lastest slave 3.0 and only on my A500 ECS PAL (8372A) with my ACA500PLUS 7MB.
The game start correctly but before game menu I have a black screen with only "Loading Game Please Wait" and the menu never come...
With an older slave from version 2.3 (14.01.2004)the game start correctly.
For security check I make a new full install from lastest tool with SPS IPF 666 Files disks.
I see that You changed chipmem usage to 512k.
Please, Could You add an alterative slave like 2.3 (for Memory used).
Many Thanks,
Best Regards,
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem1 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1.4
KickROM45 - Kick 3.1.4
KickSoft45 - Kick 3.1.4
Attached Files
  • zip file icon Gods.zip (2,516 bytes) 2020-05-08 09:38



note ~0008601

JOTD (developer)

Hmm I'm not sure at all that it's the memory layout which is a problem.

I can provide a 1MB fullchip slave even if i doubt it will correct your issue.

note ~0008602

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

OK, I will try it when it will on attach
But it seeems strange because with slave v2.3 it works perfectly on same system with same files...

note ~0008603

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Quitkey works perfectly.... with latest slav not enough to full load the game till the menu...

note ~0008604

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

I had same issue with ChaosEngine2 ECS on my aca500Plus ...
previous version works and lastest slave doesn't works see my note 8198 for ChaosEngine2.
Please peraph Could You make a relation between these 2 issues

note ~0008605

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

peraphs some information about ACA500 Memory on wiki aca500Plus from Icomp (Creators of ACA systems)

They said : If you are a programmer, or just interested in how the ACA500plus works internally, you can find lots of information here: ACA500plus_registers


note ~0008606

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Gods & Chaos Engine 2 together from Bitmap Brothers

note ~0008618

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Your lastest slave 3.1 or alternative 1MB slave doesn't works on my ACA500PLus.
I tried many tooltypes but it doesn't works...
Downgrade my ACA @7Mhz doesn'yt works too...

The game start correctly but before game menu I have a black screen with only "Loading Game Please Wait" and the game menu never come... But QuitKey works perfectly...Full game only works with slave v2.3. really strange...

On my A1200 & WinUAE ... Gods.slave works directly and I can Play with the game.

Sorry for that report,
Best regards,

note ~0008653

JOTD (developer)

I think I found a really serious issue. Can you test again with the attached slave of this bugreport?

note ~0008654

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

I just try Your latest slave v3.2 only on my ACA 500 Plus..
The game finish to works till the menu,I can can play now...
But it make a very... very... long time (About 3 min) between "Loading Game Please Wait" and the game's menu "Begin Quest". After this menu, it works correctly and normaly about speed game.
Best Regards,

note ~0008655

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Retry with slave v2.3 time till the meny is very small (maybe 10s)

note ~0008656

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

with v3.2 ToolType is not activate but are You sure that there isn't any problems with buttonwait fonction beacuse if I press spacebar or return key on my Keyboard... it seems it works little more quickly but with anormal time... in comparaison with v2.3

note ~0008657

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

or left mouse button ... I can't I cannot determine exactly ...

note ~0008658

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

sorry but tonight I'm really tired ... I'm going to bed now ... see you soon,
Best Regards,

note ~0008659

JOTD (developer)

I reverted another change. I attached another version. Can you test it ?

I'm sure this is going to work :)

note ~0008660

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Yes with Your lastest slave on attach... it works perfectly on my ACA500plus...
Many thanks for your works...
For verification I Tried it too on my A1200 & under WINUAE without any problems.
Very happy,
Best regards,

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-02 22:28 administrator New Issue
2020-05-02 22:28 administrator Status new => assigned
2020-05-02 22:28 administrator Assigned To => JOTD
2020-05-03 00:38 JOTD Note Added: 0008601
2020-05-03 00:46 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008602
2020-05-03 00:48 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008603
2020-05-03 01:07 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008604
2020-05-03 01:43 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008605
2020-05-03 01:52 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008606
2020-05-03 22:02 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008618
2020-05-08 00:14 JOTD Note Added: 0008653
2020-05-08 00:14 JOTD File Added: Gods.zip
2020-05-08 00:48 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008654
2020-05-08 00:51 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008655
2020-05-08 01:09 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008656
2020-05-08 01:12 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008657
2020-05-08 01:14 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008658
2020-05-08 09:37 JOTD File Deleted: Gods.zip
2020-05-08 09:38 JOTD File Added: Gods.zip
2020-05-08 09:39 JOTD Note Added: 0008659
2020-05-08 10:53 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008660
2020-05-08 11:06 JOTD Status assigned => closed
2020-05-08 11:06 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History