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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004465Oscar[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2020-04-14 01:20
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoOscar (Flair Software)
Summary0004465: Last improvements in this slave ?
DescriptionFirst of all, thank you for this ECS support ! It works well and that's a very nice one. Loadings were so horrible on floppy disks. But if possible, here are some little improvements that would be nice too :

   - Exit key doesn't work on 68000
   - CD32 joypad support on ECS version would be nice to pause game.
   - If second button option is used to jump, up on d-pad would be disabled.

Lastly, a more difficult modification that impact directly the gameplay is the little freeze when Oscar jump and hit the ground. I don't know if it's a thing that can be patched with WHDLoad? if I express myself wrong, just look on Youtube on the SNES version of Oscar. In this one, Flair fixed the issue and the game is really smoother.
Steps To ReproduceJust play the game :-)
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0008092

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)

Hi JOTD, thank you too for this ECS add !!!
On my A500ACA500Plus all seems to works correctly... for myself
QuitKey works perfectly (QuitKey=$46) [DEL]

note ~0008093

ixien (reporter)

Just tried again after the Pascal De Maeseneire note. But with the original 68000 onboard, not an expansion card, I confirm quitkey doesn't work (and the same problem with my WinUAE configuration).

PS : I'm redescovering this one with this slave, the adjustments are really nice. With the little one I ask, it would be better again ;-)

note ~0008129

JOTD (developer)

not doing the "delay while landing" thing. Others issues are now fixed.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-10 12:21 ixien New Issue
2020-04-10 13:27 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0008092
2020-04-10 13:45 ixien Note Added: 0008093
2020-04-11 23:33 JOTD Assigned To => JOTD
2020-04-11 23:33 JOTD Status new => assigned
2020-04-14 01:20 JOTD Status assigned => closed
2020-04-14 01:20 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
2020-04-14 01:20 JOTD Note Added: 0008129
+Issue History