WHDLoad MantisBT - Switchblade2
View Issue Details
0005161Switchblade2[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2021-04-25 17:462021-05-13 00:29
Assigned ToJOTD 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Summary0005161: Slowdowns and glitches in this new version.
Descriptionslowdowns and glitches in this new version. No problem with the prvious one (v1.3).
Steps To ReproduceTested on real hardware but partially reproduced on Winuae (only some slowdowns)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Fileszip Switchblade2.zip (2,614) 2021-05-08 23:44

2021-05-08 18:19   
I've added an option to disable blitterwaits among other fixes. Can you test again?
2021-05-08 20:31   
It's far better ;-) But I continue to suffer of glitchies at the beginning of the games, during the outside part. It's only during this part and only on my real Amiga, not WinUAE. Difficult to say if something can be made if you can't reproduce the problem without trying it on a real Amiga.
2021-05-08 23:45   
attached a new slave. Can you test with just disable blitterwaits, and not enable second button/joypad controls
2021-05-09 09:57   
You got it, it perfectly works now. I suppose you change something as I make all my test without the second button control.

Some more interesting tests :
       - Second button option : no glitchies now with this one. If you press Pause button on a CD32 joypad, game freezes of course but you can't resume it pressing PAUSE again. Need to press P on keyboard to resume game.
       - Joypad controls : Glitchies with this option, blue/yellow doesn't work to jump and PAUSE button needs to press P on keyboard to resume game!
2021-05-09 10:04   
(Last edited: 2021-05-09 10:07)
that's interesting because second button option also enables joypad controls option... so if "joypad controls" is an issue, it's anyway enabled by "second button". I'm puzzled here.

enabling "joypad controls" alone just enables meta keys (play => pause, broken... fwd+rev+yellow: quit to wb). But keeps "up" as jump. Just for the people who prefer that even with a joypad connected...

Yeah, I noticed that there's a bug for pause. And no way to quit game either (ESC??). I'll fix that one too.

My personal opinion is that disabling blitter fixes on 68000 is the reason why it works better. Blitterwaits aren't necessary on a standard 68000/7MHz because the game was designed with that speed in mind. So adding extra waits of course slows down the game to a point where vertical refresh is out of sync and glitches happen.

2021-05-09 10:11   
I just realize that you made the 2d button jumps option act like the joypad controls and it's perfectly working (blue/yellow buttons to low/high jumps and quit combination). But PAUSE option keeps the same problem (keyboard needed to resume).

As an advice, please disconnect UP on the D-Pad, because mixing controls by mistake sometimes make doing weird things to the main character :-).
2021-05-09 10:15   
but UP is already disconnected when 2/3 button jump is enabled, unless player encounters a ladder to climb on (always hard to implement this feature)

2021-05-09 10:55   
II will make some more tests after something I have to do this end of morning.

But IMO, to have a simple option system, you should just keep a full joypad control option. The ones that want to play with the original gameplay play on a joystick that means they play on Amiga and have their keyboard for pause and quit options. On joypad, keeping the original gameplay while you got a jump buttons option is a nonsense as making a high jump on a D-Pad is just a pain in the neck (down then up was design for joysticks). And for the ones that play with a second button only joypad (Megadrive)? Well, mixing down + 2d button is not more ergonomic than down + up.

You see, here the gameplay of Switchblade 2 using a joypad needs 3 buttons to be really effective, so only for CD32 joypad users I think.

That's why I think that you should keep only 2 choices : normal gameplay or full joypad gameplay.
2021-05-09 10:59   
Or maybe a cycle option, not 2 boxes to tick, to be sure to have a simple system that doesn't permit to select 2d button and joypad controls options at the same time.

Issue History
2021-04-25 17:46ixienNew Issue
2021-04-25 17:57StingRayAssigned To => JOTD
2021-04-25 17:57StingRayStatusnew => assigned
2021-05-08 18:18JOTDFile Added: Switchblade2.zip
2021-05-08 18:19JOTDNote Added: 0010226
2021-05-08 20:31ixienNote Added: 0010231
2021-05-08 23:44JOTDFile Deleted: Switchblade2.zip
2021-05-08 23:44JOTDFile Added: Switchblade2.zip
2021-05-08 23:45JOTDNote Added: 0010235
2021-05-09 09:57ixienNote Added: 0010237
2021-05-09 10:04JOTDNote Added: 0010238
2021-05-09 10:05JOTDNote Edited: 0010238bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=10238#r1395
2021-05-09 10:07JOTDNote Edited: 0010238bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=10238#r1396
2021-05-09 10:11ixienNote Added: 0010239
2021-05-09 10:15JOTDNote Added: 0010240
2021-05-09 10:15JOTDNote Edited: 0010240bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=10240#r1398
2021-05-09 10:55ixienNote Added: 0010241
2021-05-09 10:59ixienNote Added: 0010242
2021-05-13 00:29JOTDStatusassigned => closed
2021-05-13 00:29JOTDResolutionopen => fixed