WHDLoad MantisBT - Loom
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0004310Loom[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-12-08 19:562020-03-19 00:26
Assigned ToJOTD 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1.4
KickROM45 - Kick 3.1.4
KickSoft45 - Kick 3.1.4
Summary0004310: Loom DE freeze

Loom in german language freeze as soon as the Bobbin Threadbare is walking to the city. This is directly at the beginning.
Steps To ReproduceStart the game and walk from the hill to the city
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2020-02-15 17:51   
can you share the german version? I only have CDTV german version, not floppy. It's possible that the support for this version is bad
2020-03-08 18:28   
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2020-03-08 18:49   
Today, I have try a new install With IPF Files from SPS 0618.
In the same time, i use French version from WHDownload (after include the latest slave).

On my A500 REV6A (Agnus 8372A) ACA500plus 7MB (OS + KICKSTART 3.14 A500)
Both games freeze directly after selection game (normak, essai or Expert).
If a use EXPLocal Option, so the game not freeze and that moment but after protection menu after 4 click the game freeze everytime and the game never start and need to restart my A500.

I Have try both version (French & UK) with the same and latest slave included in the install tool.
The result is the same at each time...

On my A1200 GVP A1230II WITH 32 MB RAM (OS + KICKSTART 3.14 A1200)
the same installed games with the same latest slave.
both version games start correctly (mode selection & Protection) after that the game start correctly and you can play ...but, at one moment (never the same)the game freeze and I need to restart my A1200...
To pass the freeze I just add EXPCHIP Option... With the option the game seem to work correctly.

On winuae Virtual A1200 8MB RAM (OS 3.5 + KS 3.1)
Both games works correctly … seems without any freeze

I hope that you can help me.

Many thanks,
Best regards,
Pascal De Maeseneire


Issue History
2019-12-08 19:56MolatiNew Issue
2019-12-10 13:36WeplProjectWHDLoad => Loom
2019-12-10 13:36WeplAssigned To => JOTD
2019-12-10 13:36WeplStatusnew => assigned
2020-02-15 17:51JOTDStatusassigned => feedback
2020-02-15 17:51JOTDNote Added: 0007721
2020-03-08 18:28retrogamerNote Added: 0007822
2020-03-08 18:49Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0007823
2020-03-08 21:42JOTDStatusfeedback => acknowledged
2020-03-19 00:26JOTDStatusacknowledged => closed
2020-03-19 00:26JOTDResolutionopen => fixed